When you open a new book,which part do you read first? I read the preface first — that is,after glancingglancing:望;视 at the title-page.title-page:扉页 I read the preface very carefully and as a ruleas a rule:习以为常 more than once.

But several people tell me that they do not read prefaces,and I have seen it given in the short preface to a certain book in justification of its shortness that readers do not usually read prefaces.have seen it given in the short preface to a certain book in justification of its shortness that readers do not usually read prefaces:曾见某书中之短序中谓读者往往不读序文,借以证明其短为正当 I have yet to seekhave yet to seek:尚须寻;尚未见过 a man or a woman who has read through the preface to Webster’s New International DictionaryWebster’s New International Dictionary:此书系美国G. & C. Merriam Co.出版 or even thatthat = the preface to The Concise Oxford Dictionary.

If you do not happen tohappen to:适;碰巧 have the habit of reading the preface,I would advise you to read it. The preface to a book states its purpose,subject,scope,scope:范围 etc.etc. = et cetera:等等 The reading of it will show you what you may expect in the book and whether it is the kind of book you need,you need = that you need and will thus ensure a more intelligentintelligent:聪明的 and more respectfulrespectful:恭敬的 perusalperusal:诵读 or save much time that might otherwise be wasted on it.

By the way,the reading of the preface may revealreveal:显出 the fact that the book is written by a person who has butbut = only a poor knowledge of the subject’ he professes to deal with,professes to deal with:自认为论述 so that it is not worth reading at all.not worth reading at all:不值一读的 I have latelylately:近来 come across a handbookhandbook:小书 of English grammar and rhetoricrhetoric:修辞学 the very firstvery first:正是第一 sentence of whose preface contains a grammatical mistake and reads more like a Chinese sentence than an English one,reads more like a Chinese sentence than an English one(= sentence):读起来颇像中文句子而不像英文句子 and also an English translation of a Chinese novel whose preface forms a good example of bad spelling,bad grammar,and bad usage.usage:(词之)惯用法