Compiling Explanation and Acknowledgements
List of Authors
第1章 2017年中东局势述评
1.1 2017年中东局势剪不断,理还乱
1.2 叙利亚危机出现重大变化,战争没有结束
1.3 沙特局势对地区的影响
1.4 “小国大外交”的卡塔尔遭遇断交风波
1.5 也门乱局是中东持续动荡的缩影
1.6 耶路撒冷问题使巴以冲突复杂化
1.7 中东形成两大对立阵营
第2章 中阿贸易依存度
2.1 2016年中阿贸易发展概况
2.2 阿拉伯国家区域内和区域外贸易流动
2.3 中阿贸易依存度
2.4 贸易品依存度
第3章 中阿贸易结构
3.1 阿拉伯国家贸易结构
3.2 中国与阿拉伯国家的贸易发展情况
3.3 中国与海合会六国贸易状况
3.4 中国与北非阿拉伯国家贸易状况分析
第4章 中阿投资依存度
4.1 中国与阿拉伯国家相互投资情况和主要合作领域
4.2 阿拉伯国家与中国的投资依存度指数
4.3 中阿外资体制改革
第5章 中阿服务贸易
5.1 阿拉伯国家服务贸易概况
5.2 中阿服务贸易开放度比较与新趋势
5.3 工程承包业务
第6章 中阿农产品与食品贸易
6.1 中阿农产品与食品贸易发展情况
6.2 中国与阿拉伯国家农产品与食品贸易的主要来源国和目的国
6.3 中国农产品与食品在阿拉伯国家的市场竞争力
第7章 发展中的中阿金融市场
7.1 阿拉伯国家间接投资
7.2 人民币国际化进程
7.3 中阿金融自由度报告
第8章 2017中国-阿拉伯国家博览会举办情况
8.1 有力地促进了政策沟通
8.2 有力地促进了设施联通
8.3 有力地促进了贸易畅通
8.4 有力地促进了资金融通
8.5 有力地促进了民心相通
5. 中阿股票市场的相关性
6. 中阿GDP与物价水平的相关性
Chapter 1 Review of the Development of Middle East Situation in 2017
1.1 Middle East under Frequent Change of Situation
1.2 Major Changes Have Taken Place in the Syrian Crisis and the War Has not Ended
1.3 Influence of Situation in Saudi Arabia on the Region
1.4 Qatar, “A Small Country’s Diplomacy with Powers” Suffered a Diplomatic Break-up
1.5 Yemen’s Turmoil Epitomizes the Continuous Turmoil in the Middle East
1.6 Jerusalem Issue Complicates Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
1.7 Two Opposing Camps formed in the Middle East
Chapter 2 Dependence of China-Arab States Trade
2.1 Overview of China-Arab States Trade Development in 2016
2.2 Trade Flows Inside and Outside Arab Region
2.3 Dependence of China-Arab States Trade
2.4 Dependence Index of Traded Goods
Chapter 3 China-Arab States Trade Structure
3.1 Trade Structure of Arab States
3.2 Trade Development between China and Arab States
3.3 Trade Status between China and the Six GCC Countries
3.4 Analysis of Trade Situation between China and Arab States in North Africa
Chapter 4 Dependence of China-Arab States Investment
4.1 Mutual Investment Situation and Main Areas of Cooperation between China and Arab States
4.2 Investment Dependence Index between China and Arab States
4.3 Foreign Investment Institutional Reform of China and Arab States
Chapter 5 China-Arab States Trade in Services
5.1 Overview of Trade in Services in Arab States
5.2 Comparison and New Trend of the Openness of China-Arab States Trade in Services
5.3 Project Contracting Business
Chapter 6 China-Arab States Trade in Agricultural Products and Food
6.1 Development Situation of China-Arab States Trade in Agricultural Products and Food
6.2 Main Source Countries and Destination Countries of China-Arab States Trade in Agricultural Products and Food
6.3 Market Competitiveness of China’s Agricultural Products and Food in Arab States
Chapter 7 Developing China-Arab States Financial Market
7.1 Indirect Investment in Arab States[1]
7.2 Internationalization Process of RMB[4]
7.3 Report of Degree of Freedom of China-Arab States Finance
Chapter 8 Organization of China-Arab States Expo 2017
8.1 It Has Effectively Promoted Policy Coordination
8.2 It Has Effectively Promoted Convenient Transportation
8.3 It Has Effectively Promoted Trade Facilitation
8.4 It Has Effectively Promoted Currency Circulation
8.5 It Has Effectively Promoted People-to-people Bonds
Appendix 1
1 Analysis of the Flow of Funds Statements of China and Arab States
2 Imbalance in Current Accounts of Arab States
3 Coincident Index of China-Arab States Economic Cycle
4 Deposit-Investment Correlation Coefficient
5 Correlation of China-Arab States Stock Market
6 Correlation of China-Arab States GDP and Price Level
Appendix 2
Chronicle of Events in 2016
更新时间:2019-10-18 17:17:36