1 适度负债论:工业企业负债率适度增加可以提高利润率水平吗?——来自2002—2016年的时序数据证据
1.1 问题的提出
1.2 国内外相关文献综述
1.3 模型的研究设计
1.4 研究结论
1 Theory of Moderate Debt:CanModerately Higher Debt Rate Help Improve the Profit Level of Industrial Enterprises?— with Evidence of Time-Series Data from 2002 to 2016
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Model Design
1.4 Conclusion
2 负债利率论:中小企业民间借贷利息价格博弈的研究
2.1 问题的提出
2.2 国内外研究现状
2.3 民间资金出借人与中小企业民间借贷网络结构分析
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2.4 民间资金出借人与中小企业之间的博弈分析
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2.5 对策与建议
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2.6 结论
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2 On Interest Rate of Debt:Research on Games of SME's Private Borrowing Interest
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2.1 Introduction
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2.2 Literature Review
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2.3 Analysis of Private Capital Lenders and the Network Structure of SME's Borrowing
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2.4 Analysis of Games between Private Capital Lenders and SME
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2.5 Countermeasures and Suggestions
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2.6 Conclusions
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3 模式创新与风险控制论(一):基于系统动力学对中小企业闭环供应链金融的动态仿真研究
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3.1 引言
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3.2 文献综述
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3.3 模型的建立与仿真分析
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3.4 总结
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3 Model Innovation and Theory of Risk Control(Ⅰ):Dynamic Simulationof Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Closed-Loop Supply Chain Finance Based on System Dynamics
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3.1 Introduction
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3.2 Literature Review
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3.3 Modeling and Simulation Analysis
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3.4 Conclusions
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4 模式创新与风险控制论(二):基于演化博弈及主观贝叶斯对中小企业线上保兑仓风险的仿真研究
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4.1 引言
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4.2 国内外文献研究综述
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4.3 中小企业线上供应链金融之保兑仓演化博弈分析
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4.4 社会网络下中小企业线上供应链金融之保兑仓主观贝叶斯分析
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4.5 总结
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4 Model Innovation and Theory of Risk Control(Ⅱ):Simulation Research onRisks of SME On-line Confirming Storage Business Based on Evolutionary Game Theory and Subjective Bayesian Method
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4.1 Introduction
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4.2 Literature Review
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4.3 Evolutionary Game Analysis of Confirming storage business in SME Online Supply Chain Financing
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4.4 Subjective Bayesian Analysis of Confirming Storage in SME Online Supply Chain Financing under Social Network
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4.5 Conclusions
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5 模式创新与风险控制论(三):基于因子分析和系统动力学仿真对信用证结算风险的研究
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5.1 文献综述
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5.2 基于探索性因子分析对信用证结算风险因素的研究
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5.3 信用证风险系统动力学仿真分析
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5.4 总结
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5 Model Innovation and Theory of Risk Control(Ⅲ):Researchon Risks of Letter of Credit Settlement Based on Factor Analysis and System Dynamics Simulation
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5.1 Literature Review
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5.2 Research on Risk Factors of L/C Settlement Based on Exploratory Factor Analysis
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5.3 SD Simulation Analysis of the L/C Risks
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5.4 Conclusions
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更新时间:2021-04-09 14:23:51