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- 550字
- 2025-02-26 09:35:48

Guzel Maitdinova
历史学博士,获艺术评论学位,现任俄罗斯-塔吉克(斯拉夫)大学教授,塔吉克斯坦建筑学院通信会员。拥有苏联(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,USSR)国家发明创造委员会15项原创专利,2项塔吉克斯坦共和国创造专利权。发表超过180项研究作品。发表过的专著包括:《吐火罗斯坦服饰:历史和联系》(1992)、《塔吉克斯坦古代和中世纪时期肉食消耗文化和体系》(与A.E.内玛提合著,1993)、《中亚中世纪早期面料》(1996)、《塔吉克斯坦古代和中世纪早期服饰》(2003)、《塔吉克服饰史》(2卷,2004)、《俄罗斯经济利益在塔吉克斯坦地区面临的机遇与挑战》(与G.V科什拉科夫,M.图拉娃合著,2009)、《丝绸之路中亚地区文明对话:历史融合和21世纪新坐标》(2015)等。另外,还曾就国际关系和地理政治问题发表多篇学术论文。
Guzel Maitdinova is the Doctor of History,the Candidate of Art criticism,Professor of the Russian-Tajik(Slavic)University,and the Corresponding Member of the Tajik Academy of Architecture and Construction,She owns 15 author's certificates of State Invention Committee of USSR,and 2 invention patents of Republic of Tajikistan,She published over 180 research works,The published monographs include:“The costume of Tokharistan:history and connections”(1992),“The system and the culture of meal-consumption of Tajiks-Ancient and Medieval periods”(co-authored with A,E,Negmati,1993),“Early Medieval textiles of Central Asia”(1996),“Genesis of the Tajik costume:Antiquity and Early Middle ages”(2003),“History of Tajik costume”in 2 volumes(2004),“The Economic interests of Russia in Tajikistan:the challenges and possibilities”(co-authored with Koshlakov G,V.,Turaeva M.,2009),“The dialogue of the civilizations in Central Asian area of the Great Silk Road:the experience of the historical integration and the landmarks of the 21stcentury”(2015),There are academic research papers on the problems of International relations and Geopolitics being published for the past decades.