Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Generation

Some of the best returns on investment are available through judicious application of energy efficiency strategies. We all know that adding foam-and-tape weather stripping around doors and windows costs little in cash and just a bit of time but can save hundreds of dollars a year in energy costs while improving comfort. Solar thermal or photovoltaic panels often provide an excellent return on investment as well as protection from rising electricity rates. Think big: whole-systems design can provide dramatic returns on investment by “tunneling through the cost barrier.”Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism (Snowmass, CO: Rocky Mountain Institute), (accessed August 26, 2014). This involves designs that can end up reducing initial capital costs, such as using enough insulation and air sealing so that a smaller furnace suffices to heat a home.See, an excellent free resource on how to approach comprehensive energy efficiency. See the “Half Program” on how they reduced energy use by 50 percent (accessed August 26, 2014).