- 市政工程资料集1:基础资料
- 本书编委会
- 322字
- 2025-02-27 13:15:13
1.4 供热与燃气
1.4.1 供热与供热系统
供热 heat-supply
集中供热 centralized heat-supply
联片供热 group heating
区域供热 regional heating
城市供热 municipal heat-supply
分散供热 decentralized heat-supply
热电联产 heat and power cogeneration
供热能力 heating capacity
供热半径 heat range of heat-supply service
供热系统 heat supply system
区域锅炉房供热系统 heat-supply system based upon heating plant
热电厂供热系统 heat-supply system based upon heating power cogeneration plant
低温核供热系统 heat-supply system based upon low temperature nuclear reactor
工业余热供热系统 heat-supply system based upon industrial waste heat
地热供热系统 heat-supply system based upon geothermal energy
热水供热系统 steam heat-supply system
供热介质 heating medium 又称“热媒”
供水 water supply
回水 return water
高温水 high-temperature hot water
低温水 low-temperature hot water
过热蒸汽 superheated steam
饱和蒸汽 saturated steam
二次蒸汽 flash steam
补给水 make-up water
凝结水 condensate
供热介质参数 parameter of heating medium
热负荷 heating load,thermal load
标准额定热负荷 normal rated heat load
最大热负荷 maximun heating load
季节性热负荷 seasonal heating load
供暖热负荷 space heating load 又称“采暖热负荷”
常年性热负荷 year round heating load
热水供应热负荷 hot water heating load
生产工艺热负荷 process heating load
热指标 heating index
耗热量 heat consumptino
耗热定额 heat consumption quota