- Mastering Adobe Captivate 8
- Damien Bruyndonckx
- 246字
- 2021-07-23 19:31:13
Meet the community
In this section, I'd like to introduce you to Anita Horsley, one of the most active members of the Captivate community and an awesome Captivate Certified Instructor. She has authored the video series Fast Track to Adobe Captivate 6, Packt Publishing (see http://www.packtpub.com/fast-track-to-adobe-captivate-6/video). She has also been a reviewer for two of my Captivate books. We finally met in October 2014 during the Adobe learning summit in Las Vegas. I was completely jetlagged by the trip, but Anita was kind enough to offer me a gigantic cup of coffee!
Anita Horsley
During Anita Horsley's tenure as a firefighter, she initiated, developed, and managed the health and safety program. At the Oregon State Fire Marshal, she founded the eLearning track as well as implemented and coordinated the eLearning team and the internal training. She managed the learning management system and chaired the Oregon State Captivate User Group. She is the founder and President of CALEX Learning Consultants, LLC, and an independent consultant. In addition, she is an Adobe Captivate instructor and eLearning developer. She presents webinars for Adobe and ASTD and at conferences nationally. She has authored the video tutorial series Fast Track To Adobe Captivate 6, Packt Publishing. She also has a blog named Crazy About Captivate that provides tips and tricks on Adobe Captivate. She holds a Master's degree and is an Adobe Certified Expert in Captivate.
Contact details
- Web: http://calex-llc.com
- Blog: http://captivatecrazy.blogspot.com
- Twitter:
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/anitahorsley
- Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+CALEXLearningConsultantsLLCCharleston/posts
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CALEXLearningConsultantsLLC