1.3 Editing Files

Configuring a Linux system typically involves editing files. For those new to Linux it can be unclear which editor to use. If you are running a terminal session and do not already have a preferred editor we recommend using the nano editor. To launch nano in a terminal window simply enter the following command:

# nano <file>

Where <file> is replaced by the path to the file you wish to edit. For example:

# nano /etc/passwd

Once loaded, nano will appear as illustrated in Figure 1-2:

Figure 1-2

To create a new file simply run nano as follows:

# nano

When you have finished editing the file, type Ctrl-S to save the file followed by Ctrl-X to exit. To open an existing file, use the Ctrl-R keyboard shortcut.

If you prefer to use a graphical editor within the GNOME desktop environment gedit is a useful starting point for basic editing tasks. To launch gedit from the desktop press Alt-F2 to display the Enter a Command window as shown in Figure 1-3:

Figure 1-3

Enter gedit into the text field and press the Enter key. After a short delay, gedit will load ready to open, create and edit files:

Figure 1-4

Alternatively, launch gedit from a terminal window either with or without the path to the file to open:

# gedit

# gedit /etc/passwd