Subsidiary (Supplementary) tables
The Subsidiary (also called Supplemental) table type contains lists of codes, descriptions or other validation data. Subsidiary table examples are postal zone codes, country codes, currency codes, currency exchange rates, and so on. Subsidiary tables are often accessed by means of one of the Setup menu options because they must be set up prior to being used for reference purposes by other tables. In our WDTU example, tables 50001 Radio Show Type and 50007 Publisher are Subsidiary tables.
The following screenshots show some sample Subsidiary tables for Location, Country/Region, and Payment Terms. Each table contains data elements that are appropriate for its use as a Subsidiary table, plus, in some cases, fields that control the effect of referencing a particular entry. These data elements are usually entered as a part of a setup process and then updated over time as appropriate:
The Location list in the preceding screenshot is a simple validation list of the locations for this implementation. Usually, they represent physical sites, but depending on the implementation, they can also be used simply to segregate types of inventory. For example, locations could be Refrigerated versus Unrefrigerated, or there could be locations for Awaiting Inspection, Passed Inspection, and Failed Inspection:
The Countries/Regions list in the preceding screenshot is used as validation data, defining the acceptable country codes. It also provides control information for the mailing Address Format (general organization address) and the Contact Address Format (for an indpidual contact's address).
The Payment Terms table shown in the following screenshot provides a list of payment terms codes along with a set of parameters that allows the system to calculate specific terms. In this set of data, for example, the 1M (8D) code will yield payment terms of due in 1 month with a discount of 2% applied to payments processed within 8 days of the invoice date. In another instance, 14D payment terms will calculate the payment as due in 14 days from the date of invoice with no discount available: