外交访问新闻翻译范例分析Sample of Translation for Coverage of Diplomatic Visits

范例一(Sample I)



Li Keqiang Arrives in Brasília to Pay an Official Visit to Brazil(Abbreviated Version)



On the afternoon of May 18 local time, at the invitation of President Dilma Rousseff of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Premier Li Keqiang arrived at the Brasilia Air Base by special plane, starting his official visit to Brazil. Premier Li Keqiang's wife Mme.Cheng Hong arrived by the same plane.


The Brazilian guard of honor, lining up on either side of the red carpet, saluted the distinguished guests from afar with resonant bugle. Premier Li Keqiang and his wife warmly shook hands with the senior officials of the Brazilian government, Commander of the Brasilia Air Base who were greeting them.Li Jinzhang, Chinese Ambassador to Brazil, also greeted them at the airport.


Li Keqiang pointed out that Latin America has made great contribution to human civilization and progress of human society and is playing a significant role in the current development of the world. In recent years, China and Latin America have made leap-frog development in bilateral relations, establishing a comprehensive cooperative partnership featuring equality, mutual benefit and common development.He hopes that this visit could help to enhance China-Latin America exchanges, consolidate traditional friendship, push forward cooperation in production capacity, promote two-way trade and investment, and build an upgraded version of China-Latin America comprehensive and mutually beneficial cooperation.


During his visit to Brazil, Li Keqiang will hold talks and meet the press with President Dilma Rousseff, attend a video ground-breaking ceremony for the ultra-high voltage electricity transmission project in the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam and China-Brazil Business Summit, have separate meetings with presidents of Brazil's Federal Senate and Chamber of Deputies. Besides Brazilian capital of Brasília, Li Keqiang will also pay a visit to Rio De Janeiro to inspect the achievements made in bilateral cooperation in equipment and visit the Chinese Equipment Manufacturing Industry Exposition.

李克强和夫人程虹是在圆满结束对爱尔兰的过境访问后抵达巴西利亚的。离开香农机场时,爱尔兰政府代表、财政部长等高级官员和中国驻爱尔兰大使徐建国到机场 送行。

Li Keqiang and his wife Mme. Cheng Hong arrived in Brasília after successfully concluding their transit visit to Ireland.Upon their departure from Shannon Airport, representatives of the government, Finance Minister and other senior officials of Ireland as well as Xu Jianguo, Chinese Ambassador to Ireland, bade them farewell at the airport.




一、范例一文本结构分析(Text Structure Analysis of Sample I)






二、范例一翻译解析(Translation Analysis of Sample I)

(一)外交访问报道标题的翻译(Translation of Headlines Covering Diplomatic Visits)





(http://www. gov.cn/premier/2017-03/17/content_5178377.htm)

Li Keqiang to Pay Official Visits to Australia and New Zealand

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/wsrc_665395/t1446687.shtml)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/web/zyxw/t1570380.shtml)

Wang Yang Pays an Official Goodwill Visit to Kenya

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1571315.shtml)


(http://www. xinhuanet.com/politics/leaders/2018-07/12/c_1123117264.htm)

Xi Jinping to Pay State Visits to the United Arab Emirates, Senegal, Rwanda and South Africa, Attend the 10th BRICS Summit and Make a Stopover in Mauritius for a Friendly Visit

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/wsrc_665395/t1576860.shtml)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/web/wjdt_674879/gjldrhd_674881/t1578848.shtml)

Chinese President Arrives in Abu Dhabi for State Visit to UAE

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/wshd_665389/t1578887.shtml)


(http://www. gov.cn/guowuyuan/2018-01/11/content_5255788.htm)

Li Keqiang Returns to Beijing after Concluding His Visit

(http://www. mfa.gov.cn/ce/ceun/eng/zgyw/t1525736.htm


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/web/wjdt_674879/wsrc_674883/t1329029.shtml)

UK Foreign Secretary Hammond to Visit China

(http://www. chinadailyasia.com/nation/2015-12/31/content_15366360.html)


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/politics/2015-05/17/c_1115310554.htm)

Li Keqiang Pays a Transit Visit to Ireland on His Way to Brazil

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1265034.shtml)

