Chapter 1. Getting Started with Impressive Presentations

Presentations are one of the most effective ways of communicating our ideas to people who are interested in the topic. A perfect presentation will grab the attention of the audience and keep them interested in our ideas, while a bad presentation can bore our audience and ruin our reputation. This means that, the presentation creation tools play a vital role in designing a good presentation.

We used to create presentations with popular desktop programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Open Office Impress. Things have changed dramatically now and web-based presentations are gaining more interest from users. impress.js is one of the stand out frameworks among the web-based presentation creation libraries and tools. We are going to work on creating impressive visualizations with this framework from here on.

In this chapter, we are going to cover the following topics:

  • What is impress.js?
  • Built-in features
  • Beyond presentations with impress.js
  • Why is it important?
  • Downloading and configuring impress.js
  • Creating your first presentation

Ideally you should have basic knowledge of CSS and HTML to understand this chapter. Everything will be explained using detailed and simple examples and by the end of this chapter you will have the knowledge to create basic presentation with impress.js.

So let's get started!