- 何兆熊《综合教程(5)》(第2版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】
- 圣才电子书
- 2字
- 2021-05-21 22:22:34
Unit 2
Text I
stoically ['stəuikli] adv. 坚忍地,恬淡寡欲地
【例句】She conducted herself stoically in her time of grief. 她悲伤时,表现出奇的冷静。
dissuade [di5sweid] v. 劝阻,阻止
【例句】My teacher dissuade me from accepting the job. 老师劝我不要接受这份工作。
【搭配】dissuade from doing 劝阻某人不要做
forcibly [5fC:sEbElI] adv. 用力地,强制地;有说服力地
【例句】①Children were taken forcibly from their mothers. 孩子们被强行地从他们母亲身边夺走。
②If you want me to put your case forcibly, you must brief me thoroughly beforehand.
repressed [rI5prest] adj. 被压抑的,被抑制的
v. 抑制;镇压;约束
【例句】①She repressed her desire to mention his name. 她压制住自己没有提他的名字。
②They set the shop on fire to blow off their repressed emotion. 他们放火烧商店,以发泄压抑的情绪。
maniacal [mE5naiEkEl] adj. 疯狂的,狂热的
【例句】He was almost maniacal in his pursuit of sporting records. 他对打破体育记录的追求是近乎疯狂的。
mustiness [mʌstinis] n. 陈腐;无力气;霉臭
【例句】I also dislike ferment, mustiness and all other defective flavours. 我当然也不喜欢发酵味、霉味和所有的缺陷风味。
mothball [mCW7bC:l] n. 卫生球,樟脑丸
closet [5klRzit] n. 橱柜;私室,小房间;盟洗室,厕所
【例句】Put the coats back into the closet. 请把大衣放回到壁橱里。
【词组】be closeted with与…密谈
of the closet不切实际的
【助记】close it 关起来的地方
scent [sent] n. 气味;香水;嗅觉;线索
v. 嗅出;觉察到(坏事等)存在,怀疑有
【例句】There is a rose that has no scent. 那是无香味的玫瑰。
【词组】scent of 有…的迹象;发出…的气味
tap [tAp] n. 塞子,旋塞,水龙头;轻拍,轻叩;窃听
v. 轻打,轻敲,轻拍;利用,开发;窃听
【例句】The teacher tapped her fingers on the desk impatiently. 老师不耐烦地用手指敲着桌子。
【词组】turn on (off) the tap 开(关)龙头
tap into 挖掘,接进
tap (at/on sth.) 轻敲;轻拍;轻击;轻踏
【派生】tapping n. 轻敲声
kowtow [5kEu5tau] v. 磕头,顺从,唯命是从
【例句】I refuse to kowtow to anyone. 我决不屈从任何人。
chant [tFB:nt] n. 吟唱;反复的大声说;吟唱的曲调
v. 吟唱,反复说
【例句】Demonstrators chanted slogans. 示威者们反复地喊着口号。
【词组】chant the praise of绝口称赞;chant horses用欺诈手段贩卖马
ideograph [5IdIE^rB:f] n. 象形文字;表意文字
【例句】Chinese characters are an ideograph different from the alphabetic writing.
painstakingly ['peins,teikiŋli] adv. 煞费苦心地,费力地
【例句】The garment store they so painstakingly built up also ended in failure. 他们苦心经营的服装商店也以失败而告终。
blotch [blCtF] n. 斑点,污点
vt. 弄脏
【例句】He pointed to a dark blotch upon the starry sky some miles astern of us.
multiplication table 乘法表
disassociate [7disE5sEuFieit] v. (在思想上)把…分开,使分离
【例句】I wish to disassociate myself from this very sad decision. 我希望我同这个令人遗憾的决定撇清关系。
nagging [5nA^iN] adj. 唠叨的;挑剔的;叫人不得安宁的
【例句】I can't stomach your constant nagging. 我再也忍受不了你不停的唠叨了。
outshout [7aut5Faut] v. 叫得比…响
【例句】Notice how every communications supplier is trying to outshout another about how may offices it has around the world? 值得注意的是:几乎每家航空公司都在争先恐后地宣称它在世界上有多少多少个办事机构?
vendor [5vendE] n. 卖主;小贩;[贸易] 自动售货机
【例句】Is the vendor always held responsible if goods are faulty? 如果产品有瑕疵,卖主是否一定要负责到底?
raunchy [5rC:ntFi] adj. [俚]粗俗的,不修边幅的
lilt [lilt] v. 轻快地动;唱轻快的调子
n. 轻快的动作,轻快的调子
【例句】The listener is obliged to add details such as phrasing and lilt mentally.
