- 一本搞定高中英语语法(第二版)
- 景黎明
- 12290字
- 2024-11-04 22:12:38
七、 不定代词
1. 与不定代词搭配的人称代词及动词的单复数形式
不定代词(indefinite pronoun)泛指(不具体的、不特定的)人、地点、事物,常带有数量的含义。不定代词又分为单数不定代词和复数不定代词。
下列不定代词要与单数人称代词(he, she, it, his, her, its)和动词单数形式搭配。
◇ Everyone in my acting class wants to get his or her name and picture in the magazine Fame.我表演班上的每一个人,都希望自己的名字和照片能出现在《名望》杂志上。
everyone 作主语,动词用单数形式 wants,所有格代词也要用单数形式 his or her,正式语中不用 their。
◇ Neither of my aunts owns her house. 我两个姨妈的房子都不是她们自己的。
◇ Jim said, “Because of her dishonesty, nobody loves Kim.”吉姆说,“因为金姆不诚实,所以没有人喜欢她。”
◇ No one, not even the president of our company, knows what to buy for Jenny and Penny.没人任何人,甚至公司的董事长,都不知道应该为珍妮和潘妮买什么。
2) 复数不定代词(与复数人称代词及动词复数形式连用)
不定代词 both、few、many 和 several 永远指复数意义的人或物,因此要与复数人称代词(they, them, their)和动词复数形式搭配。
◇ Several of the new buildings on Lake Avenue were destroyed during the earthquake. 地震中,湖畔大街有好几幢新大楼被毁掉。
= Several new buildings on Lake Avenue were destroyed during the earthquake.
“several+of+名词”为不定代词(即具有名词性质),“several+名词”为不定限定词(即具有形容词性质)。搭配:several (of)+名词+复数动词(were destroyed)。
◇ Several of Bob’s colleagues have quit their jobs. 鲍勃的好几个同事都辞职了。
复数不定代词 several 作主语时,要接动词复数形式 have quit 和复数人称代词 their。
◇ Many of the soldiers did their best to rescue the people that were buried during the earthquake. 许多士兵尽全力营救在地震中被埋在废墟中的人。
= Many soldiers did their best to rescue the people that were buried during the earthquake.
“many+of+名词”为不定代词(即具有名词性质),“many+名词”为不定限定词(即具有形容词性质)。搭配:many (of)+名词+动词过去时+复数代词(their)。
3) 可以是单数也可以是复数的不定代词或不定限定词
不定代词 all、any、most 和 some 既可以是单数也可以是复数,当它们与复数名词或代词(如most of us、some people )连用时,就是复数;当它们与不可数名词(如most of the money、some water)连用时,就是单数。
◇ All of my daughters/All my daughters want to become basketball players.我所有女儿都想成为篮球运动员。
all 可以是不定代词(all of my daughters),也可以是不定限定词(all my daughters),这里指代或修饰复数名词daughters,作主语时,动词要用复数形式want。
◇ “All is lost!” Liz declared to Paul. 莉兹对保罗说,“全丢失了!”
