Custom company branding

Most companies like to see how they can apply their corporate identity to Azure services. With a few easy steps, you can show the most important capabilities. To add custom branding, you need to use an Azure Active Directory Premium 1, Premium 2, Basic, or Office 365 license. With the following simple example, you can see what you can customize. You can provide the customizing in different languages to address your own or your customers' needs. These configuration tasks are always a good starting point in a demo or a proof of concept. You are free to use your pictures and designs for this setup:

Customized portal example

The first thing we are going to change is the Name of the directory in the properties section. Just enter your desired name. We used INOVITCLOUDLABS by inovit GmbH. You can also provide your own technical and privacy contacts and links on the login page:

Azure AD tenant properties

Click Customize Branding, and you will see the following options. So that you can prepare your pictures and brands, we summarized the help information provided in Microsoft TechNet:

Azure AD portal-customizing options

Next, you will see a configuration summary.