Unit6 副词

一、 副词的用法


1. 副词的句法功能

1) 作状语


◇ Trish is a good reader, and she is doing very well with both English and Spanish.翠西酷爱读书,她的英语和西班牙语都很优秀。

形容词 good 修饰名词 reader;副词 well 修饰动词 is doing,副词 very 修饰副词 well。

◇ Mary Bar bought a very expensive sports car.玛丽·巴尔买了一辆非常昂贵的跑车。

形容词 expensive 修饰名词 sports car;副词 very 修饰形容词 expensive。

◇ Last night Ed ate unusually fast. 昨晚埃德吃饭异乎寻常地快。

副词 fast 修饰动词 ate;副词 unusually 修饰副词 fast。

◇ Ann Gold believes almost everything she is told. Obviously, she needs to exercise her brain and quit believing in lies. 别人告诉安·戈尔德的事,她几乎全相信。显然,她需要多动脑筋,不要再相信谎言。

这句的 obviously 用来表示说话人对某种行为的态度,修饰后面的整个句子,意思是“显然地”。

2) 作主语补语(即表语)

一般来说,系动词后面接名词、形容词、介词短语等作主语补语(即表语),而不接副词,但少数副词(如 on、off、here、there 等)可以作主语补语,置于系动词后,表示主语的方位、方向或状态。

◇ Make sure the TV is off. 查看一下电视机是否已经关了。

◇ We are almost there. 我们快到那里了。

3) 作宾语补语


◇ I’ve got two days off next week. 下周我有2天假。

◇ Please keep the outside lights on all night. 请让户外的灯整夜都亮着。

4) 作定语


◇ That short woman over there is Jim’s girlfriend. 那边那位矮个女子就是吉姆的女朋友。

◇ I met Sue on my way home. 在回家的路上,我碰见苏了。


quite a boy 一个不寻常的男孩

rather a mess 相当混乱

2. 副词在句中的作用

1) 动词+副词(副词修饰动词)

◇ Lori did well with her PowerPoint presentation about New York’s history.萝丽关于纽约历史的幻灯片简报做得非常成功。

副词 well 修饰动词 did,说明 Lori 如何做简报。

◇ Joe went home an hour ago. 乔1小时以前回家了。

home 是副词,修饰动词 go,说明去了哪里。

在 go home、get home、be home 这些短语中,home 是副词,home 前面不要介词 to。

2) 副词+形容词(副词修饰形容词)

◇ Dwight is often tired when he works at night.每当杜威特晚上工作时,就会感到疲倦。

副词 often 修饰形容词 tired,说明疲倦的频率。

◇ I’m terribly sorry to be late again. 又迟到了,我非常抱歉。

副词 terribly 修饰形容词 sorry,说明抱歉的程度。

3) 副词+副词(副词修饰副词)

有些副词,如 really、almost、quite、pretty、very 等,可修饰其他副词,强调程度。

◇ Amy did very well on the test she took to get into the Army.艾咪参军考试考得非常好。

副词 very 修饰另一个副词 well,说明 Amy 的考试有多好。

◇ Ann is a fast swimmer, and she can also run extremely fast.安游泳游得很快,而且跑步也飞快。

fast 既可以作形容词也可以作副词。形容词 fast 修饰名词 swimmer;副词 fast 修饰动词 run。程度副词 extremely 修饰副词 fast。


副词和形容词可以与副词 very、as、so、too、enough 等连用,如very good(非常好)、 as enthusiastically as(像……一样热心)、 so weak(如此虚弱)、 too strong(太强烈)、 soon enough(足够快)。

4) 副词+短语/数词(副词修饰短语、数词)

有些副词,如 quite、roughly、about、approximately 等,也可修饰其后面的名词短语(冠词+名词)、介词短语和数词。

◇ It was quite a shock when Dr.Fly told me that I had cancer and could die.当弗莱医生告诉我,我患了癌症,可能会死,真让我惊愕不已。

副词 quite 修饰名词短语 a shock,说明震惊的程度。

◇ Lee is madly in love with Lily. 李深深地爱上了莉莉。

副词 madly 修饰介词短语 in love with Lily。

◇ At Ocean View College, roughly 99 percent of the students have cellphones with an Internet connection. 在海景大学,大约99%的学生的手机都有网络连接。

副词 roughly 修饰数词 99。

5) 副词短语

Thirty minutes later, she came running in, out of breath and full of worry.30分钟后,她气喘吁吁、满脸焦虑地跑了进来。

短语 thirty minutes later 作副词,表示“时间”。短语 out of breath and full of worry 作副词,修饰动词短语 came running in。

On Monday morning, Alice is usually at her office. 周一上午,艾丽丝通常都在她的办公室。

副词 usually 修饰短语 at her office,说明 Alice 在办公室的频率(How often is Alice at her office?)。

on Monday morning 和 at her office 是介词短语起副词作用,被称为副词短语,用来说明什么时候(周一上午)和在哪里(在办公室)。

6) 比较“行为动词+副词”和 “系动词+形容词”

◇ Dee looked suspiciously at me. 蒂用怀疑的眼光看着我。

行为动词 looked(看)要用副词 suspiciously 修饰。

◇ Why does Dean often look mean? 为什么迪安常常看上去很凶狠?

系动词(look 看上去、好像)接形容词(mean)。

◇ Dee felt the cloth carefully to check its quality.蒂仔细地抚摸那匹布,检查它的质量。

felt(摸、触、试探)是行为动词,必须用副词 carefully 修饰。

◇ Dad felt very sad that his dog had become mad.爸爸感到很伤心,因为他的狗疯了。

感官动词(felt)+形容词(sad);系动词(had become)+形容词(mad)。



◇ Please keep silent while I am teaching the elephant. 我在训练大象时,请你们保持安静。

keep(保持)是普通动词用作系动词,后面接形容词 silent。

◇ I think we should get out of here because this neighborhood doesn’t look good. 我想,我们应该离开这里,因为这个社区看上去不安全。

look(看起来)是感官动词用作系动词,后面接形容词 good。

◇ She is quite wealthy, but she smokes a lot and her lungs arent very healthy.她非常富有,但她是一个大烟鬼,她的肺很不健康。

be 动词(is, are)是系动词,后面接形容词 wealthy、 healthy。