
pet [pet] n.宠物
eg. The old lady thrust herself through the crowd to look for her pet dog.
短语词组 pet shop 宠物店;pet name 爱称,昵称
pet food 宠物食品;pet clinic 宠物医院
pet subject 爱聊的话题
in a pet 发脾气,生气(尤其指为小事)
make a pet of...把……当作宠儿
one's pet saying 某人的口头禅
spoil pet 宠坏爱畜

vet [vet] n.兽医;v.诊疗,审查
eg. The vet gave him some medicine to cure his kitten.
同义词 veterinarian [ˈvetəriˈnɛəriən] n.兽医
派生词 veterinary [ˈvetərinəri] adj.兽医的
相关词 examine [igˈzæmin] v.检查
check [tʃek] v.检查
scrutinize [ˈskru:tənaiz] v.仔细检查
inspect [inˈspekt] v.检查
give something the once-over 粗略地看
investigate [inˈvestigeit] v.调查
look over 检查

dog [dɔg] n.狗
eg. My grandfather suggested that we keep a dog to scare away thieves.
派生词 doggy [ˈdɔgi] adj.爱狗的;像狗一样的
相关词 bark [bɑ:k] n.(狗的)吠声
doglike [ˈdɔgˈlaik] adj.忠实的;像狗的
rabies [ˈreibi:z] n.狂犬病
dog-tired [ˈdɔgˈtaiəd] adj.极度疲乏,累极了
puppy [ˈpʌpi] n.小狗,幼犬
短语词组 dog collar 狗项圈;dog food 狗粮
go to the dogs 堕落,潦倒;put on the dog 摆阔,炫耀

hound [haund] n.猎犬,猎狗
eg. The rabbit was pursued by the hound.
相关词 bloodhound [ˈblʌdhaund] n.大警犬
terrier [ˈteriə] n.小猎犬
wolfhound [ˈwulfhaund] n.猎狼犬
beagle [ˈbi:gl] n.小猎兔犬
foxhound [ˈfɔkshaund] n.猎狐狗
greyhound [ˈgreihaund] n.长腿猎狗
其他意思 hound还可以表示“逼迫”, hound sb out (of sth)强迫某人离开(某物、某地)

poodle [ˈpu:dl] n.卷毛狗,贵妇犬
eg. The duchess named her poodle“Bella”.
相关词 Pekinese [pi:kiˈni:z] n.北京狗,狮子狗
toy poodle 玩具贵宾犬
形容狗的英语形容词 lovely [ˈlʌvli], cute [kju:t](可爱的), loyal [lɔiəl](忠诚的), agility [əˈdʒiləti](敏捷的), mischievous [ˈmistʃivəs](调皮的,恶作剧的), friendly [ˈfrendli](友善的), intelligent [inˈtelidʒənt], clever [ˈklevə](聪明的)
藏獒(Tibetan mastiff)
mastiff [ˈmæstif] n.大训犬,獒犬
eg. The ferocious mastiff was chained by his owner in order not to hurt people.
相关词 Tibetan mastiff 藏獒
sheepdog [ˈʃi:pˈdɔg] n.牧羊犬

cat [kæt] n.猫
eg. The cat is cruel to all but his master .
派生词 catty [ˈkæti] adj.如猫的
相关词 kitty [ˈkiti] n.猫咪,小猫
feral cat 流浪猫
短语词组 be the cat's whiskers 了不起的东西 / 人 / 主意
cat and dog life 争吵不休的生活
cat and mouse game 欲擒故纵的把戏
let the cat out of the bag 真相大白,秘密泄露
like a cat on hot bricks 像热锅上的蚂蚁
put the cat among the pigeons 引来可能招惹是非的人或事
mouse [maus] n. (pl. mice [mais]) 老鼠,耗子
eg. I have a great fear of mice.
同义词 rat [ræt] n.老鼠,耗子
派生词 mousey [ˈmausi] adj.像老鼠的;多鼠的
mouser [ˈmauzə] n.捕鼠的人
相关词 mousetrap [ˈmaustræp] n.捕鼠器
hamster [ˈhæmstə] n.仓鼠
短语词组 as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗
as quiet as a mouse 一声不响,悄无声息
as drunk as a mouse 大醉,烂醉
play cat and mouse with sb 残酷地对待某人,戏弄某人

