- Create a hash table containing printer permissions:
$Permissions = @{
ReadPermissions = [uint32] 131072
Print = [uint32] 131080
PrintAndRead = [uint32] 196680
ManagePrinter = [uint32] 983052
ManageDocuments = [uint32] 983088
ManageChild = [uint32] 268435456
GenericExecute = [uint32] 536870912
ManageThisPrinter = [uint32] 983116
- Get a list of all printers and select the Sales Group color printer:
$Printer = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Printer `
-Filter "Name = 'SGCP1'"
- Get the SecurityDescriptor and DACL for each printer:
$SD = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $Printer `
$DACL = $SD.Descriptor.DACL
- For each Ace in the DACL, look to see what permissions you have set, and report accordingly:
ForEach ($Ace in $DACL) {
- Look at each permission that can be set and check to see if the Ace is set for that permission:
Foreach ($Flag in ($Permissions.GetEnumerator() ) ) {
# Is this flag set in the access mask?
If ($Flag.value -eq $Ace.AccessMask) {
- If this permission is set, then get the AceType:
$AceType = switch ($Ace.AceType)
0 {'Allowed'; Break}
1 {'Denied'; Break}
2 {'Audit'}
- Get the permission type, nicely formatted:
$PermType = $flag.name
-Csplit '(?=[A-Z])' -ne '' -join ' '
- Finally, display the results (and end the loops and If statement):
'Account: {0}{1} - {2}: {3}' -f $ace.Trustee.Domain,
$PermType, $AceType
} # End of If $flag,Value
} # End Foreach $Flag loop
} # End Each $Ace