不定代词 all在这里指 everything,接单数动词 is。
◇ All of the milk/All the milk Dad has in his fridge has gone bad.爸爸放在冰箱里的所有牛奶都变酸了。
all 可以是不定代词(all of the milk),也可以是不定限定词(all the milk),这里指代或修饰不可数名词 milk,作主语时,动词要用单数形式 has gone。
◇ Most of us don’t like Gus and Mike. 我们大多数人都不喜欢加斯和迈克。
◇ Most of my classmates hold opinions about the fine arts that are similar to mine.我的大部分同学对艺术的看法跟我的看法一致。
上面两句中的不定代词most可以指代复数代词(most of us)或复数可数名词(most of my classmates),指代复数代词或名词并作主语时,要接动词复数形式。
◇ Most of my art is about Bart. 我的大部分美术作品都是关于巴特的。
不定代词 most 指代不可数名词(如 most of my art、most of my money),作主语时要接动词单数形式。
◇ Some of the differences between us/Some differences between us are that I like to sit and read and you like to walk and talk. 我们之间的一些区别是,我喜欢静坐和读书,而你却喜欢步行和聊天。
differences 是复数名词,因此 some 应该接动词复数形式are。some 可以是不定代词(some of the differences),也可以是不定限定词(some differences)。
◇ Some of the beef has gone bad. 一些牛肉已经坏了。
some 与不可数名词 beef 连用,应该接单数动词 has gone。
2. all 和 both的用法
1) all (一切;大家)(代词兼限定词)
❶ all 指3个或3个以上的人或物,修饰名词时就是限定词(具有形容词性质,如 all the money、all men),否则就是代词(具有名词性质,如 all of it、all of the cars)。
❷ 当 all 意思为 everything、the whole thing 时,动词用单数形式,当 all 指 everybody、every one of 时,动词用复数形式。
◇ Mary sent a text message to me: “All is quiet in the library.” 玛丽给我发的短信说,“图书馆里一片寂静。”
all 是代词,指 everything,用动词的单数形式(is)。
◇ I hope all of you stay healthy and become wealthy. 我希望你们大家都健康发财。
all 是代词,指 every one of you,用动词复数形式(stay, become)。
◇ “All of the basketball players were quiet after their spirit-crushing defeat,” noted Pete.彼特说,“被打败后,这支篮球队的所有队员都心灰意冷并沉默不语。”
all 是代词,指 every one of the basketball players,用动词复数形式(were)。
= “All the basketball players were quiet after their spirit-crushing defeat,” noted Pete.
all 是限定词,修饰名词 basketball players。句子的主语是复数(players),因此动词用复数形式(were)。
◇ These four apartments all belong to my friend Paul Long.这4套公寓房都属于我朋友保罗·龙。
all 置于句子的主语 These four apartments 后面,句子主语是复数,动词也应该用复数形式(belong)。
These four apartments all...= All of these four apartments...= All these four apartments...
◇ We can all go to the new mall.我们都可以去那个新开张的购物中心。
all可以置于情态动词或助动词后面(We can all go...=All of us can go...)。
2) all 与 all of 的比较
❶ all(不加 of):用于“(形容词)+名词”前时,all 后面不接 of。
◇ All little girls are prettier than pearls. 所有的小女孩都比珍珠还漂亮。
◇ “All turtles are cute,” declared little Paul. 小保罗宣称,“所有的乌龟都可爱。”
❷ all (of) (加不加 of 都可以):当 all 用在 the、my/your、this/that 等限定词前面时,美式英语常用 of;英式英语常省略 of。
◇ She’s a little sick, because she ate all (of) my cookies.她吃光了我的甜饼干,所以感到有点想呕吐。
◇ All of the windows/All the windows are kept closed when it’s cold. 天气寒冷时,所有的窗户都被关上。
❸ all of(要加 of):all 在 it、us、you、them 前面时,其后必须用 of。
◇ Ann: Is there any pizza left for Amy and me? 给我和艾咪留了一点比萨吗?
Dan: Sorry, but my dog Fargo ate all of it a few minutes ago. 对不起,几分钟前我的狗——法苟,把整个比萨都吃了。
◇ All of them think the same about what they should say to Kay. 对凯应该说什么,他们大家看法都一致。
3) both (两者)(代词兼限定词)
❶ both 指2个人或物。当 both 作主语时,要用动词复数形式。
◇ Both of us were thirsty and hungry. 我们2个都又渴又饿。
◇ Margo said, “Both of my daughters are studying acting in Chicago.”玛苟说,“我的2个女儿都在芝加哥学表演。”
◇ We both accepted Aunt Ann’s invitation to visit the Museum of Space and Aviation. 我们2个都接受了安姑姑的邀请,去参观太空和航空博物馆。
both 也可以放在主语之后,谓语动词之前(We both=Both of us)。
◇ These two girls are both mine. 这2个女孩都是我的。
both 置于系动词之后。
◇ I like them both, and so does Mike. 他们2个我都喜欢,迈克也是。
both 也可以放在句子的宾语(them)的后面(I like them both=I like both of them)。
❷ both 和 both of 的用法与 all 和 all of 的用法一样。
◇ Both boys love their robotic toys. 2个男孩都爱他们的机器人玩具。
限定词 both+名词(boys)。
◇ Both (of) my girls are tall and play a lot of basketball. 我的2个女儿都长得高,经常打篮球。
both 后面有“my/your、the、these/those+复数名词”时,可接 of,也可不要 of。
◇ Aunt Ann invited both us to visit her in Japan.