goldfish [ˈgəuldfiʃ] n.金鱼
eg. The black cat sat in front of the fish tank, staring at the goldfish.
相关词 fishmonger [ˈfiʃmʌŋgə] n.鱼贩,鱼商
chum [tʃʌm] n.鱼饵
gill [gil] n.鳃
fin [fin] n.鳍
dorsal fin 背鳍
fish scale 鱼鳞
短语词组 goldfish bowl 金鱼缸

cage [keidʒ] n.笼子
eg. Don't you think the birds that are locked in the cage are very poor?
同义词 coop [ku:p] n.笼子
相关词 birdcage [ˈbə:dˈkeidʒ] n.鸟笼
caged [keidʒd] adj.关在笼中的
cagelike [ˈkeidʒˈlaik] adj.笼形的,笼子般的
aviary [ˈeiviəri] n.鸟舍,大鸟笼
dove 和pigeon
pigeon [ˈpidʒin] n.鸽子
eg. A wounded pigeon was standing on the tree.
同义词 dove [dʌv] n.鸽子
相关词 carrier pigeon 信鸽;homing pigeon 赛鸽,信鸽
wood pigeon 林鸽;pigeon house 鸽舍
young pigeon 乳鸽
短语词组 one's pigeon 自己的责任或事情

bird [bə:d] n.鸟,禽
eg. My favorite bird is parrots.
派生词 birder [ˈbə:də] n.猎鸟者
相关词 birdie [ˈbə:di] n.小鸟
feather [ˈfeðə] n.羽毛,翎毛
短语词组 migratory bird 候鸟
an early bird 早起的人;早到者
bird of passage 候鸟
bird of paradise 极乐鸟,天堂鸟

wing [wiŋ] n.翅膀,翼
eg. The hunter shot the eagle's left wing with arrows.
派生词 winged [wiŋd] adj.有翅膀的,有翼的
wingless [ˈwiŋlis] adj.无翅的,无翼的
短语词组 on wings 像飞一样地;飘飘然
take wing 起飞;逃走;兴高采烈

fly [flai] v.飞,飞行
eg. The pigeon began to fly in the sky after it was set free by the little boy.
同义词 hover [ˈhʌvə] v.(鸟、直升机等)翱翔,盘旋
flutter [ˈflʌtə] v.(鸟或昆虫)拍翅,振翼
soar [sɔ:] v.高飞,翱翔
派生词 flyer [flaiə] n.传单,飞行员
短语词组 fly off 飞出;飞速(或突然)地跑掉
fly back 回扫;快速回零
fly by 飞逝;(一架或几架飞机)在低空飞过指定地点,宇宙飞船飞近天体
fly on 向……发脾气

claw [klɔ:] n.爪,脚爪
eg. My little sister's arm was hurt by the cat's sharp claws.
相关词 webbed [webd] adj.有蹼的
talon [ˈtælən] n.(猛禽的)利爪
短语词组 clip / cut sb's claws 斩断某人的魔爪,解除某人的武装
retract one's claws 缩回爪子
retractile claws 伸缩自如的爪子
sharp claws 利爪
escape from the claw of sb 逃脱某人的魔掌
in sb 's claws 在某人的魔掌之下
with the claws 用爪子
swallow [ˈswɔləu] n.燕子
eg. Swallow is a kind of cute bird.
相关词 swift [swift] n.雨燕
nest [nest] n.鸟巢,鸟窝
tern [tə:n] n.燕鸥
短语词组 swallow up 淹没;吞下去;耗尽
swallow down 抑制,使不流露
swallow words 收回之前说过的话

