
The Starter class includes two class variables, a constructor method, an accessor method, and two methods that toggle the starter on and off. The constructor is used to instantiate copies of the class. The accessor method simply returns the value of the poweredOn variable:

public class Starter {

private WidgetProductionSystem mediator;
private boolean poweredOn;

// Constructor
public Starter(WidgetProductionSystem mediator) {
this.mediator = mediator;
poweredOn = false;


// accessor
public boolean isSystemOn() {
return poweredOn;

public void turnOn() {
poweredOn = true;
System.out.println("Mediated Event: Started Powered On");

public void turnOff() {
poweredOn = false;
System.out.println("Mediated Event: Starter Powered Off");

Also provided are the turnOn() and turnOff() methods, which simply toggle the value of the powerOn variable.