Building Impressive Presentations with Impress.js
Rakhitha Nimesh Ratnayake更新时间:2021-07-27 18:13:27
Building Impressive Presentations with impress.js
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Chapter 1. Getting Started with Impressive Presentations
What is impress.js?
Built-in features
Beyond presentations with impress.js
Why is it important?
Downloading and configuring impress.js
Creating your first presentation
Chapter 2. Exploring Impress Visualization Effects
Introduction to CSS transformations
Positioning effects
Rotating effects
Rotations in practice
Scaling effects
The importance of positioning in scaling
Scaling in practice
Data perspective
impress.js under the hood
Chapter 3. Diving into the Core of impress.js
impress.js configuration
Understanding the impress API functions
Automating presentations
Creating custom transition timing
impress.js step events
How to use the step class
Working with keyboard configurations
Assigning custom keys for custom events
Adding new keys for new events
Handling the step click event
Chapter 4. Presenting on Different Viewports
Fullscreen presentations
Using impress.js inside a container
Developing a content slider
impress.js presentations on mobile devices
Issues in designing for mobile devices
Best design practices for mobiles devices
Chapter 5. Creating Personal Websites
Planning the website structure
Creating pages
Designing the home page
Designing the portfolio page
Designing the timeline page
Defining the timeline navigation
Designing the services page
Handling the navigation menu
Creating the navigation hint
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting
Browser compatibility
Handling unsupported browsers
Limitations and new features
Troubleshooting and support
Appendix A. Impress Tools and Resources
Impress presentation tools
Impressive presentations
impress.js demos from the book
更新时间:2021-07-27 18:13:27