2.24 [49] 景公养勇士三人无君臣之义晏子谏
Gongsun Jie,Tian Kaijiang and Gu Yezi served Duke Jing and were famous for having the courage and strength to capture tigers. When Yanzi respectfully hastened by them,they did not rise. Yanzi entered the Duke’s audience and said: “I have heard that when the enlightened ruler cultivates courageous,strong officers and superiors observe norms of righteousness between ruler and ministers,and inferiors maintain the norm of following the lead of their elders. Thereby,violence is prevented inside the state while external enemies are intimidated. Superiors benefit from their achievements,and inferiors submit to their courageous deeds. Hence,the ruler elevates them to an honored position and gives them a large emolument. But now,the way you,my Lord,cultivate courageous,strong officers is the follow ing: superiors do not observe norms of righteousness between a ruler and ministers,and inferiors do not maintain the norm of follow ing the lead of their elders. Violence is not prevented inside the state,and external enem ies are not intim idated. These three officers are instrum ents for the endangerment of the state. There is no better course than to get rid of them.”
The Duke said: “I am afraid that if I try to capture these three I w ill fail,while if I try to kill them,the strike might miss.”
Yanzi said: “They are all men who attack and overpower their enemies w ith strength; they lack the proper rites between senior and junior.”
And so he asked the Duke to send someone to offer them a small present of two peaches,w ith the follow ing words: “Why don’t the three of you eat from these peaches,each an amount relating to his respective achievements?” Gongsun Jie looked up,sighed and said: “Yanzi is a clever man. It was he who made the Duke have us assess our relative achievements. Refusing to accept a peach would indicate a lack of courage: too many officers; too few peaches. Why don’t we measure our respective achievements and then each eat from the peaches in accordance with that amount? Once I captured a fully grown w ild boar,and another time a nursing tigress. For such an achievement I can eat a peach w ithout sharing it w ith anyone else.” He grabbed a peach and stood up.
Tian Kaijiang said: “Tw ice I held a weapon and made the Three Armies[1] withdraw. For such achievements,I should also eat a peach without sharing it with someone else.” He grabbed a peach and stood up.
Gu Yezi said: “Once,when I follow ed m y ruler across the Yellow River,a giant turtle seized the left outer horse of the carriage in his jaws and plunged w ith it into a strong current as strong as that of the Polished Pillar stream.[2] At that time I was still young and could not sw im,so I waded in the water against the current a hundred paces,and then floated w ith the current nine li downstream. There,I overtook the turtle and killed it. I held the tail of the horse tightly w ith my left hand and seized the head of the turtle in my right hand. I jumped out of the water high-stepping like a crane and all the ferrymen said: ‘This is Hebo,’[3] but as I saw it,it was the head of the giant turtle. For such an achievement,I can also eat a peach without sharing it w ith others. Why don’t you two gentlemen return the peaches?”He drew his sword and stood up. Gongsun Jie and Tian Kaijiang said: “Our courage is not as good as yours,nor do our achievements equal to yours. To take the peaches and not to yield precedence would be greedy. However,choosing not to die under such circumstances would be a lack of courage. So both men returned their peaches,cut their own throats and died.
Gu Yezi said: “For this,these two died,and,for this,only I am still alive. This is not humaneness. To shame others w ith one’s words and to show off with one’s own fame is not righteous. To regret what you did and not to die is to lack courage. Nevertheless,if these two would have been modest and shared one peach,or if I alone had taken one peach,it would have been appropriate.” Then he too returned the peach,cut his own throat,and died. The messenger,who reported this,said: “They are dead.” The Duke had them clad in shrouds and buried them w ith the rites ordained for officers.
[1]I.e.,the joint military forces of a large state.
[2]The Polished Pillar 砥柱 is a name of a boulder in the m idd le of the Yellow River. It was not located in Qi but in the m inor state of Guo 虢,in the present-day province of Henan.
[3]Hebo 河伯,the River God.