如上述新闻标题翻译所示,最高规格的国家元首国事访问译为State Visit,对某国进行国事访问,译为Pay State Visit to;正式访问招待规格较国事访问稍低,通常译为Official Visit,其中正式友好访问译为Official Goodwill Visit,友好访问译为Goodwill Visit 或Friendly Visit;过境访问属于非正式访问(Unofficial Visit)的一种,可以译为Pay a Transit Visit to或者Make Stopover Visit to。一般介绍外交访问活动日程安排的标题有“……将访问……”,可以译为……to Visit……,to do结构表示将来发生,在标题中不出现助词will;介绍领导人抵达某地开始正式访问的标题如“××抵达……开始对……进行正式访问”,可以译为××Arrives in……to Pay an Official Visit to……,或者××Arrives in……Starting……Official Visit to……;关于结束访问的标题有“××结束对……的访问回到北京”,通常可以使用动词“conclude”,译为××Concludes His Visit to……and Returns to Beijing,或××Returns to Beijing after Concluding His Visits to……,时态均采用一般现在时。

(二)外交访问报道导语的翻译(Translation of News Lead in Coverage of Diplomatic Visits)

外交访问报道的新闻导语,通常涵盖我国出访领导人、到访时间、到访国、到访国领导人和官员等信息。按照国际惯例,外交访问一般是一国领导人应邀对另一国进行访问。在新闻导语中,常出现××领导人应××领导人的邀请,对该国进行访问等表述。“应……的邀请”可以译为at the invitation of或upon invitation。

外交访问报道中的时间,通常介绍的是当地时间某月某日或当地时间某日上午(下午),即使原文中不出现表示月份的时间,在译文中也要具体到月和日,例如范例一中“当地时间18日下午”,则根据这则新闻报道的具体月份,译为On the afternoon of May 18 local time。

“外交访问中领导人乘专机抵达……”的英文表述可以译为arrive at……by special plane。“技术经停”是指本国航机因技术需要(如添加燃料、飞机故障或气象原因备降)在协议国降落、经停。[45]在外交访问中,“技术经停”是非正式外交访问中“过境访问”的一种具体表述形式,一般发生在飞行时间较长的访问途中。例如××领导人在前往某地访问途中,在某地技术经停,对该国进行过境访问,可以译为××took a technical stopover in……或××made a technical stop at……。请看下面具体翻译实例:


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/world/2015-05/19/c_1115326957.htm)

On the afternoon of May 18 local time, at the invitation of President Dilma Rousseff of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Premier Li Keqiang arrived at the Brasilia Air Base by special plane, starting his official visit to Brazil.Premier Li Keqiang’s wife Mme.Cheng Hong arrived by the same plane.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/topics_665678/lkqdbxglbyblzljxzsfw/t1265427.shtml)


(http://cpc. people.com.cn/n/2014/0928/c64094-25748930.html?ol4f)

On September 26 local time, Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, when visiting Belarus upon invitation, met with President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus in Minsk, and held talks

with Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich of Belarus on September 27.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1196782.shtml)


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/2014-07/13/c_1111588889.htm)

On July 13 local time, President Xi Jinping made a technical stop at the island of Rhodes, Greece, on his way to Brazil to attend the sixth BRICS Summit and pay state visits to four Latin American countries.He met with the Greek leaders and exchanged views on the development of the bilateral relations with them.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/topics_665678/xjpzxcxjzgjldrdlchwdbxagtwnrlgb jxgsfwbcxzlldrhw/t1174660.shtml)

(三)外交访问报道常用表达的翻译(Translation of Frequently Used Expressions in Coverage of Diplomatic Visits)



国事或正式访问中,受访国一般在机场铺红地毯,设礼兵列队迎接贵宾,在新闻报道中常表述为“礼兵分列红地毯两侧,向××行注目礼或致敬”,可以译为the guard of honor(the guard of courtesy)lined up on both sides along the red carpet and saluted××。

隆重的欢迎设有献花仪式,献花者往往是儿童或女青年,在新闻报道中常表述为“当地儿童向××献上鲜花”,可以译为local children presented a bunch of flowers to××。

