- 透视创意设计的传播要素和运行机制
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- 951字
- 2025-02-18 10:00:51
As an effective tool making our life with beauty and art,creative design does not only create the use value,but also bring about more symbolic value.Living in the post-materialism society consumers are in the pursuit of the value satisfaction,so the designers have to use the language,emotions,stories,images,pop culture and other symbolic elements to strengthen the cultural connotations of commodities,making the goods full of metaphorical characteristics to meet the consumers' demands for the poetic life.Aesthetic phenomenon of everyday life makes the design industry develope rapidly and the business communities begin to demonstrate the following features:“everything goes as the text”and“anything can be seen as the symbol”.The influence of the information has been strengthened as never before,which promote the point of the view of“created symbolic value”has become the basic mechanism and the basic logic of modern society.That time of The Society of the Spectacle and Society of the Signs have certainly arrived.
Making symbols and understanding symbols play important roles in the design process,which lays an important foundation for the diffusion of the design works.Designers use the sense elements to convey the product information,and the consumers try to understand the designers' meanings according to their own knowledge and experience.The process of the coding and decoding not only promote the communication between designers and consumers,but also demonstrate the symbolic characteristic of creative design works.
With the continuous development of digital technology,the Internet thinking began to seep into the design industry,and Witkey,Crowdfunding,E-commerce and other models have changed the industry,not only create new job op portunities for the design talents and provide new financing channels for the businessoperators,but also constructe a new system to stimulate the mass consumer market.With the rise of China's international status,Chinese design will become maturer,which means that“new Chinese”lifestyle as well as the value of elegant beauty willaffect the whole world in one day.
Key words: creative design; cultural industry; communication elements;information society