5.Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases
5.1 Unhealthy Diet
The percentage of energy from dietary fat was 32.9% in 2012, 6.1% higher than the upper limit (30.0%) recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2007) (hereinafter referred to as “Dietary Guidelines”), with that of rural residents close to the upper limit. Although the average salt intake from home made food decreased to 10.5g in 2012 from 12g in 2002, it was still 75.0% higher than the recommended amount (6g) in the Dietary Guidelines.
5.2 Tobacco Use
The existing number of smokers exceeded 300 million in China. The smoking rate of people aged 15 years and above was 28.1% and that of men was 52.9%. The percentage of non-smokers exposed to second hand smoking was 72.4%. There was no signif cant difference between urban and rural smokers.
5.3 The Harmful Use of Alcohol
Alcohol consumption of residents aged 18 years and above (converted into pure alcohol volume) was 3L in 2012, with which of male (5.6L) was higher than that of female (0.3L). The rate of harmful drinking in drinkers aged 18 years and above was 9.3% in 2012, with which of male (11.1%) higher than that of female (2.0%) and that of rural (10.2%) higher than that of urban (7.5%).
5.4 Physical Inactivity
According to the sampling results of sports building activities and physique of the population aged between 20~69 years by General Administration of Sport of China (GASC), the rate of regular exercise of the above age group was 18.7%.