Unit 5


Text I

force [fC:s] n. 力量;武力,暴力;[ pl. ](总称)军队,部队

vt. 强迫,迫使;推动

【例句】It’s not proper to force your idea upon others. 把自己的想法强加于人是不恰当的。

【词组】in force生效;在施行中(= into force)

force on 强加于,强迫…接受

sentiment [5sentimEnt] n. 柔情,伤感,多愁善感;思想感情,情绪,情操

【例句】This author runs to sentiment. 这个作家流露出伤感之情。

【派生】sentimental adj. 感伤的;感情脆弱的

magnitude [5mA^nitju:d] n. 大小;量级;[地震] 震级;重要;光度

【例句】You haven’t realized the magnitude of her achievement. 你没有认识到她这一成就的重大意义。


keep back v. 保持,坚持;抑制;遵守

【例句】Hearing the sad news, she couldn’t keep back her tears.听到那个可悲的消息,她忍不住落泪了。

treason [5tri:zn] n. 谋反,通敌,叛国罪

【例句】He was executed for treason. 他因叛国罪已处死。


【派生】treasonable adj. 不忠的;叛逆的,谋反的

disloyalty [9dIs`lRIEltI] n. 不忠实;不贞,不义;背信弃义

【例句】He hated happiness bought with disloyalty and cruelty and indifference. 他憎恨用不忠、残忍和冷漠换来的幸福.

majesty [5mAdVisti] n. (cap)陛下(对国王或王后的称呼);宏伟,庄严

【例句】The majesty of the skyscraper awed me. 这幢摩天大厦的雄伟气势令我惊叹。

【派生】majestic adj. 庄严的;宏伟的

revere [ri5viE] v. 深为尊敬或(尤指宗教上)崇敬某人(某事物)

【例句】Students revere the old professor. 学生尊敬这位老教授。

indulge [in5dQldV] v. 纵容,放任;沉迷,沉溺于

【例句】His father sometimes indulges in a cigarette. 他的父亲有时沉迷于抽烟。

disposed [dI5spEJzd] adj. 愿意的,乐意的;有…倾向的

【例句】I am disposed to agree with you as far as the selection of the location of the new theatre.


【搭配】well/ill disposed towards sb/sth 对某人 [某事物] 有好感 [无好感]

temporal [5tempErEl] adj. 世俗的,现世的;时间的,表示时间的;太阳穴的

【例句】In certain cases the temporal variation is more complicated. 在某些情况中,时间上的变化更为复杂。

【搭配】temporal distribution时间分布

temporal logic时序逻辑;时间逻辑

provide [prE5vaid] v. 提供,供给

【例句】He has a wife and seven children to provide for. 他需要赡养妻子和七个孩子。

【词组】provide with供给,装备上

provide against为…作好准备,预防(灾荒,困难)

provide oneself 自备;自办

provide for 供养,供给;规定;为…作准备

provide service 提供服务

【派生】provision n. 规定;条款;准备;供应品

solace [5sClEs] n. & vt. 安慰,缓和,减轻(悲痛等)

【例句】His work has been a real solace to him. 他从工作中得到莫大的慰藉。

【词组】give sb. solace 给某人安慰

a great solace to 对…来说是极大的安慰

take one’s solace in drink 借酒消愁

solace oneself with something 用某物(或某事)安慰自己


insidious [in5sidiEs] adj. 阴险的,暗中为害的,隐伏的,潜在的

【例句】That insidious man bad-mouthed me to almost everyone else. 那个阴险的家伙几乎见人便说我的坏话。

【搭配】an insidious disease潜伏的疾病

insidious jealousy暗暗产生的忌妒

petition [pi5tiFEn] n. 请愿;请愿书;向…请愿(祈求)

【例句】The villagers all signed a petition asking for a hospital to be built. 村民们都在请愿书上签名要求建一所医院。

【词组】grant sb.’s petition批准某人的请求

petition sb. for/to do sth. 恳请某人做某事

【助记】compete 竞争由 com + pete 一起寻求;音:迫提申,紧迫地提出申请(要求某事)。

【派生】petitionary adj. 请愿的,为请愿的;请求的

snare [sneE] n. (捕兽的)陷阱,罗网,圈套;诱惑物

v. 捕捉,险胜

【例句】Most of the people realized that their scheme was simply a snare and a delusion.