领导人下飞机后会同迎候官员依次握手问候,在新闻报道中常表述为“同××亲切握手”“互致问候”等,可以分别译为warmly shook hands with××和exchanged greetings with××。

关于飞机“舷梯”的描述,通常使用ramp, the accommodation ladder或the gangway ladder等词,走出机舱译为walked out of the cabin。请看下面具体翻译实例:


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/world/2015-05/19/c_1115326957.htm)

The Brazilian guard of honor, lining up on either side of the red carpet, saluted the distinguished guests from afar with resonant bugle.Premier Li Keqiang and his wife warmly shook hands with the senior officials of the Brazilian government, Commander of the Brasilia Air Base who were greeting them.Li Jinzhang, Chinese Ambassador to Brazil, also greeted them at the airport.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/topics_665678/lkqdbxglbyblzljxzsfw/t1265427.shtml)


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/2014-07/13/c_1111588889.htm)

Upon arrival at the Rhodes Diagoras International Airport, Xi Jinping received a warm welcome from Prime Minister Antonis Samaras of Greece, who came all the way from the capital city of Athens and led many cabinet ministers and the mayor of the city of Rhodes.Xi Jinping shook hands with Samaras beside the ramp and exchanged greetings with him.The local youth, dressed in traditional costumes, presented a bouquet to Xi Jinping, and the honor guards lined up on both sides along the red carpet and saluted Xi Jinping.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/topics_665678/xjpzxcxjzgjldrdlchwdbxagtwnrlgb jxgsfwbcxzlldrhw/t1174660.shtml)


(http://cpc. people.com.cn/n/2015/1031/c64094-27761091.html)

As Premier Li Keqiang walked out of the cabin, the honor guard lined up on both sides of the red carpet and saluted him with eyes.High-level officials from the ROK government awaited at the airport, and H.E.Qiu Guohong, Chinese Ambassador to the ROK, also welcomed him at the airport.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1311440.shtml)


(http://paper. people.com.cn/rmrbhwb/html/2015-09/23/content_1615552.htm)

At about 9:30 a.m.local time, President Xi Jinping arrived at the Paine Field Airport

in Seattle by special plane.Xi Jinping and his wife Mme.Peng Liyuan walked out of the cabin door.Jay Inslee, Representative of President Barack Obama of the US and Governor of Washington State, and his wife, Ed Murray, senior official of the US Federal Government and Mayor of Seattle, as well as local political heavyweights and friendly personages of various circles came to the accommodation ladder to warmly welcome Xi Jinping and Mme.Peng Liyuan.Local children presented a bunch of flowers to them.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1300290.shtml)



在外交访问新闻报道中,描述隆重的欢迎仪式(a grand welcome ceremony)常见的表述包括“鸣放……响礼炮”(……rounds of gun salute were fired,……a 21-gun salute was presented……,twenty-one gun salutes were fired……)、“登上检阅台”(ascended to/stepped onto the reviewing stand)、“军乐队高奏……国歌”(the military band played……national anthem)、“检阅三军仪仗队”(inspected/reviewed the honor guard of the three services, inspected/reviewed the three-service honor guard)、观看分列式(watched the march-past)等。请看以下具体翻译实例:


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/mrdx/2015-10/21/c_134734807.htm)

At around 12:10 p.m.,accompanied by Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, President Xi Jinping and Mme.Peng Liyuan arrived at the Royal Pavilion on House Guards Parade.In accordance with the highest standard of royal etiquette of the UK,62 rounds of gun salute from the Tower of London and 41 from the Green Park were fired respectively.After ascending to the Royal Pavilion, President Xi Jinping and Mme.Peng Liyuan were greeted personally by Queen Elizabeth Ⅱand her husband Prince Philip.The guard of honor saluted and the military band played China’s national anthem.Accompanied by

Prince Philip, Xi Jinping inspected the guard of honor.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1308109.shtml)


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/politics/2014-11/20/c_1113332954.htm)

Governor-General Mateparae and his wife greeted Xi Jinping and Mme.Peng Liyuan at the center of the lawn.Xi Jinping stepped onto the reviewing stand.The military band played the national anthem of China, and a 21-gun salute was presented.Xi Jinping reviewed the guard of honor.Then Xi Jinping went back to the reviewing stand, and the military band played the national anthem of China again.On the other side of the lawn, a group of local students waved the national flags of China to welcome Xi Jinping and Mme.Peng Liyuan.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1213875.shtml)


