Section 1 Plague

Introduction of Plague

Plague is a natural disease caused by yersinia pestis. Plague is highly contagious disease with highly fatality rate. It is one of the most serious infectious diseases harmful to human health. It is an international quarantinable epidemic disease. A variety of rodents is the main source of infection and reservoir host of the disease,and the most important are Marmota and Citellus. There are 17 main sources of infection in our country. Patients with any model plague can be the source of infection,especially those with pneumonic plague whose phlegm can discharge a large number of yersinia pestis. It can cause rapid popularity through respiratory tract. The main route of transmission of human plague is fleas. It is transmitted from rodents,fleas to people.

The incubation period of the plague is short,usually from 1 to 6 days,most from 2 to 3 days. Clinical classification includes bubonic plague,pneumonic plague,septicemic plague. Bubonic plague is characterized by severe lymphadenitis,which is common in axillary,neck,and inguinal lymph nodes. Pneumonic plague may be primary or secondary to bubonic plague. It is acute,with high fever and systemic hematuria. It may come up in several hours with severe cough,chest pain and breathing difficulty,accompanied by a bubble or bright red blood sputum. Septicemic plague may be primary but more secondary to pneumonic plague or bubonic plague.

The disease progress is rapidly,with high fever chills or non-rised body temperature,and accompanied by severe toxemia,pale face,delirious,shortness of breath,blood pressure drops,extensive hemorrhage of skin mucous membrane and viscera.

Nearly 20 countries have reported plague in a decade,mainly in Africa and Asia. Plague has a long history in our country,and the natural foci of plague in China is distributed in 19 provinces(excluding Taiwan),296 counties Cases distributed in 114 counties in Jilin,Yunnan,Guizhou,Guangxi,Gansu,Xizang,Qinghai,Ningxia,Nei Mongol,Xinjiang and Sichuan.


Epidemiological Questionnaire for Cases of Plague


(本节编者-刘文辉 本节核对-吴迪 范淑君)