【词组】a snare for 给…设的圈套

snare a rabbit in a trap 以陷阱捕兔

【助记】音:丝+ net 丝做的网来当陷井

comport [kEm5pC:t] v. 相称;适合;一致

【例句】Such actions do not comport with your high status. 那样的行为与你崇高的社会地位不相称.

call in召集,召来;邀请;拜访

【例句】Call in an architect or surveyor to oversee the work. 找个建筑师或监理员来监工。

The book was libelous, so the publishers had to call in all copies of it from the bookshops. 这是一本诽谤性的书,所以出版商必须把店里的书全收回去.

subjugation [7sQbdVu5^eiFEn] n. 征服;镇压;克制

【例句】They have maintained their optimism in the face of desolating subjugation. 面对遭征服的悲惨命运,他们保持了乐观的态度。

martial [5mB:FEl] adj. 战争的,军事的

【例句】He faced a court martial for disobeying orders. 他因不服从命令受到军法审判。

【搭配】martial art 武术(源于东方的几种搏斗技巧)

array [E5rei] n. 展示,陈列;排列整齐的一队人,一长列(物品);(特殊场合穿的)盛装

【例句】She put on her finest array. 她穿上了最漂亮的衣服。

The general arrayed his troops. 将军部署部队。

【词组】an array of 一排;一批;大量


submission [sEb5miFEn] n. 屈服,降服,服从;谦卑,恭顺;提交;意见

【例句】They tried to starve him into submission. 他们试图用饥饿来使他屈服。

In my submission, the witness is lying. 本人认为,证人所言不实。

【词组】submission (to sb./sth.) 归顺;降服;投降

in submission to the will of God服从上帝的意旨

in my submission 据我个人的意见…,照我看来…

forge [fC:dV] v. 铸造;假造,伪造

n. 锻工车间;铁匠铺;锻炉

【例句】The ship forged ahead under a favorable wind. 船乘风快速前进。


entreaty [in5tri:ti] n. 恳求,乞求

【例句】He felt very uncomfortable and looked entreaty at us. 他感到很不自在,用恳求的目光望着我们。

supplication [9sQplI`keIFEn] n. 恳求,祈祷

【例句】He raised his arms in a gesture of supplication. 他举起双手,做祈求状。

beseech [bi5si:tF] v. 恳求,乞求

【例句】She continued to beseech him not to disturb her. 她仍旧求他不要打搅她。

avert [E5vE:t] v. 防止,避免;转移(目光、注意力等)

【例句】Accidents can be averted by careful driving. 谨慎驾驶可避免发生事故。


【派生】avertable adj. 可避开的;可防止的

remonstrate [ri5mCnstreit] v. 责备;告诫;抗议;表示异议

【例句】She opened her mouth to remonstrate, but became silent. 她只是劝了几句就不作声了。

【搭配】remonstrate about 就…进行争辩

remonstrate against 抗议

prostrate [prCs5treit] adj. 俯卧的;降服的;沮丧的

v. 使屈服,使弄倒

【例句】Percy was lying prostrate, his arms outstretched and his eyes closed. 珀西闭着眼四仰八叉地平躺着。

Western Europe was prostrate and the United States was demobilized. 西欧一蹶不振,美国已经复员。

throne [WrEun] n. 王位,君权;御座,宝座

【例句】He ascended the throne when he was only fifteen. 他15岁时就登基了。

【词组】take the throne 登基为王,加冕为王

be on the throne在位


implore [im5plC:] v. 恳求,哀求,央求

【例句】She implored me to do her a favor. 她恳求我帮她这个忙。

【搭配】mplore sb’s forgiveness, mercy, etc 乞求某人原谅、宽恕等

interposition [in7tE:pE5ziFEn] n. 干涉,介入;插入,放入

【例句】It is equally impossible that we should behold such interposition in any form with indifference. 我们对于这种干涉,不论何种方式,都不能熟视无睹.

tyrannical [ti5rAnikEl] adj. (似)暴君的,专制的,暴虐的

【例句】She married to get away from her tyrannical mother. 她为了脱离她那个暴虐的母亲而结婚。

【搭配】tyrannical government苛政

tyrannical regime sordid专制政体

slight [slait] adj. 纤弱的,脆弱的;微不足道的;轻微的

v. 轻视

【例句】I have a slight headache. 我有点轻微的头疼。


disregard [7disri5^B:d] v. & n. 不理会,不顾,忽视

【例句】He utterly disregarded my warnings and met with an accident. 他全然不听我的警告,结果出了事故。