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/world/2015-04/20/c_1115030709.htm)

Mamnoon Hussain and Nawaz Sharif held a grand welcome ceremony at the airport.The national flags of China and Pakistan waved in the wind.The guard of courtesy, lining up on both sides of the red carpet, saluted them with eyes.Xi Jinping, accompanied by Mamnoon Hussain and Nawaz Sharif, stepped onto the reviewing stand, and the military band played the national anthems of China and Pakistan.Xi Jinping then reviewed the honor guard of the three services.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/wshd_665389/t1256847.shtml)


(http://cpc. people.com.cn/n/2015/0509/c64094-26973452.html)

The Russian government held a welcome ceremony at the airport.Xi Jinping inspected the three-service honor guard of Russia and watched the march-past.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/topics_665678/xjpcf1_665694/t1025226.shtml)


在非元首级别政府官员访问时,出于外交礼仪需要,通常会向对方转达该国政府首脑或国家元首的亲切问候,或转达口信。“转达××对××的亲切问候”可以译为conveyed kind greetings from××to××。“亲切问候”有时也译为cordial greetings,但其措辞略显客气,亲切感不够强,故而多见kind greetings。“转达口信”可以译为××conveyed sb.’s oral message to××。请看以下具体翻译实例:


(http://cpc. people.com.cn/n/2015/0124/c64094-26442566.html)

Wang Yang firstly conveyed President Xi Jinping’s oral message to President Park Geun-hye, in which Xi Jinping spoke positively of the development of China-ROK relations, and stressed his willingness to keep close communication with President Park Geun-hye and exchange views timely on issues of common concern so as to deepen the China-ROK strategic cooperative partnership.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1231747.shtml)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zyxw_602251/t1284025.shtml)

Yu Zhengsheng conveyed kind greetings from President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang, and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress(NPC)Zhang Dejiang to King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and government leaders of Thailand.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1285033.shtml)


机场送宾同样也是外事礼仪中重要的部分,在关于结束访问的新闻报道中,常涉及对机场送行以及欢送仪式的描述。例如:“到机场为××送行”可以译为see sb.off at the airport或bid him/her farewell at the airport;“同××亲切握手话别”可以译为warmly shook hands with××to bid farewell。

关于对领导人结束访问回京的报道,例如在圆满结束对某国的正式访问后,××乘专机回到北京,可以译为××returned to Beijing by special plane after successful conclusion of his official visits to……;通常,领导人结束访问后,随行人员也“同机抵京”,可以译为arrived in Beijing by the same plane;敬称“夫人彭丽媛”“夫人程虹”等,翻译时可以使用“Mme.,这是法语词Madame(夫人)的缩写。例如Xi Jinping and his wife Mme.Peng Liyuan。请看以下具体翻译实例:


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/mrdx/2014-07/25/c_133509158.htm)

In the evening, Xi Jinping concluded his visit to Cuba, left Santiago de Cuba and set out for China.Raúl led Miguel Díaz-Canel, First Vice President of the Council of State and First Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and other Cuban senior officials to see Xi Jinping off at the airport.Raúl warmly shook hands with Xi Jinping to bid farewell.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1178228.shtml)


(http://news. sina.com.cn/o/2015-09-27/doc-ifxiehns3399589.shtml)

At around 11:25 p.m.local time, Xi Jinping and his wife Mme.Peng Liyuan arrived at the Andrews Air Force Base by car after attending the grand state banquet held by the US President.High-level US officials saw them off at the airport with the honor guard lining up on both sides of the red carpet and the military band playing music.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/ce/ceth/eng/zgyw/t1302675.htm)


(http://www. xinhuanet.com/world/cnleaders/lkqcf1505/)

On the morning of May 29,2015,Premier Li Keqiang returned to Beijing by special plane after successful conclusion of his official visits to Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile.Mme.Cheng Hong, wife of Premier Li Keqiang, arrived in Beijing by the same plane.On their way home, Li Keqiang and his wife, Mme.Cheng Hong, made a technical stop at Majorca, Spain.When they left Majorca, senior officials from the Spanish government and H.E.Lv Fan, Chinese Ambassador to Spain, saw them off at the airport.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/topics_665678/lkqdbxglbyblzljxzsfw/)

范例二(Sample II)




Opening up a Golden Era for Globally-Oriented China-UK Comprehensive Strategic


——Foreign Minister Wang Yi's Comments on President Xi Jinping's State Visit to the

UK(Abbreviated Version)



From October 19 to 23,2015,President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to the UK. At the end of the visit, Foreign Minister Wang Yi briefed journalists on the visit.


