- Hands-On Penetration Testing on Windows
- Phil Bramwell
- 331字
- 2025-02-25 02:49:58
Breaking out of jail – masquerading the stack
Imagine you're trying to get into a guarded door. The moment you open that door, a guard sees you and, identifying you as unauthorized, immediately kicks you out. But, suppose that an authorized person opens the door and props it open, and the guard will only verify the identity of the person walking through every 10 minutes or so, instead of continuously. They assume that an authorized person is using the door during that 10-minute window because they already authenticated the first person who opened it and propped it open.
Of course, this wouldn't happen in the real world (at least, I sure hope not), but the principle is often seen even in sophisticated industry-standard network access control systems. Instead of people, we're talking about packets on the network. As we learned from our fingerprinting exercise, the fine details of how a packet is formed betrays a particular source system. These details make them handy indicators of a source. It quacks like a duck and it walks like a duck, so it is a duck and definitely not a guy in a duck costume.
NACs employing this kind of fingerprinting technique will conduct an initial evaluation, and then assume the subsequent packets match the signature, just like our guard who figures the door is being used by the good guy after they do their first check. The reason for this is simple: performance. Whether the follow-up checks are every few minutes or never will depend on the NAC and configuration.
We're going to introduce a tool called Scapy to demo this particular attack. As we progress through this book, you will see that Scapy could easily replace most of the tools that pen testers take for granted: port scanners, fingerprinters, spoofers, and so on. We're going to do a quick demo for our NAC bypass here, but we will be leveraging the power of Scapy in coming chapters.