bat [bæt] n.蝙蝠
This large bat lives in mexico and feeds mostly on fish.
相关词 vampire bat 吸血蝠
owl [aul] n.猫头鹰
短语词组 off the bat 马上,立刻
off one's own bat 靠自己的力量
其他词义 bat可指棒球的“球棒”,板球的“球板”,乒乓
at sea, by sea, by the sea和in the sea
at sea的意思是“航行中,做海员,茫然”。倒如:The man has a son at sea.这人有个当水手的儿子。
in the sea的意思是“在海里”。例如Children were bathing in the sea.孩子们在海里洗澡。
by sea的意思是“由海路,乘船”。by the sea的意思是“在海边”。
seabird [ˈsi:bə:d] n.海鸟
eg. Most of the seabirds can dive into the water for fish.
相关词 seagull [ˈsi:gʌl] n.海鸥
albatross [ˈælbətrɔs] n.信天翁
the Caribbean Sea 加勒比海
the Dead Sea 死海
the Mediterranean Sea 地中海
the North Sea 北海
the South Sea 南海
the Yellow Sea 黄海

ostrich [ˈɔstritʃ] n.鸵鸟
eg. Have you ever seen ostriches in the zoo?
相关词 penguin [ˈpeŋgwin] n.企鹅
短语词组 ostrich skin 鸵鸟皮
an ostrich egg 一个鸵鸟蛋
其他词义 ostrich 还可以指“逃避现实的人”。例如:
He's such an ostrich.他是一个逃避现实的人。

mammal [ˈmæməl] n.哺乳动物
eg. What is the largest mammal in creation?
派生词 mammalian [mæˈmeiliən] adj.哺乳类动物的;n.哺乳动物
相关词 vertebrate [ˈvə:tibreit] n.脊椎动物
carnivore [ˈkɑ:nivɔ:] n.食肉动物
predator [ˈpredətə] n.捕食性动物
amphibian [æmˈfibiən] n.两栖动物
reptile [ˈreptail] n.爬行动物

lion [ˈlaiən] n.狮子
eg. The lions are often considered as the king of the forest.
派生词 lioness [ˈlaiənis] n.母狮
相关词 puma [ˈpju:mə] n.美洲狮
leonine [ˈli:ənain] adj.像狮子一样的
mane [mein] n.(马、狮子等的)鬃毛
paw [pɔ:] n.(动物的)爪
短语词组 lion dance 舞狮
great lion 名人,名流

bear [bɛə] n.熊
eg. Can you tell me something about the polar bear?
派生词 bearish [ˈbεəriʃ] adj.像熊一样的;粗鲁的;粗暴的
相关词 panda [ˈpændə] n.熊猫
raccoon [ræˈku:n] n.浣熊
koala [kəuˈɑ:lə] n.树袋熊,考拉
短语词组 polar bear 北极熊

wolf [wulf] n. (pl. wolves [wulvz])狼
eg. The hunter is hunting a wounded wolf.
派生词 wolfish [ˈwulfiʃ] adj.似狼的
相关词 otter [ˈɔtə] n.水獭
短语词组 the big bad wolf 大坏蛋;令人恐怖的人或事
lone wolf 独来独往的人;单独行动者
cry wolf 谎报
have / hold a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下,进退两难
keep the wolf from the door 免于饥饿,勉强度日
see a wolf 目瞪口呆

fox [fɔks] n.狐狸
eg. One day the cunning fox wanted to eat grapes in the vineyard.
派生词 foxy [ˈfɔksi] adj.狐媚的,狡猾的
相关词 fox-hunting [fɔksˈhʌntiŋ] n.猎狐
beaver [ˈbi:və] n.河狸,海狸
短语词组 old fox 老狐狸;老油条
fox spirit 狐狸精

camel [ˈkæməl] n.骆驼
eg. The camels are carrying our goods across the desert.
相关词 hump [hʌmp] n.驼峰
camel hair 驼毛,驼绒
dromedary [ˈdrɔmədəri] n.单峰驼
one / two-humped camel 单 / 双峰骆驼
camel's hair 驼绒
短语词组 come on camel 骑骆驼来
be conveyed on camels 用骆驼运
camel in the desert 沙漠之舟