Wang Yi said that China charted a new diplomatic course again in October after President Xi Jinping's successful state visit to the US and attendance at the summits marking the 70th anniversary of the United Nations(UN)in September. This year unfolds the second decade of China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership and marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between China and the European Union(EU).President Xi Jinping made his first state visit to the UK to comprehensively promote the development of China-UK relations and open up a golden era for China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership, injecting new energy to China-Europe cooperation and adding a new chapter in exchanges and mutual learning between China and the West.

“志合者,不以山海为远。”5天时间里,习近平主席横跨亚欧大陆,行程近2万公里,出席30多场活动,既访首都,也赴外地;既看城市,也进乡村;既有严肃的政治日程,也有轻松的亲民互动;既有传统的隆重仪式,也有现代的创意展示,在金秋时节奏响友谊与合作的新乐章,展示中国特色大国外交的新实践。英方高度重视习近平主席此访,给予超高规格礼遇。伊丽莎白二世女王今年5月在新一届英国议会开幕式上亲自宣布习近平主席访英消息,此访期间,以年近九旬的高龄为习近平主席举行隆重欢迎仪式,两次设宴款待习近平主席夫妇,王室三代众多成员参加接待,查尔斯王储夫妇为习近平主席此访特地调整日程,还亲自前往下榻饭店迎请,成为此访与习近平主席会面最多的王室成员;卡梅伦首相访前两次就此访有关安排专门致函习近平主席,邀请习近平主席夫妇赴乡间别墅做客,并亲自陪同出席伦敦多场活动和访问曼彻斯特,同习近平主席进行长时间深入会谈。伦敦塔桥和格林公园根据英国王室最高规仪共鸣放103响礼炮。国际舆论高度关注习近平主席此访,进行了许多重量级报道,积极评价此访是英多年来最重要来访,向世人展示了中英关系的重要性,是开辟中英关系广阔前景的“超级国事 访问”。

“Friends with shared interests can cooperate regardless of distance.”During the five days, President Xi Jinping traveled nearly 20,000 km across the Eurasian continent to attend over 30 activities both in the capital and other parts of the country, in cities and the countryside. There are both serious political agenda and relaxed interactions with the common people;both grand traditional ceremonies and modern innovation shows.The visit starts a new chapter of friendship and cooperation in the golden autumn and represents the new practice of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.The UK attached great importance to President Xi Jinping's visit and gave a super-high standard of protocol.Queen Elizabeth II announced personally about President Xi Jinping's state visit at the opening ceremony of the new UK Parliament this May.During the visit, the Queen, who is nearly 90 years old, held a grand welcoming ceremony and hosted two banquets for President Xi Jinping and his wife.Three generations of the royal family attended the reception.Prince Charles and his wife adjusted their schedule specially for the state visit, went to the hotel to welcome them in person and were the royal members who met Xi Jinping most.Prime Minister David Cameron sent letters to President Xi Jinping twice for the arrangements related to the visit before they came, invited President Xi Jinping and his wife to his country retreat, accompanied them in person to attend many events in London and the visit to Manchester, and had in-depth talks with President Xi Jinping for a long time.In accordance with the highest etiquette of the UK royal family, the London Tower Bridge and Green Park fired 103-gun salute in total.Paying high attention to President Xi Jinping's visit, international media made many heavyweight reports, speaking positively of the visit as the most important to the UK for many years, which shows the importance of China-UK relations to the world and becomes a“super state visit”of opening up broad prospects of China-UK relations.


At last, Wang Yi said that focusing on the UK with a reach to Europe and the world, President Xi Jinping's visit is China's significant action in planning relations between major countries and overall diplomacy, and has achieved fruitful results and a complete success.