Aunt Ann invited both of us to visit her in Japan.
both 后面有 them、us、you 时,必须要 of。
◇ Skip and his girlfriend Liz are careful with their money, because both of them have experienced lots of financial hardship. 斯基普和他的女朋友莉兹用钱很小心,因为他们2个都曾经历过许多次经济困难。
3. either 和 neither的用法
1) either 和 either of(代词兼限定词)
❶ either 指“两者之中的任何一个”,作限定词时,修饰单数名词,作主语时,接动词单数形式。
▶ either (+单数名词)+动词单数形式
◇ Either way is OK with Liz and Kay. 这两个方法其中任何一个,莉兹和凯都可以接受。
这句的 either 是限定词,具有形容词性质。
◇ Lulu asked, “Should I wear something red or blue?” “Either is acceptable,” replied Mabel.露露问:“我该穿红色的还是蓝色的衣服?” 美博回答:“都可以。”
这句的 either 是代词,具有名词性质。
◇ Ann: Which movie do you and Amy want to see? 你和艾咪想看哪一部影片?
Dan: Either is fine with Amy and me.=Either one is fine with Amy and me. (两部之中)任何一部都可以。
◇ There are two roads into the park, and you can take either/either one to get to Lake Sue.通往公园有两条路。你走任何一条路都可以到达苏湖。
❷ “either of+复数名词”结构作主语时,正式用语中要用动词单数形式。在非正式语中有些人用动词复数形式,但在考试中,请遵守语法规则,用单数动词。
▶ either of+复数名词/复数代词+动词单数形式(正式)
▶ either of+复数名词/复数代词+动词复数形式(非正式,避免使用)
◇ Is either of the robotic guards close to Liz? 那2个机器人卫兵有没有其中一个靠近莉兹?
◇ Is either of the Fish twins studying Danish?费西家的双胞胎有没有其中一个在学习丹麦语?
2) neither 和 neither of(代词兼限定词)
❶ neither 表示“两者都不”,neither 作限定词用时,修饰单数名词,作主语时,要接动词单数形式。
▶ neither(+单数名词)+动词单数形式
◇ Dan: Which girl has the black pearl, Millie or Lily?
Ann: Neither girl has the black pearl. (这句中的 neither 是限定词)
= Neither has the black pearl. (这句中的 neither 是代词)
丹: 哪一个女孩有黑珍珠,米莉还是莉莉?
安: 她们两个都没有。
❷ “neither of+复数名词”结构作主语时,正式用语中用动词单数形式,在口语中可以用动词复数形式。
▶ neither of+复数名词/复数代词+动词单数形式(正式)
▶ neither of+复数名词/复数代词+动词复数形式(非正式)
◇ Informal: Neither of the dresses fit my small doll.
Formal: Neither of the dresses fits my small doll.
3) either、neither、both 的比较
❶ 作限定词。
①both 指“两者都”,修饰复数名词。
②either 指“两者之中的任何一个”,修饰单数名词。
③neither 指“两者都不”,修饰单数名词。在否定句中,要用 neither,不用 both 和 either。
◇ Ann: Is Kay free to play ping-pong on Saturday or Sunday?
Dan: She will be free on both days. (肯定<两天都有空>)
She will be free on either day. (肯定<任何一天都有空>)
She will be free on neither day. (否定<两天都没有空>)
安: 凯星期六还是星期天有空打乒乓球?
丹: 她这两天都有空。
❷ 作代词。
◇ Both of them are coming to my birthday party. 他俩都要来参加我的生日聚会。
both 用于肯定句,表示“两者都”。“both of+复数代词”作主语时,要用复数动词搭配。
◇ Is either of them coming to my birthday party? 他俩其中一个要来参加我的生日聚会吗?
