- 2015麻醉学新进展
- 邓小明 姚尚龙 曾因明主编
- 661字
- 2025-02-18 07:56:20
1. Brown E N,Lydic R,Schiff N D.General anesthesia,sleep,and coma.The New England journal of medicine,2010,363 (27):2638-2650.
2. Mashour G A. Cognitive unbinding:a neuroscientific paradigm of general anesthesia and related states of unconsciousness.Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews,2013,37(10 Pt 2):2751-2759.
3. Leung L S,Luo T,Ma J,et al.Brain areas that influence general anesthesia.Progress in neurobiology,2014,122:24-44.
4. Feshchenko V A,Veselis R A,Reinsel R A.Propofol-induced alpha rhythm.Neuropsychobiology,2004,50(3):257-266.
5. Tai Sk M J,Leung Ls. Medial Septal Cholinergic Neurons Modulate Isoflrane Anesthesia. Anesthesiology,2014,120 (2):392-402.
6. Liu Y W,Zuo W,Ye J H.Propofol stimulates noradrenalininhibited neurons in the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus by reducing GABAergic inhibition. Anesthesia and analgesia,2013,117(2):358-363.
7. Nelson L E,Guo T Z,Lu J,et al.The sedative component of anesthesia is mediated by GABA(A)receptors in an endogenous sleep pathway. Nature neuroscience,2002,5(10):979-84.
8. Moore J T,Chen J,Han B,et al.Direct activation of sleeppromoting VLPO neurons by volatile anesthetics contributes to anesthetic hypnosis.Current biology:CB,2012,22(21):2008-2016.
9. Zhang Y,Y T,Qian K.Muscarinic M1 Receptors Regulate Propofol Modulation of GABAergic Transmission in Rat Ventrolateral Preoptic Neurons. J Mol Neurosci,2014,Oct 8. [Epub ahead of print].
10. Kim K H.Safe Sedation and Hypnosis using Dexmedetomidine for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery in a Prone Position.The Korean journal of pain,2014,27(4):313-320.
11. Vizuete J A,Pillay S,Ropella K M,et al.Graded defragmentation of cortical neuronal firing during recovery of consciousness in rats.Neuroscience,2014,275:340-351.
12. Alkire Mt M J,Hahn El,Trivedi An.Thalamic microinjection of nicotine reverses sevoflurane-induced loss of righting reflex in the rat.Anesthesiology,2007,107(2):264-272.
13. Kelz M B,Sun Y,Chen J,et al.An essential role for orexins in emergence from general anesthesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2008,105(4):1309-14.
14. Brown E N,Purdon P L,Van Dort C J.General anesthesia and altered states of arousal:a systems neuroscience analysis.Annual review of neuroscience,2011,34:601-628.
15. Xie P,Yu T,Fu X,et al.Altered functional connectivity in an aged rat model of postoperative cognitive dysfunction:a study using resting-state functional MRI.PloS one,2013,8 (5):e64820.
16. Zhang Y,He J C,Liu X K,et al.Assessment of the effect of etomidate on voltage-gated sodium channels and action potentials in rat primary sensory cortex pyramidal neurons.European journal of pharmacology,2014,736:55-62.
17. Zhang Y,Wang C,Zhang Y,et al.GABAA receptor in the thalamic specific relay system contributes to the propofolinduced somatosensory cortical suppression in rat.PloS one,2013,8(12):e82377.
18. Lydic R B H.Sleep,anesthesiology,and the neurobiology of arousal state control.Anesthesiology,2005,103(6):1268-1295.
19. Franks N P.General anaesthesia:from molecular targets to neuronal pathways of sleep and arousal.Nature reviews Neuroscience,2008,9(5):370-386.
20. Saper C B,Fuller P M,Pedersen N P,et al. Sleep state switching.Neuron,2010,68(6):1023-1042.