一、范例二文本结构分析(Text Structure Analysis of Sample II)



第二、三段中,王毅总结习近平主席访英期间的活动内容,以及受到的高规格 礼遇。


二、范例二翻译解析(Translation Analysis of Sample II)

(一)外交访问报道标题的翻译(Translation of Headlines Covering Diplomatic Visits)

此类新闻报道通常由主标题和副标题构成,副标题位于主标题之后,起补充和解释主标题的作用。通常情况下,主标题不能完全包括或表述的重要内容,往往由副标题来承担。主标题高度概括国家领导人出访的意义,汉语原文采取短小精炼、对仗工整、提纲挈领的语言,汉译英时,不但要保证忠实和准确,还要符合原文的措辞风格;副标题一般为××谈××访问某国,常见的表达为“××谈××访问某国”,或“××谈××出席某会晤”,译为××Talks About××’s Visits to……或××Talks About××’s Attendance at……。请看下面具体翻译实例:

把握新机遇 开启新里程 谱写新篇章


(http://news. xinhuanet.com/world/2014-07/26/c_126799675.htm)

Seize New Opportunities, Embark on New Path and Write New Chapter

——Foreign Minister Wang Yi Talks about President Xi Jinping’s Attendance at BRICS Summit and China-Latin America and the Caribbean Summit, and Visits to Four Latin American Countries

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/zyjh_665391/t1178527.shtml)



(http://news. xinhuanet.com/world/2014-04/02/c_1110067100.htm)

Building a Bridge of Friendship, Understanding and Cooperation

——Foreign Minister Wang Yi Talks About President Xi Jinping’s Attendance at Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands and Visits to Four European Countries, UNESCO Headquarters and EU Headquarters

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/zyjh_665391/)

(二)范例二文本英译解析(Translation Analysis on the Text of Sample II)





At last, Wang Yi said that focusing on the UK with a reach to Europe and the world, President Xi Jinping’s visit is China’s significant action in planning relations between major countries and overall diplomacy, and has achieved fruitful results and a complete success.


China will continue to ensure growth, promote reform, make structural adjustment,

improve people’s well-being and forestall risks to promote a sound and sustained economic development.China will continuously stick to the open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win results and put China’s development in world prosperity and development.

上述第1例中,“立足英国,面向欧洲,辐射全球”这三个动宾短语,在译文中并没有一一译为英文的动宾短语,而是首先将其处理为分词状语结构focusing on the UK,修饰President Xi Jinping’s visit。通过对“面向”和“辐射”这两个动词的深层语义进行剖析,不难看出原文指的是访问的影响遍及欧洲乃至全球,因此译文中巧妙地采取介词结构with a reach to Europe and the world,从而使得英文句式更加紧凑,富有逻辑。

第2例中,“稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险”构成并列动宾结构,译文中针对各个名词宾语搭配合适的动词非常关键,译文中采用动词ensure, promote, make, improve 和forestall,既保留了原文的动宾结构,又能兼顾搭配的合理性和语义的完整。



This year unfolds the second decade of China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership and marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between China and the European Union(EU).President Xi Jinping made his first state visit to the UK to comprehensively promote the development of China-UK relations and open up a golden era for China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership, injecting new energy to China-Europe cooperation and adding a new chapter in exchanges and mutual learning between China and the West.


President Xi Jinping pointed out that only the two peoples treat each other earnestly can the friendship last long.The development of China-UK relations comes from the mutual understanding, support and friendship between the two peoples.Being respectively the representative countries in eastern and western civilizations, China and the UK enjoy

great potential in people-to-people and cultural exchanges and cooperation.