refinement [ri5fainmEnt] n. 精致;(言谈,举止等的)文雅;精巧
【例句】Her mother is a woman with great refinement. 她母亲是一个非常文雅的女人。
chaotic [kei5Ctik] n. 混乱的,无秩序的
【例句】Things have been getting chaotic in the office recently. 最近办公室的情况越来越乱了。
frenzied [5frenzid] adj. 狂乱的,狂躁的,发狂的
【例句】The dog jumped at the intruder with frenzied barks. 那狗狂着跳起扑向闯进来的人。
【搭配】drive a person to [into] frenzied使某人发狂
in a frenzied of excitement在极度的兴奋中(兴奋得近于狂乱)
work oneself up into a frenzied逐渐狂暴起来
gibberish [5dVibEriF] n. 胡言乱语,莫名其妙的话
【例句】You were talking gibberish in your sleep. 你在睡梦里讲着呓语。
cluck [klQk] v. 咯咯叫
n. 咯咯的叫声
【例句】Several chickens clucked in the garden. 几只鸡在花园里发出咯咯声。
fanatical [fE5nAtikEl] adj. 狂热的
【例句】He looks like a backwoods relative, fanatical and narrow-minded. 他看上去像是从乡下来的一个亲戚,思想狂热而狭隘。
pidgin [5pidVin] n. 洋泾浜英语,混杂的语言
【例句】The doctor spoke some pidgin Vietnamese, and the nurse a smattering of high school French.
【搭配】Chinese Pidgin English中国洋泾浜英语
speak in pidgin 讲洋泾话
smattering [5smAtErIN] adj. 肤浅的;点滴的
【例句】It is dangerous that you have a smattering of superficial knowledge on a subject.
【搭配】a smattering 一知半解
a smattering of 少数几个
scatter [5skAtE(r)] v. 使分散,使消散;散播,撒播
【例句】The farmer scattered the corn in the yard for the hens. 农民把谷子撒在院子里喂鸡。
chop suey ['tFCp'su:i] n. 炒杂碎
trip over被…绊倒
【例句】You’ll trip over the stone if you don't mind out. 如果你不当心,你会被石头绊倒的。
infuriate [in5fjuErieit] vt. 激怒;使大怒
adj. 狂怒的
【例句】I was infuriated by/with their constant criticism. 他们没完没了地批评把我给气坏了。
corner [5kC:nE] n. 角落,角;街道等的拐角处
v. 使…陷入困境,使…走投无路;控制(买卖活动)
【例句】Now no company seems to be able to corner the computer market.
【搭配】be in a tight corner陷入困境
round the corner ①在拐角处 ②不远,就在眼前
consonant [5kCnsEnEnt] n. 辅音,辅音字母
adj. 一致的,和谐的
【例句】The quality of this suit isn't quite consonant with its price. 这套衣服的质量和价钱不相称。
divorce [di5vC:s] n. & v. 离婚;(使)分离,脱离
【例句】She got a divorce from him last year. 她去年和他离了婚。
【词组】be divorced from与…离婚
divorce oneself from与…离婚
【派生】divorced adj. 离婚的
taco [5tB:kEu] n. 玉米卷;墨西哥卷饼
Text II
protrude [prE5tru:d] v. 突出,伸出
【例句】He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff face.
drain [drein] v. (使)慢慢流走,排出,把…弄干;喝干;使精疲力竭
n. 排水沟(管);消耗,(人才等)外流
【例句】Your kitchen drain has become blocked by tea leaves. 你家厨房的排水管被茶叶堵上了。
【词组】be drained of one’s energy 筋疲力尽
drain off 渐渐枯竭;把…排出去;排除
drain away 渐渐枯竭;排去;流尽
drain from 流失;从某处被吸走
rain line 排水管道
down the drain被浪费掉,化为乌有
【助记】d+ rain(雨水)→排去雨水→排水沟
【派生】drainage n. 排水;排水系统;污水;排水面积
flare [flZE] n. (火焰)摇曳,闪耀,闪光;突然发怒(激动),突发;闪烁,闪现,闪亮;闪光信号,照明弹;[ pl. ]喇叭裤
v. (使)呈喇叭形展开
【例句】A quarrel flared up between them. 他们之间的争论突然激烈起来。
【词组】flare out突然发怒,爆发
flare up突然发怒,剧化
【助记】fire fly (in the) air 天上飞的火(星星,流星火)在闪耀。
【派生】flaring adj. 燃烧的;发光的;引人注目的
smear [smiE(r)] v. 涂在…,抹在…;涂污,弄脏;诽谤
n. 涂抹物;污迹,诽谤
adj. 诽谤的,抵毁的
【例句】The window was all smeared after the rain. 下过雨后窗户都脏了。
【词组】smear my reputation 诋毁我的名声
earthenware [5E:WEnwZE] n. 陶器
【例句】She poured some water into the earthenware jug. 她向那个陶罐里倒了些水。
insanity [in5sAnEti] n. 疯狂,精神错乱
【例句】Her counsel pleaded insanity. 她的律师辩护说她的精神不健全。