snake [sneik] n.蛇
eg. At the sight of snake, I am scared to be screaming.
派生词 snaky [ˈsneiki] adj.阴险的;弯弯曲曲的;似蛇的
相关词 snakeskin [ˈsneikskin] n.蛇皮
cobra [ˈkəubrə] n.眼镜蛇
rattlesnake [ˈrætlsneik] n.响尾蛇
短语词组 snake charmer 玩蛇人;耍蛇者
green snake 青蛇
a snake in the grass 伪装成朋友的阴险的人
fish(鱼), deer(鹿), sheep(绵羊), works(工厂), means(手段), Swiss(瑞士人), Chinese(中国人)
deer [diə] n.鹿
eg. The deer darted away at the sight of a lion.
相关词 reindeer [ˈreindiə] n.驯鹿;antler [ˈæntlə] n.鹿角
giraffe [dʒiˈrɑ:f] n.长颈鹿
moose [mu:s] n.麋;驼鹿
短语词组 sika deer 梅花鹿
hunt deer 猎鹿
female deer 雌鹿
tame deer 驯服的鹿
a herd of deer 一群鹿

antelope [ˈæntiləup] n.羚羊
eg. The lions are prone to charge at antelopes.
相关词 zebra [ˈzi:brə] n.斑马
kangaroo [kæŋgəˈru:] n.袋鼠
短语词组 tibetan antelope 藏羚羊
antelope skin 羚羊皮
antelope horn 羚羊角

hunt [hʌnt] v.打猎,猎取
eg. It is easy to hunt animals that were trapped in the pits.
派生词 hunter [ˈhʌntə] n.猎人
hunting [ˈhʌntiŋ] n.打猎,狩猎运动
短语词组 hunt for 搜寻,寻找
hunt after 追猎(某动物);追逐(某物)
hunt down 搜索直至找到(某物)
hunt out 努力找出,努力获得,试图发现
hunt up (在报纸上、书上等)找到(资料等)

dolphin [ˈdɔlfin] n.海豚
eg. The performance of dolphins is magnificent.
相关词 sea lion 海狮
sea horse 海马
walrus [ˈwɔ:lrəs] n.海象
seal [si:l] n.海豹
海底动物看一看 starfish 海星 coral 珊瑚 crab 螃蟹octopus 章鱼 lobster 龙虾 shell 贝类shark 鲨鱼 sea slug 海参 cuttlefish 乌贼prawn 对虾

seashell [ˈsi:ʃel] n.海贝壳
eg. Collecting seashells is one of my hobbies.
相关词 scallop [ˈskɔləp] n.扇贝
sea urchin 海胆

crocodile [ˈkrɔkədail] n.鳄鱼
eg. There is a fierce battle between human and crocodiles.
派生词 crocodilian [ˈkrɔkəˈdiliən] adj.鳄鱼的
相关词 crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲
turtle [ˈtə:tl] n.海龟,龟
nile crocodile 尼罗河鳄鱼,尼罗鳄

whale [weil] n.鲸
eg. The child wondered what the whale is like.
派生词 whaling [ˈweiliŋ] n.捕鲸,捕鲸业
whaler [ˈweilə] n.捕鲸人
短语词组 white whale 白鲸
have a whale of a time 玩得非常痛快,过得非常愉快
catch a whale 舍小鱼钓大鱼,吃小亏占大便宜
blue whale 蓝鲸
bull / cow whale 雄 / 雌鲸
gray whale 灰鲸
bug, insect, pest和worm
insect [ˈinsekt] n.昆虫
eg. In most situation the colour of the insects is green.
相关词 worm [wə:m] n.蠕虫
swarm [swɔ:m] n.一大群(蜜蜂等昆虫)
短语词组 pest [pest] n.害虫
insect powder 杀虫粉
insect repellent 杀虫剂

