Time for action – expermenting with your Alfa card

Follow the instructions carefully:

  1. Enter the iwconfig wlan0 command to check the capabilities of your card. As you can see in the following screenshot, the Alfa card can operate in the b and g bands:
  2. Just for demo purposes, when I connect another card, a D-Link DWA-125, we see that it is capable for b, g, and n bands:
  3. To set the card on a particular channel we use the iwconfig mon0 channel X commands:
  4. The iwconfig series of commands does not have a channel hopping mode. One could write a simple script over it to make it do so. An easier way is to use airodump-ng with options to either hop channels arbitrarily or only a subset or only selected bands. All these options are illustrated in the following screenshot when we run airodump-ng –help:

What just happened?

We understood that both wireless sniffing and packet injection depend on the hardware support available. This would mean that we can only operate on bands and channels allowed by our card. Also, the wireless card radio can only be on one channel at a time. This would further mean that we can only sniff or inject in one channel at a time.

Have a go hero – sniffing multiple channels

If you would like to simultaneously sniff on multiple channels, you would require multiple physical Wi-Fi cards. If you can procure additional cards, then you can try to sniff on multiple channels simultaneously.