Installing Apache JMeter

To enable our performance testing, we'll install the open source tool Apache JMeter.

Getting ready

You'll need to install Java JDK Version 6 or higher on a machine to follow this recipe.

How to do it…

Follow these steps to complete the installation of Apache JMeter:

  1. Navigate to, and select the latest binary version for download. If you're on Windows, it will be easier to proceed with the ZIP file.
  2. The next step will assume that you've selected the ZIP version, or that you know what you're doing with the tar.gz file. Unzip the downloaded file. On Windows, you can right-click and select Extract All; on Linux, you can use the unzip or gunzip commands.
  3. Place the extracted contents in a suitable location. The rest of the recipe will use the location C:\performance-testing\apache-jmeter-2.8.
  4. Within the bin directory, run jmeterw.cmd on Windows, or on Linux (if using the ZIP bundle, remember to set the file as executable first via the chmod command).
  5. We now have JMeter installed and are ready to use.

How it works…

JMeter is simply a series of JAR files that are bootstrapped by wrapper scripts. There are no complicated installers or dependencies to maintain; all we need is an installation of Java to get going! This methodology extends into the rest of JMeter, so don't be put off if some of the recipes in this chapter don't seem glamorous; this is a powerful tool.

See also

  • The Creating a web service test by using JMeter recipe