- 住院医师英语手册(第2版)
- 唐熠达主编
- 1217字
- 2025-03-15 09:03:23
2.主诉与现病史问诊 Chief Complaint
It includes the following aspects:①Onset and duration of the disease.②Main symptoms, location and their character.③Etiology and provoking factors.④Evolution of disease.⑤Associated symptoms.⑥Treatment and its effects.⑦General condition,especially the dietary habit.
What's troubling you?
What seems to be your trouble?
What seems to be bothering you?
What brings you to the clinic?
What happened to your leg?
Now I want to know more details about your disease.Please sit down and answer my questions.
How did it happen? Did you hurt yourself?
Could you tell me more about how you injured your elbow?
How long have you been like this?
Were there any inducements?
Did you notice anything associated with when this trouble starts?
Did you go to see doctor and do some examinations?
Were there any pain or difficulty when moving your right arm or walking?
Did you notice any deformity, abnormality, wound or bleeding of your right elbow or buttock at the time?
Did you use other medications?
What was the dose of them?
What about the effects of these medications?
Did you change the medications?
Did you do anything to relieve the pain?
Could you sleep without pain medications yesterday?
Do you have pain in other parts of your body?
Did you experience severe pain and numbness in your right hand and fingers?
Did you suffer from the side effect of this medication?
Why did you change the regimen?
Were there some other symptoms that happened after adjusting the regimen?
What about your symptoms?
When did the chest congestion happen? How did you relieve the chest congestion?
What about your eyesight?
Are there other symptoms that occurred recently?
What about your diet and rest?
What about your stool, urine and nocturia?
I need to ask you a few more questions and then examine you before I can tell you for sure.Can you grasp your right hand and move the elbow?
How are you going these days?
Did you do ...from the beginning to now as we have instructed you before?
Did you have any accidents last month, such as falls,knee sprains and so on?
Did you seek help from a physiotherapist?
Did you have warmth or swelling of your ...?
Have you found anything associated with when this trouble starts?
Have you taken any medications intake recently?
Did you eat many sea foods during the trip, and are you allergic to sea foods?
In any condition did you feel better or worse?
How may I help you?
Did you take your temperature?
How often do you feel feverish?
Do you have any other symptoms or problems apart from fever?
Do you feel hot and cold?
Any problems with your water work or bowels?
Have you noticed anything or any symptoms that led to the swelling? For example, cold?
What time of the day is the swelling worse?
How much water or fluid are you drinking per day?
How much urine are you passing per day?
Do you have any discomfort urinating or passing water?
Have you gained or lost any weight?
Do you have any other symptoms, like nausea,vomiting, palpitations, or short of breath?
Have you taken any medications or received any treatment since being unwell?
How long have you had this problem or these symptoms?
Is the pain there all the time?
Does anything make the pain worse? For example,on exertion.
Does the pain move to anywhere else?
Have you ever received any treatment before you came to the hospital?
When did your symptoms begin?
Is the pain there all the time or does it come and go?
Can you lie flat in bed?
Is the pain and breathing worse when you get up to walk?
Do you feel better when you lie on bed?
You should be admitted to hospital so that your treatment can start at once.
Does anything make it better or worse?
Did you bring up anything with your cough?
What color was the phlegm?
How bad is the cough?
Do the symptoms come on like an attack or develop more gradually?
Can he lie flat?
Do his lips turn(become)blue?
Is it worse any particular time of the year?
Has he ever had asthmatic attacks?
Please can you show me where on your tummy(or abdomen)you feel the pain?
Could you describe the pain, please?
How long have you had the pain?
How bad is the pain? Let's say on a 1 to 10 scale, 10 being the worst.How would you rate your pain?
Does anything bring on the pain or make it worse?
How about food, does it bring on the pain?
Have you had any similar attack before?
How is your bowel motion?
Have you lost any weight?
Do you have any other symptoms you would like to tell me about?
Have you sought medical advice since the pain started? Do they help?
Do any family members or close friends have similar symptoms?
Have you had a bowel movement today?
Do you vomit or feel nauseous?
How often do you pass stool in a day?
What does your stool look like apart from being black?
Did you do anything to relieve the pain?
Have you got fever in the recent four weeks?
Are you photosensitive?
Do you have pain on your joints or spine?
Do you have recurrent mouth ulceration?
Will your fingers or toes become white or blue when they are exposed to cold?
Is there any blood or foam in your urine?
Do you have chest pain or short of breath?
Do you have problems when sleeping?
What can I do for you and your little boy?
How long ago was that?
Did you notice which part of his body hit the ground first?
Did he lose consciousness?
How long did he lose consciousness?
Was there anything else unusual about him?
Did he have any nausea or vomiting?
Did he appear alright when he regained consciousness?
Did you notice he has any twisting of his arms or legs before the accident?
Did he have any trouble in keeping balance?
Have you noticed anything different about him before the swelling?
Has he seen any doctor?
What treatment has he received?
Has he taken any medications or received any treatment since being ill?