【词组】in disregard of 不顾,无视


spurn [spE:n] v. 唾弃;冷落;藐视

【例句】As an armyman, I spurn fearlessly at all danger and the enemy. 作为一个军人,一切危险和敌人丝毫不在我的眼下。

inviolate [In5vaIElEt] adj. 无污点的;未亵渎的;未受侵犯的

【例句】We believed our love was inviolate. 我们相信我们的爱情坚如磐石。

inestimable [in5estimEbl] adj. 无法评估的,无价的,非常贵重的

【例句】The inestimable value of our Federal Union is felt and acknowledged by all.


contend [kEn5tend] v. 搏斗,争斗;争,竞争;声称,主张

【例句】The boy contended that I took the book. 那孩子硬说我拿了那本书。

【词组】contend for争取


【派生】contention n. 争论,争辩;争夺;论点

basely [beisli] adv. 卑鄙地,下贱地

【例句】He was basely slandered by his enemies. 他受到仇敌卑鄙的诋毁。

formidable [5fC:midEbl] adj. 大而可怕的,令人畏惧的;难以应付的,难以战胜的

【例句】The head of the research section was a formidable old professor. 研究室主任是个令人望而生畏的老教授。


【派生】formidably adv. 强大地;难对付地;可怕地

adversary [5AdvEsEri] n. 对手,敌手,敌人

【例句】He saw her as his main adversary within the company. 他将她视为公司中主要的对手。


irresolution [i7rezE5lju:FEn] n. 优柔寡断,犹豫不决

【例句】A lack of certainty that often leads to irresolution. 疑惑缺少肯定而导致犹豫不决。

effectual [i5fektjuEl] adj. 奏效的,有效的

【例句】This is the only effectual way to secure our present and future happiness. 这是确保我们现在及以后都会幸福的唯一有效途径。

supinely [sju:5painli] adv. 掌心向上地,俯卧地

【例句】I supinely begin look goes against beautiful scene, unconsciously infatuated. 我仰起头看着顶上的美景,不觉痴迷。

delusive [di5lju:siv] adj. 欺瞒的,使迷惑的

【例句】As an investment product, it has the dual characteristics: preservation & appreciation and delusive bubbles.


phantom [5fAntEm] n. 幽灵,鬼怪

【例句】The castle is said to be haunted by a phantom. 据说那座城堡时常闹鬼。

【词组】the legend of the phantom ship 鬼船的传说


vigilant [5vidVilEnt] adj. 警惕的,警醒的;注意的

【例句】The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。

【助记】vigil( n. 守夜;警觉),ant-警觉的 读:危机lant,时时刻刻有危机感-警觉的

clanging [klANiN] n. 叮当声;铿锵声

【例句】The bell was heard clanging loudly through the vast gloomy mansion. 响亮的铃声叮叮当当传遍了阴森的大公馆。

extenuate [iks5tenjueit] vt. 减轻;低估;为…找借口;使人原谅

【例句】Nothing can extenuate such appalling behavior. 这种骇人听闻的行径罪不可恕。

gale [^eil] n. 大风,狂风

【例句】A gale was blowing and the sea was choppy. 狂风大作,海面上波浪起伏。

clash [klAF] v. 冲突,交锋,产生矛盾;发出金属的撞击声

n. 冲突,不一致

【例句】The enemy armies clashed near the border. 敌军在边境附近发生冲突。

【词组】clash with 与…冲突,不调和

【助记】crash撞毁;lash结尾的词有打,击的意思,c磕 + lash两东西磕撞在一起,


brethren [5breTrEn] n. 兄弟们,同胞

【例句】Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. 我们并没有置我们的英国弟兄于不顾。

Text II

wither [5wiTE] v. (使)枯萎,(使)凋谢

【例句】Crops wither after they are cut. 庄稼割下后就会枯萎。

manacle [5mAnEkl] n. [ pl. ] 镣铐,手铐

vault [vC:lt] n. 拱顶,穹隆顶;(有天然拱顶的)洞穴,(拱顶)地下室,地窖;储藏室,金库;保险库

【例句】She keeps her jewelry in the bank’s vault. 她将自己的首饰存放在银行的保险库里。

hallowed [`hAlEJd] adj. 神圣的

【例句】The hallowed portals of academe were slowly and grudgingly opening to women.


desolate [5desElit] adj. 孤独凄凉的,阴郁的,可怜的;荒凉的,荒废的

【例句】The little children were left desolate. 孩子们被抛下无人照管。

【助记】de + sole 单独;isolate 使隔离,孤立。

【派生】desolation n. 荒芜;忧伤;孤寂;废墟

revolt [ri5vEult] v. & n. 反抗,反叛

【例句】The stomach revolts at such food. 这种食物令人感到恶心。

【词组】in revolt 反抗;造反

revolt against 反感;厌恶

revolt at 厌恶;憎恶
