Read the following simple poem by Mary Lamb:Mary Lamb:玛丽·兰姆,英国文学家,生于1764年,卒于1847年

In MemoriamIn Memoriam:纪念死者(系拉丁文)

A child’s a plaything for an hour;

Its pretty tricks we tryits pretty tricks we try = we try its pretty tricks

For thatthat = an hour or for a longer space,space:时间

Then tire,and lay it by.lay it by:置之于旁

But I knew oneone = one child that to itself

All seasons could control;that to itself all seasons could control = that could control all seasons to itself:此儿能管理四季(谓无论何时皆取悦于人也)

That would have mock’d the sense of pain

Out of a grieved soul.would have mock’d the sense of pain out of a grieved soul:或竟能以嘲笑之法,使痛苦之念自悲哀之心灵中逃出(意即竟能使人忘忧)

Thou stragglerstraggler:走来走去而无定者 into loving arms,

Young climber up of knees,

When I forget thy thousand ways,

Then life and all shall cease!When I forget thy thousand ways,then life and all shall cease:当我忘却汝之种种行动之时,生命及一切俱将停止矣(谓我至死不肯忘也)!

This poem consists of twelve lines,in three groups of four lines each. A line is called a verse. A group of (usually four or more) verses is called a stanza.

Read the poem aloud,and you will feel that each verse consists of three or four units of two syllables each,the first unaccented and the second accented. Such a unit is called a foot. In English prosody,there are four common kinds of feet. A foot of two syllables with the accent on the second is called an iambus,as “indeed”. A foot of two syllables with the accent on the first is called an trochee,as “lady”. A foot of three syllables with the accent on the third is called an anapaest,as “magazine”. A foot of three syllables with the accent on the first is called a dactyl,as “recently”. Of these four,the iambus is by far the commonest.

In each of the stanzas of the above poem,there is a certain identityidentity:相同 of sound between the ends of the second and fourth verses. This identity of sound is called rhyme.rhyme:韵 A one-syllable rhyme is called male or masculine or single,as in “try” and “by”. A two-syllable rhyme is called female or feminine or double,as in “mother” and “brother”. There are three-syllable and four-syllable rhymes,but they are not common.

Now read the above poem again and answer these question:

1.How many verses does it consist of?

2.How many stanzas does it consist of?

3.How many feet does each verse consist of?

4.What kind of feet are they?

5.How many rhymes does this poem contain?

6.Are they male or female rhymes?