
The advent of SSL VPN ushers in a new era in remote computing. Where older remote-access technologies were expensive, complicated to use, and often deployed to only limited user populations, SSL VPN delivers remote access to the masses at a much lower cost than its forerunners, and in a much simpler format. It transforms remote access from a convenience enjoyed by a select few to a mainstream business option available to everyone.

An exciting new technology, SSL VPN leverages web browsers to provide access to enterprise applications, systems, files, and other resources from essentially any Internet-connected web browser, abandoning the long-standing model of requiring specialized client software to enable remote access.

SSL VPN offers several significant benefits over previous generations of remote access tools. Typically:

  • It is much easier to use.
  • It is much easier to implement and maintain.
  • It offers access from many more locations and devices.
  • It is much less expensive to maintain.
  • It can serve as an integral component of a business-continuity strategy.

As of the publishing of this book, several key analyst firms have issued reports on the SSL VPN market; while they may differ in the rankings of the vendors in the space, they are all in agreement that SSL VPN is gaining rapid acceptance into corporate infrastructures. Annual SSL VPN related revenue, which exploded in 2002-2003, continues to grow at a healthy pace.