第十二章 论声色


1.The five colors may confuse the eye;the five sounds may deafen the ear;the five tastes may spoil the palate.(高等教育出版社)

2.Too much color dazzles the eyes;too much music deafens the ear;too much eating and drinking destroys the appetite.(世界图书出版公司)



1.Riding and hunting make man wild with excitement;rare goods goad man into stealing.(北京大学出版社)

2.Chasing and hunting may madden the mind;rare goods can lure the heart(tempt people to rob and steal).(辽宁大学出版社)

3.Overindulging in hunting drives you crazy, and coveting too much material things tarnishes your conduct.(世界图书出版公司)



1.Thus the sage does not satisfy his eyes with colors but satisfy his stomach with enough food(governs his people by attending to their stomachs, not their senses).He discards the former and takes the latter(rejects one and accepts the other).(北京大学出版社,辽宁大学出版社)

2.Therefore, the sage is only interested in not suffering from

hunger or starvation, but not in physical pleasures.In accordance, you should fend off material temptation and be content to live a simple life.(世界图书出版公司)