either 表示肯定(两者之中任何一个)。“either of+复数代词”作主语时,要用单数动词(is)。
◇ Erica has two sisters, and neither of them has been to America.艾芮卡有2个妹妹,她们都没有去过美国。
neither 表示否定(两者都不)。“neither of+复数代词”作主语时,正式用语用单数动词(has been)。
4. none、none of和no one 的用法
1) none 的用法
❶ 当谈及两个人或事物时,用 neither 表示“两者皆非”。neither 可以作代词或限定词。
❷ 当谈及3个或3个以上的人或事物时,用 none 表示“全部皆非”(not any persons or things),none 是all的反义词,只能作代词,作主语时,动词用复数形式。none 既可指人也可指物。
◇ Neither of my friends from Chicago could attend my wedding in Tokyo. 我芝加哥的2个朋友都不能来参加我在东京举行的婚礼。
◇ Paul wanted a toy rocket, but there were none at the mall. 保罗想要买一个玩具火箭,但购物中心一个也没有了。
指物(3个或3个以上的物;全部皆非)。none 指代可数名词,意思为“一个也没有”(there weren’t any toy rockets),用动词复数形式。
◇ None but my closest friends believe what I’ve written about Eve Sun. 除了我的亲密朋友,没有一个人相信我写的伊芙·孙的故事。
指人(3个或3个以上的人;全部皆非);none 后面接“but+复数名词”时,动词要用复数形式。
❸ none 也表示“一点也没有”,指代不可数名词,作主语时,动词用单数形式。
◇ Ann: Could I have some more French cheese, please? 请再给我一些法国奶酪。
Dan: Sorry, but there is none left in either this package or the fridge. 对不起,这个包里和冰箱里都没有奶酪了。
none 指代不可数名词,意思为“一点也没有”(there isn’t any French cheese),动词用单数形式。
2) none of 的用法
❶ “none of+复数名词”结构作主语时,正式用语中用动词单数形式,在口语中常用动词复数形式。
▶ none of+复数名词/复数代词+动词单数形式(正式)
▶ none of+复数名词/复数代词+动词复数形式(非正式,尤其在美式英语中 )
◇ Informal:“None of them speak Spanish,” stated Trish.
Formal: “None of them speaks Spanish,” stated Trish.
在非正式英语(尤其是美式英语口语)中,“none of+复数名词/复数代词”常用动词复数形式(speak)。这种用法已经广泛使用。但在正式用语中,常用动词单数形式(speaks)。
◇ None of us wants/want to go out and run in the sun. 我们中没有一个想出去在太阳下跑步。
◇ None of the selfish children on the bus was willing to give up his or her seat for old Uncle Gus. 公交车上那些自私的孩子,没有一个愿意把座位让给老加斯伯伯。
虽然非正式用语中可以用动词复数形式(were)搭配“none of+复数名词”,但这句因后面的物主代词是单数(his or her),就只能用单数形式was,而不用复数形式were。
❷ 当 none of 和不可数名词连用的时候或与单数代词(it)连用时,就只能用动词单数形式。
◇ Brad hopes none of the milk has gone bad.布莱德希望牛奶都没有变酸。
❸ 当 none of 被 almost 修饰时。
①“almost+none of+复数名词/复数代词”作主语,必须接动词复数形式。
②“almost+none of+不可数名词”作主语,要接动词单数形式。
◇ Almost none of us are going there by bus. 我们几乎所有的人都不乘公交车去那里。
◇ Almost none of the stories you heard from Sue are true. 你从苏那里听到的故事,几乎都不是真的。
◇ Joan said almost none of her old software is compatible with her new cellphone.裘恩说,她所有的旧软件,几乎都与她的新手机不相容。
3) 比较 none 和 no one
❶ no one 就等于 nobody,只指人,后面不能接 of。no one 作主语时只能接动词单数形式。
❷ none 的意思是 not any,可指人或物,后面可以接 of。none 作主语,根据意思可接单数或动词复数形式。
◇ No one knows where she is.= Nobody knows where she is. 没有人知道她在哪里。
◇ None of my friends wants to go hiking, fishing, skin diving, or camping. (正式)
= None of my friends want to go hiking, fishing, skin diving, or camping. (口语)
None of my friends wants=Not one of my friends wants
◇ Not one of the old cheese is going to please Ms.Glenda Gold.
