Foreword I
Foreword II
Guide to the Use of the Dictionary
基础理论 Fundamental Theories
精气学说 Theory of Essential Qi
常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
阴阳学说 Yin-Yang Theory
常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
五行学说 Theory of the Five Elements/Phases
常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
天人相应 Correspondence between Nature and Human
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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脏腑 Zang-Fu Organs
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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官窍和形体 Sense Organs and Other Body Structures
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气、血、精、津液 Qi Blood Essence and Body Fluids
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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病因 Cause of Disease
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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病机 Mechanism of Disease
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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诊断学 Diagnostics
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诊法 Diagnostic Methods
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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辨证 Syndrome Differentiation (Pattern Identification)
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八纲辨证 Eight-principle Syndrome Differentiation (Eight-principle Pattern Identification)
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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六经辨证 Six-meridian / channel Syndrome Differentiation (Six-meridian /channel Pattern Identification)
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卫气营血辨证 Defense-qi-nutrient-blood Syndrome Differentiation(Defense-qi-nutrient-blood Pattern Identification)
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三焦辨证 Triple-energizer Syndrome Differentiation(Triple-energizer Pattern Identification)
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气血辨证 Qi-blood Syndrome Differentiation(Qi-blood Pattern Identification)
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津液辨证 Body Fluid Syndrome Differentiation(Body Fluid Pattern Identification)
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病因辨证 Disease-cause Syndrome Differentiation(Disease-cause Pattern Identification)
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脏腑辨证 Visceral Syndrome Differentiation (Visceral Pattern Identification)
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经络辨证 Meridian/Channel Syndrome Differentiation(Meridian/Channel Pattern Identification)
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治疗学 Therapeutics
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治则 Therapeutic Principles
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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治法 Therapeutic Methods
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中药学 Chinese Pharmaceutics
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中药的炮制、性能和剂型 Processing Properties and Dosage Forms of Chinese Medicinals/Drugs
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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中药的分类 Classification of Chinese Medicinals/Drugs
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常用的中药 Commonly Used Chinese Medicinals/Drugs
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方剂 Formulas
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成药 Patent Medicines/Drugs
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针灸学 Acupuncture and Moxibustion
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经络 Meridians/Channels and Collaterals
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俞穴 Acupoints
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针法 Acupuncture
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灸法及其他由针刺演变之疗法 Moxibustion and Other Techniques Derived from Acupuncture
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其他疗法与保健 Other Therapies and Health Preservation
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推拿按摩 Tuina and Massage
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气功 Qigong
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保健 Health Preservation
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常用引文 Commonly Used Citations
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临床各科 Clinical Medicine
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温病 Warm Diseases
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内科 Internal Medicine
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妇产科 Gynecology and Obstetrics
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儿科 Pediatrics
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外科 External Medicine
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眼科 Ophthalmology
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耳鼻喉科 Otorhinolaryngology
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口齿科 Stomatology and Dentistry
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骨伤科 Traumato-orthopedics
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医学史 Medical History
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名医 Distinguished Physicians
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名著 Leading Chinese Medical Works
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附录 Appendix
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中医名词术语中常用字的字义、英译及例证 Commonly Used Chinese Characters in TCM Terminologies: Their Meanings English Translations and Examples
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索引 Indices
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中文笔画索引 Chinese Character Stroke Index
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中文拼音索引 Chinese Character Phonetic Index
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引文索引 Index of Citations
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英文索引 Index of Terms in English
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更新时间:2021-04-13 08:56:15