2.6 Jongmyo Shrine in Korea—Wish for Safety and Security of People and State韩国宗庙——庇佑国泰民安的圣地











Throughout(贯穿,遍及)much of traditional Asian culture, rite has been highly important, and in modern society preserving rite carries with it the meaning of maintaining basic social order. There are a number of rituals which are considered important forms of rite, and Jongmyo ritual is one of the most significant. Jongmyo is the term used for a place where memorial services are performed for deceased(已故的)kings. It is a symbol for nations themselves in that they guarantee order and successful ruling of the nation. Consequently, due to the importance of the ritual, Jongmyo shrines where the rituals are performed are classic in their architectural grace(魅力), detail and beauty.

Although such facilities(设施)existed in Korea as early as the Three Kingdoms Period, those that remained today in Seoul are from the Joseon Dynasty(1392—1910).

The Jongmyo Shrine well-known today is a shrine housing the spirit tablets of the former kings and queens of the Joseon Dynasty. The shrine is a symbolic structure that conveys(体现)the legitimacy(正统,合法性)of the royal family, where the king visited regularly to participate in the ancestral rites to wish for the safety and security of the people and state. Jongmyo is the oldest and most authentic of the Confucian royal ancestral shrines, with a unique spatial layout that has been preserved in its entirety. It was originally built in the late 14th century, but was destroyed during the Japanese invasion during the 16th century, and was rebuilt in the early 17th century with a few expansions made to the buildings thereafter.

Jongmyo is situated in valleys and surrounded by low hills, artificial additions created to reinforce the balance of natural elements on the site as defined in traditional geomancy(风水). Jongmyo is composed of three sets of buildings centered on Hyangdaecheong, a single building, on the main shrine, and the Hall of Eternal Peace, an auxiliary(辅助的,附加的)shrine. The main features are as follows: Jeong Moon (the main gate), Mang-Myo Ru, "Gong-min Wang" Shrine, Hyang-Dae Cheong, Jun-Sa Chung.

Chilsadang houses six deities, including the gods of palace gates, kitchens, roads, halls and rooms, entrances and exits, and those who die of epidemic diseases;Gongsindang houses the spirit tablets of 83 loyal subjects of the Joseon kings. Jonsacheong is where the ritual utensils and offerings used in the rites are prepared;Subokbang is the ground-keeper's residence, when the food offered during the rituals is examined.

Jongmyo Jeongjeon is surrounded by rectangular walls with gates to the south, east and west. The rectangular inner court platform is floored with rough granite slabs. Three sets of steps ascend the front of the stone base and there are smaller sets of steps at the far ends on either side. Jeongjeon itself is a wooden structure, both the left and the right flanking chambers. The two wings jut(突出)out into the Woldae. It is divided into several rooms, with the open corridors in front and the 19 inner shrine rooms, separated by wooden doors. The shrine rooms are divided into cubicles, for the 49 spirit tablets lodged there, and antechambers(前厅), which are in turn separated by screens. The gabled roof is supported by simple wooden brackets. The main entrance is reserved for the spirits and no one is allowed to pass through it. The east gate is used by the king and the smaller west gate by the musical performers.

In front of Jeongjeon is an impressive 150-meter-long, 100-meter-wide elevated stone yard called "Woldae" which is used during ceremonies by musicians, dancers and other participants. The large stone blocks which compose the yard provide a striking and solemn atmosphere as they lay in silence before Jeongjeon, and the yard greatly complements the architecture. The Jongmyo ritual itself has been designated(指定,特定)an Important Intangible Cultural Property by the government not only for its historical importance but for the splendor of the music, dance and ceremony. The preservation of the music, dance and ritual is carried out by the National Gugak Center, and the Jongmyo Jerye Safeguarding Society.

用英语畅谈Jongmyo Shrine in Korea黄金句

Throughout much of traditional Asian culture, rite has been highly important, and in modern society preserving rite carries with it the meaning of maintaining basic social order.在很多亚洲传统文化中,仪式都具有着非常重大的意义,在现代社会,保留仪式意味着基本社会秩序的维持。

Although such facilities existed in Korea as early as the Three Kingdoms Period, those that remained today in Seoul are from the Joseon Dynasty(1392—1910).虽然早在三国时期韩国就已经有这些设施了,但是现如今在首尔保留下来的那些却都是朝鲜王朝时期(1392年至1910年)的。

The shrine is a symbolic structure that conveys the legitimacy of the royal family, where the king visited regularly to participate in the ancestral rites to wish for the safety and security of the people and state.宗庙是体现皇室正统的象征性建筑,皇帝定期来宗庙参加祭祖仪式,祈求国泰民安。

Jongmyo Jeongjeon is surrounded by rectangular walls with gates to the south, east and west.正殿四面被矩形围墙围住,有三扇门分别通往南面、东面和西面。

The Jongmyo ritual itself has been designated an Important Intangible Cultural Property by the government not only for its historical importance but for the splendor of the music, dance and ceremony.宗庙祭礼本身也被韩国政府指定为一个重要的无形文化遗产,不仅因为它的历史重要性,还因为音乐、舞蹈和典礼的恢弘壮丽。

用英语畅谈Jongmyo Shrine

Korean Cultural Visit韩国文化之旅