None of the old cheese is going to please Ms.Glenda Gold.
none 指代不可数名词,动词用单数形式(is)。不可数名词(cheese)要与 none of 搭配。not one of 后面要接复数名词,如 not one of the washing machines、not one of the lawyers。
❸ none 用来回答 how many、how much 引导的疑问句;no one用来回答who引导的疑问句。
◇ “How much money did we save in the bank last month?” “None.”“我们上周在银行存了多少钱?”“一点钱也没有存。”
◇ “Who is at home?” “No one.” “谁在家?”“家里一个人也没有。”
5. each 和 every 的用法
1) each(每个)(代词兼限定词)
each 用来指一个团体里面所有的人或物(2个或2个以上的人或物),强调分别看待每个个体。each 的用法有下列几种。
❶ each(作限定词)+单数名词+动词单数形式。
◇ Each child is sometimes wild. 每个小孩有时都会任性的。
◇ Of course, each member of our riding club has his or her own horse. 当然,我们骑马俱乐部的每个成员都有自己的马匹。
each 后面要接单数名词(member)、动词单数形式(has)和单数代词(his or her)。
❷ each(作代词)+动词单数形式。
◇ My class has only eight students, and each comes from a different city. 我的班只有8个学生,每个都来自不同的城市。
代词 each 具有名词性质,作主语时直接用在动词前,后面总是接动词单数形式。
❸ each of+复数名词/复数代词+动词单数形式+(单数代词)。
◇ Each of the job candidates has done well during his or her interview.那些求职者,每个人的面试都很成功。
非正式用语中也可以用“have done...their”,但这种用法不规范,考试时要按照语法规则,each 后面要接动词单数形式和单数代词。
◇ Each of us likes to drive that electric bus. 我们每个人都喜欢驾驶那辆电动公交车。
each of us(我们每个人)后面接动词单数形式(likes);both of us(我们2个人)/all of us(我们大家)后面要接动词复数形式(like)。
指“两者”要用 both,也可以用 each。但 each 还可表示 “2个或2个以上的人或物”。
◇ Ruth expects both of us/each of us to tell the truth.露丝指望我们2个人都讲实话。
❹ 复数主语+each+动词复数形式(+复数代词)。
◇ Mary and Larry each have their own opinions about Gary.玛丽和赖瑞对盖瑞都有各自的看法。
◇ Dr.Mile’s daughters each dress in different styles. 麦尔医生的女儿每个都穿着样式不同的衣服。
当each出现在复合主语(Mary and Larry)或复数主语(daughters)后面时,动词要与复数主语一致,用动词复数形式(have, dress)和复数代词(their)。
Each of Dr.Mile’s daughters dresses in a different style.
当 each 作主语时,动词要用单数形式。
2) each 与 every 的比较
❶ every 只能作限定词,充当定语修饰名词,而 each 可作限定词或代词。
◇ Every car in the parade was judged by the Awards Committee. (限定词)
◇ Molly Mist is wearing a diamond bracelet on each wrist. (限定词)
指2个,不能用 every、all,要用 each。 both 虽指2个,但后面要接复数名词(both wrists)。
◇ Each of the girls has an apple and a peach. (代词)
❷ 作限定词时,each 和 every 都只修饰单数名词。“each/every+单数名词”后面都接单数动词。在很多情况下,each 和 every 在意义上没有多大的区别,都指“每个”,可以互换。
◇ Each day/Every day is a new beginning. 每天都是一个新起点。
◇ Prices seem to go up each/every year. 好像物价每年都在上涨。
❸ each 指2个或2个以上的人/物(至少2个);every 指3个或3个以上的人/物(至少3个)。
◇ She had a diamond anklet around every ankle.
She had a diamond anklet around each ankle.
指2个,不能用 every。
◇ There are many new houses on each side of the avenue.大街的两旁有许多新房子。
指大街两旁,不能用 every。each side of the avenue=both sides of the avenue。
◇ There are small shops on every/each side of the town square.在市中心广场的每边都有小商店。
指广场的四边,既可用 every,也可用 each。
❹ 当前面有 nearly 或 almost 修饰时,用 every。every 也可表示“每隔”(how often something happens)。
◇ Almost every German student studies English. 几乎每个德国学生都学习英语。
◇ The bus leaves every twenty minutes. 每隔20分钟有1班公交车。(每隔)
6. any、some和one 的用法
1) any 和 some (代词兼限定词)
❶ some 和 any 修饰不可数名词和复数名词。请参见p.9<4)可数与不可数名词常用的限定词:some/any>。
❷ 一般来说,any(一点、一些、丝毫)用在疑问句和否定句中,some(一些)用在肯定句中。
◇ Joe: I need some packets of chocolate cocoa for tomorrow. Do you have any I could borrow? 我明天需要几包巧克力可可粉。你可以借给我一些吗?