mosquito [məsˈki:təu] n.蚊子
eg. Please kill the mosquitoes in the mosquito netting before I put the baby into it.
相关词 flea [fli:] n.跳蚤
louse [laus] n.虱子,白虱
fly [flai] n.苍蝇
短语词组 mosquito net 蚊帐
mosquito killer 灭蚊器
drive off mosquitoes 驱赶蚊子
smoke out mosquitoes 用烟把蚊子熏出去

spider [ˈspaidə] n.蜘蛛
eg. I have never seen such an enormous spider.
派生词 spidery [ˈspaidəri] adj.(像蜘蛛腿一样)细长的
短语词组 spider silk 蜘蛛丝
spider web 蜘蛛网

ant [ænt] n.蚂蚁
eg. One ant-hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke.
相关词 termite [ˈtə:mait] n.白蚁
anteater [ˈænti:tə] n.食蚁兽
antenna [ænˈtenə] n.触角,触须
短语词组 queen ant 蚁王
worker ant 工蚁
a colony of ants 一群蚂蚁

bee [bi:] n.蜜蜂
eg. Don't touch the bee or else it will give you a sting.
相关词 honeybee [ˈhʌnibi:] n.蜜蜂
beekeeper [ˈbi:ki:pə] n.养蜂人
drone [drəun] n.雄蜂
短语词组 busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌,忙得不可开交
queen bee 蜂王
worker bee 工蜂
swarm like bees 云集
a cluster / colony / swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂

hive [haiv] n.蜂房,蜂箱
eg. Why do you want to smoke the bees from their hive?
相关词 beehive [ˈbi:haiv] n.蜂箱
honeycomb [ˈhʌnikəum] n.蜂巢
honeycombed [ˈhʌnikəumd] adj.蜂窝状的
beeswax [ˈbi:zwæks] n.蜂蜡
短语词组 hive off 从……团体中分离出来;分出(指部分工作)

ladybug [ˈleidibʌg] n.瓢虫
eg. If my memory serves me right, the insect's scientific name is ladybug.
同义词 ladybird [ˈleidibə:d] n.瓢虫
相关词 firefly [ˈfairflai] n.萤火虫
dragonfly [ˈdrægənflai] n.蜻蜓

lizard [ˈlizəd] n.蜥蜴
eg. The little boy doesn't know what a lizard is like.
相关词 chameleon [kəˈmi:ljən] n.变色龙
gecko [ˈgekəu] n.壁虎
antelope horn 羚羊角草
短语词组 lounge lizard 花花公子,纨绔子弟
beaded lizard 大毒蜥
lizard bite 蜥蜴撕咬
house lizard 壁虎
wall lizard 壁虎
lizard fish 蛇鲻

thrush [θrʌʃ] n.画眉
eg. Every morning, he is waked up by the song of the thrush.
同义词 throstle [ˈθrɔsl] n.画眉鸟
blackbird [ˈblækbə:d] n.画眉
相关词 kingfisher [ˈkiŋˈfiʃə] n.翠鸟
magpie [ˈmægpai] n.喜鹊
lark [lɑ:k] n.云雀,百灵
birdsong [bə:dsɔŋ] n.鸟鸣声
bird market 鸟市

parrot [ˈpærət] n.鹦鹉
eg. We have to admit that a parrot is an amazing mimic.
同义词 popinjay [ˈpɔpindʒei] n.鹦鹉
派生词 parrotry [ˈpærətri] n.学人说话
相关词 parrot-fashion [ˈpærətˈfæʃən] adv.鹦鹉学舌般地,盲从地
budgerigar [ˈbʌdʒərigɑ:] n.虎皮鹦鹉
canary [kəˈnɛəri] n.金丝雀
myna [ˈmainə] n.八哥
scarlet macaw 金刚鹦鹉