第2例中,“人文交流合作潜力巨大”这一主谓结构短语,实际上也是围绕“中英”两国这一话题展开的,在翻译时,为了避免出现多个主语替换而破坏译文的连贯性,译文确定主语为China and the UK,谓语动词选用enjoy同宾语great potential搭配,从而更符合英文的表达习惯。





During the five days, President Xi Jinping traveled nearly 20,000 km across the Eurasian continent to attend over 30 activities both in the capital and other parts of the country, in cities and the countryside.There are both serious political agenda and relaxed interactions with the common people;both grand traditional ceremonies and modern innovation shows.The visit starts a new chapter of friendship and cooperation in the golden autumn and represents the new practice of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

汉语原文中“既……也……”四个分句形成排比句式,在翻译的时候采取融合技巧,将分句两两融合:涉及习近平主席到访之处的两个分句“既访首都,也赴外地;既看城市,也进乡村”融为一句,采用both……and……句型,译为both in the capital and other parts of the country, in cities and the countryside;涉及访问内容活动的两个分句“既有严肃的政治日程,也有轻松的亲民互动;既有传统的隆重仪式,也有现代的创意展示”融为一句,译为There are both serious political agenda and relaxed interactions with the common people;both grand traditional ceremonies and modern innovation shows,避免多次重复There be结构。


Win-win cooperation can guarantee the success of major tasks and tasks with long-term interests.Developing China-UK relations has become consensus commonly held by various circles of both countries.It conforms to the fundamental interests of both peoples, complies with the trend of development and progress of the times, accords with the ardent expectations of the international community, and conduces to the promotion of world prosperity and development.

原文中“符合……根本利益,符合……进步潮流,符合……殷切期待”构成排比句型,行文流畅,气势磅礴,着重强调中英关系的重要意义;英文却应避免重复,在选词时要格外注意动宾搭配。因此,根据宾语“根本利益”“进步潮流”“殷切期待”,分别选取不同动词conform to, comply with, accord with进行搭配。


President Xi Jinping and the UK reached the above-mentioned important cooperation consensus and results, which enriches the connotation of China-UK relations, highlights the strategic visions of China and the UK as major countries and showcases the bright prospect brought by the concept of new type of international relations with win-win cooperation as its core.

汉语中修辞排比也可以是句子成分排比,即一个句子中把结构相同或相似、意思密切相关、语气一致的词语或句子成串地排列。在本例中,“丰富了……凸显了……展现了……”构成该句的成分排比。在英译时,需要根据原文动宾结构中的宾语,选择不同动词进行搭配。译文分别根据“内涵”“战略眼光”“光明前景”这三个名词宾语,选用动词enrich, highlight以及showcase与其搭配。



In view of the concerns from the international community towards China’s economic situation, President Xi Jinping emphasized that China’s economy is stable on the whole, with major indicators in reasonable ranges and at expected goals.China’s economy will not experience a hard landing.


In the visit, President Xi Jinping enjoyed a warm welcome by people from all circles of the UK.Wherever President Xi Jinping went, the five-starred red flags and welcome slogans merged into a sea of red.The media’s spotlight would cast and people’s eyes would follow wherever President Xi Jinping went, which highly stimulated the British people’s enthusiasm to know about China and to learn about China, sowed the seeds of long-term friendship and laid a more solid public opinion basis for China-UK cooperation.


During the short period of only one month, President Xi Jinping’s successive visits to the US and the UK, two western political heavyweights, have strongly promoted positive interactions among major countries and displayed the vitality of China’s diplomacy.

上述第1例中,“硬着陆”是一种比喻,指国民经济经过一段过度扩张之后的急剧回落。经济硬着陆指的是采用强力的财政货币政策,一次性在较短的时间内,通过牺牲较多的国民收入将通胀率降到正常水平。[48]这里采用隐喻修辞,将经济变化比喻为飞机着陆,对于中西文化的人来说都不陌生,因此英译时采取直译,译为experience a hard landing;第2例中,原文采取暗喻的修辞,将五星红旗和红色标语汇成的到处是红色的景象,比喻成“红色的海洋”,将中英长久友谊比作“种子”,把习近平主席访问英国比作“播种”,译文中也分别采取直译的方法,译为merged into a sea of red和sowed the seeds of long-term friendship。第3例中,“重镇”一词原意是军事要地,指军事上占重要战略位置的城镇,也泛指在其他某方面占重要地位的城镇。这里采用换喻修辞,用“镇”这一地域指称来指代国家,强调美、英两国在政治上地位非常重要。因此,显然不可按照字面意思直译为towns(城镇),故而译为two western political heavyweights,意指“极具影响力的事物”。