Time for action – GamePiece class methods – part 1 – updating

  1. Add the following methods to the GamePiece class:
    Public Sub SetPiece(type As String, suffix As String)
      _pieceType = type
      _pieceSuffix = suffix
    End Sub
    Public Sub SetPiece(type As String)
      SetPiece(type, "")
    End Sub
    Public Sub AddSuffix(suffix As String)
      If Not _pieceSuffix.Contains(suffix) Then
        _pieceSuffix &= suffix
      End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub RemoveSufix(suffix As String)
      _pieceSuffix = _pieceSuffix.Replace(suffix, "")
    End Sub

    The first two methods are overloads with the same name, but different parameter lists. In a manner similar to the GamePiece constructors, code that wishes to update a GamePiece can pass it a piece type and, optionally, a suffix.

    Additional methods have been added to modify suffixes without changing the pieceType associated with the piece. The AddSuffix() method first checks to see if the piece already contains the suffix. If it does, nothing happens. If it does not, the suffix value passed to the method is added to the _pieceSuffix member variable.

    The RemoveSuffix() method uses the Replace() method of the String class to remove the passed suffix from the _pieceSuffix variable.

Rotating pieces

The heart of the Flood Control play mechanic is the ability of the player to rotate pieces on the game board to form continuous pipes. In order to accomplish this, we can build a table that, given an existing piece type and a rotation direction, supplies the name of the piece type after rotation. We can then implement this code as a switch statement:

Rotating pieces