rabbit [ˈræbit] n.兔子
eg. Her mother brought her a rabbit as her birthday gift.
相关词 hare [hɛə] n.野兔
bunny [ˈbʌni] n.小兔子
beveren [ˈbev(ə)rən] n.比夫兰兔
fuzzy lop 垂耳兔
Angora rabbit 安哥拉兔
lion head 狮头兔
短语词组 a nest of rabbits 一窝兔子
like a rabbit 像兔子般地
flower, bloom和blossom
flower [ˈflauə] n.花,花卉
eg. They are strewing flowers on her grave.
同义词 bloom [blu:m] n.花,花卉
blossom [ˈblɔsəm] n.花,花卉
派生词 flowery [ˈflauəri] adj.多花的
flowerless [ˈflauəlis] adj.无花的,不开花的
flowering [ˈflauəriŋ] n.开花时节
相关词 floral [ˈflɔ:rəl] adj.花的;florist [ˈflɔrist] n.花商
garland [ˈgɑ:lənd] n.花环,花冠
短语词组 flower show 花展;flower arranging 插花
in / into flower 处于开花期

parterre [pɑ:ˈtɛə] n.花坛
eg. There is a big round parterre in our backyard.
同义词 flower bed 花坛
相关词 flowerpot [ˈflauəpɔt] n.花盆
bonsai [ˈbɑ:nsai] n.盆景
vase [veis] n.花瓶
horticulture [ˈhɔ:tikʌltʃə] n.园艺,园艺学
pergola [ˈpə:gələ] n.花架,蔓藤架

daisy [ˈdeizi] n.雏菊
eg. A lot of wild daisies are spotted by the villagers on the hill.
同义词 marguerite [ˈmɑ:gəˈri:t] n.雏菊
相关词 chrysanthemum [kriˈsænθəməm] n.菊花
coreopsis [ˈkɔ:riˈɔpsis] n.金鸡菊,波斯菊
cornflower [ˈkɔ:nflauə] n.矢车菊
短语词组 as fresh as a daisy 精力充沛的,精神焕发的

lily [ˈlili] n.百合花
eg. Her mother hopes that she is pretty like a lily.
相关词 liliaceous [ˈliliˈeiʃəs] adj.百合花的
lilylike [ˈlililaik] adj.像百合的
lily-white [ˈliliˈwait] adj.纯白的
短语词组 lily of the valley 铃兰
water lily 睡莲
Casablanca lily 香水百合
Madonna lily 白百合

maple [ˈmeipl] n.枫树
eg. We have several maples in our park.
相关词 birch [bə:tʃ] n.桦树,白桦树
ginkgo [ˈgiŋkəu] n.银杏,银杏树
lichen [ˈlaikin] n.地衣
willow [ˈwiləu] n.柳树;elm [elm] n.榆树
date [deit] n.椰枣树;palm [pɑ:m] n.棕榈树poplar [ˈpɔplə] n.白杨
短语词组 maple tree 枫树

watering pot [ˈwɔ:təriŋ] [pɔt] n.洒水壶
eg. Did you see where I had put the watering pot?
同义词 watering can 洒水壶
相关词 sprinkler [ˈspriŋklə] n.洒水器
waterhole 水坑;mouth-watering 流着口水的
watering place 饮水池
watering spot / hole 售酒处
watering cart 洒水车;watering rate 灌水率
watering device 洒水装置,供水装置
stock watering 股票掺水
watering machine 喷灌机
artificial watering 人工灌溉

cactus [ˈkæktəs] n. (pl. cacti [ˈkæktai]) 仙人掌
eg. It is said that cacti can protect people from computer radiation.
同义词 cereus [ˈsiəriəs] n.仙人掌
相关词 prickly [ˈprikli] adj.多刺的,刺手的
短语词组 cactus pear 仙人掌果

vegetation [ˈvedʒiˈteiʃən] n.(统称)植物,植被,草木
eg. There is no sign of vegetation in the desert.
同义词 plant [plɑ:nt] n.植物
派生词 vegetative [ˈvedʒitətiv] adj.植物的,植物性的
相关词 arboretum [ˈɑ:bəˈri:təm] n.植物园

