- Active Directory Administration Cookbook
- Sander Berkouwer
- 450字
- 2021-06-24 14:42:06
Promoting the server to a domain controller
Follow these steps to promote the server to a domain controller:
- Open Server Manager ( servermanager.exe) or return to it, when you've accomplished the previous steps.
- In the left navigation pane, click AD DS.
- Click the More... link in the yellow ribbon (as shown in the following screenshot) titled Configuration required for Active Directory Domain Services at server:

- In the All servers Task Details and Notifications screen, follow the link to Promote this server to a domain controller. This starts the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard.
In the top-right corner of every Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard screen, it shows you the hostname of the Windows Server installation you're promoting to a domain controller.

- On the Deployment Configuration screen (as shown in the preceding screenshot), select the type of deployment you intend:
- Add a domain controller to an existing domain
- Add a new domain to an existing domain
- Add a new forest
The option, Add a domain controller to an existing domain, is the default one. It will create a replica domain controller in the domain. If this is not your preferred choice, and you are unsure of the choice to make, please refer to the Choosing between a new domain or forest recipe from Chapter 1 , Optimizing Forests, Domains, and Trusts. The More about deployment configurations link at the bottom of the Deployment configurations screen offers a web page from Microsoft with more information, too.
- Depending on your choices on the Deployment configuration screen, supply information for the Domain or Credentials fields. Click Next to proceed to the next screen.
- In all of the other screens for the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard, make the appropriate choices for the deployment scenario. Click Next > every time to proceed to the next screen, until you reach the Review Options screen:

- On the Review Options screen, as shown in the preceding screenshot, review the choices made. Click Next to proceed to the Prerequisites Check screen.
The Review options screen features a button labeled View script. This button displays the Windows PowerShell script used to execute the domain controller promotion. Especially when adding several domain controllers to an existing domain, this reusable script may be a real time-saver.
- After the prerequisites checks have been performed, click Install on the Prerequisites Check screen to start promotion.
After successful promotion, the Windows Server installation will reboot as a domain controller.