herb [hə:b] n.药草,香草
eg. Many herbs are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
派生词 herbal [ˈhə:bəl] adj.草本的,草本植物的
相关词 herbaceous [hə:ˈbeiʃəs] adj.草本的
herbage [ˈhə:bidʒ] n.(统称)草本植物
fragrant plantainlily herb 玉簪
fringed iris herb 铁扁担
ephedra herb 麻黄
短语词组 Chinese herbal medicine 中药,中草药,中药材

wood [wud] n.树林,林地
eg. We have to go through the dense wood to search for the water.
派生词 woody [ˈwudi] adj.长满树木的
wooded [ˈwudid] adj.(土地)长满草木的
wooden [ˈwudən] adj.木刻的,木头的
相关词 grove [grəuv] n.丛林,小树林
thicket [ˈθikit] n.灌木丛,树丛
spinney [ˈspini] n.小树林
woodland [ˈwudlənd] n.树林,林地
woodcutter [ˈwudˈkʌtə] n.伐木工人
短语词组 wooden floor 木地板;wooden door 木门

forest [ˈfɔrist] n.森林,林区
eg. The children got lost in the forest.
派生词 forested [ˈfɔrəstid] adj.林木覆盖的
forester [ˈfɔ:ristə] n.护林人
forestry [ˈfɔ:ristri] n.林学,林业
相关词 rainforest [ˈreinˈfɔrist] n.雨林
forestry bureau 林业局

shrub [ʃrʌb] n.灌木
eg. Every tree and shrub seems to be in bloom.
同义词 bush [buʃ] n.灌木
派生词 shrubby [ˈʃrʌbi] adj.多灌木的,由灌木组成的
相关词 shrubbery [ˈʃrʌbəri] n.灌木丛
undergrowth [ˈʌndəˈgrəuθ] n.矮树丛
treeless [ˈtri:lis] adj.无树木的
treetop [ˈtri:tɔp] n.树梢
trunk [trʌŋk] n.树干
tree crown 树冠

root [ru:t] n.根,根茎;v.(使)生根
eg. I think the new rosebush has taken root.
派生词 rootless [ˈru:tlis] adj.无根的;无根据的;无所寄托的
相关词 tuber [ˈtju:bə] n.块茎;corm [kɔ:m] n.球茎
bulb [bʌlb] n.球茎;thorn [θɔ:n] n.刺,荆棘
短语词组 at (the) roots 本质上
root and branch 连根带叶;彻底的
root out 彻底根除
root up 杜绝

stalk [stɔ:k] n.(植物的)茎,杆;v.跟踪
eg. He cut off the flowers at the stalk with a pair of scissors.
同义词 stem [stem] n.(花、草的)茎
短语词组 stalk majestically 昂首阔步地走
stalk out 走出来
stalk across 蔓延
stalk along 沿着……前进
stalk out of 从……走出来

luxuriant [lʌgˈzjuəriənt] adj.茂盛的,浓密的
eg. The hills are covered by luxuriant forests.
同义词 lush [lʌʃ] adj.草木繁茂的;bushy [ˈbuʃi] adj.茂密的
派生词 luxuriantly [lʌgˈzjuəriəntli] adv.茂盛地,浓密地
luxurious [lʌkˈzjuəriəs] adj.奢侈的;丰富的;
短语词组 luxuriant growth 旺盛生长,繁茂生长

leaf [li:f] n.(pl. leaves [li:vz]) 叶子,叶片
eg. The trees are thick with leaves.
同义词 foliage [ˈfəuliidʒ] n.(植物的)叶,枝叶
leafage [ˈli:fidʒ] n.叶子(总称)
派生词 leafless [ˈli:flis] adj.无叶的
leafy [ˈli:fi] adj.多叶的,叶茂的
短语词组 maple leaf 枫叶;blow off the leaf 吹落树叶
sweep up dead leaves 清扫枯叶
take a leaf from sb 's book 效仿某人
turn a new leaf 翻开新的一页,揭开新篇章
fallen leaf 落叶;rose leaf 玫瑰叶;tobacco leaf 烟叶