Penny: Sorry, I don’t have any, but try asking Jenny. 对不起,我一点也没有。你去问问珍妮吧。
这个小对话肯定句中的 some 是限定词;疑问句和否定句中的 any 是代词(= any packets of chocolate cocoa)。
◇ Ann finished the writing assignment without any help from Dan.没有丹的任何帮助,安独自完成了书面作业。
这句虽不是否定句,但any 与具有否定含义的 without 连用。
◇ Sue made hardly some errors in her long text message to Andrew.
Sue made hardly any errors in her long text message to Andrew.
句中有具有否定含义的词 hardly,属于否定句,应该用 any。
◇ Do you have any cookie, Jenny?
Do you have any cookies, Jenny? 珍妮,你有没有甜饼干?
Do you have a cookie, Jenny? 珍妮,你有一块甜饼干吗?
在疑问句中,any 通常不与单数可数名词(cookie)连用,而是与复数名词连用(cookies)。要强调“一个”,应该用冠词 a 或 an。
❸ 在表示请求或邀请的问句中,疑问句中也可以用 some。
◇ Could I have some bubble gum?(请求)
◇ Bruce, would you like some apple juice?(邀请)
❹ any 可表示“任何一个,究竟哪一个不重要”(it does not matter which),此时,any 可用在肯定句中,后面接单数可数名词。
◇ Come to visit me some day you like.
Come to visit me any days you like.
Come to visit me any day you like.
◇ Any doctor will tell you that smoking harms your health and takes away your wealth.任何一个医生都会告诉你,吸烟伤害你的健康,带走你的财富。
any 在疑问句和否定句中,修饰不可数名词(如any money、any water)或复数名词(如any questions、any tickets)。但在肯定句中,any 只与单数可数名词用在一起(如any day、any doctor)。
❺ any 也可以用于 if 条件句。
◇ Please let me know if you hear any news about Lily.如果听到莉莉的任何消息,请告诉我。
❻ 在带有 the、this、that、these、those 或物主代词(如my、his 等)或人称代词的宾格(如us、them、you等),不能用 some 或 any,只能用 some of 或 any of,作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式由 of 后的名词而定。
▶ some of/any of+the/this/my/us...等(特指)
some of/any of your ideas (+复数动词)
some of/any of us (+复数动词)
some of/any of the books (+复数动词)
some of/any of those people (+复数动词)
some of/any of the food (+单数动词)
some of/any of the money (+单数动词)
2) one 一个;任何人
❶ one 可以作代词,指“事物”,代替上下文的名词。请参见 p.31<1.代词 one>。
❷ one 也可作不定代词,表示“其中一个”。
▶ one+in/out of/of+复数名词/复数代词(+动词单数形式)
◇ One in three dentists recommends this toothpaste. 每3个牙医中就有1个推荐这种牙膏。
◇ During Christmas one out of every four of our company’s cellphones was found to have a virus.圣诞节期间,我们公司的手机平均每4个就有1个染上了病毒。
◇ One of my friends is dying. 我的1个朋友快死了。
上面3句的主语不是复数名词(dentists, cellphones, friends),而是不定代词 one(一组人或物中间的一个),所以动词用单数形式(recommends, has, is)。
◇ Annie is one of those people who just want to make money. 安妮属于那些只想赚钱的人。
在 “one of those (people) who/that...” 结构中,从句动词要用复数形式(want),因为关系代词 who 指 those people。
❸ one or more或one or two结构习惯上要接复数动词。
◇ One or two students in our school are from Japan.我们学校有几个学生是从日本来的。
❹ one 可以与 the other、another 用在一起,表示对比。
◇ The twin sisters look so much alike that even their brother cannot tell one from the other.这对双胞胎姐妹长得一模一样,连她们的哥哥都无法辨认出哪个是哪个。
◇ Yesterday Sue and I went from one store to another. 昨天苏和我从一家商店逛到另一家商店。
❺ 不定代词 one 也可泛指“任何人,人们”(anyone)。不定代词 one 作主语时,后面的代词用 one、one’s、oneself。但美式英语常用he or she、his or her来指代 one。在口语中,也有人使用复数人称代词(they、their)去搭配 one、everyone、each,但这种用法不标准。
◇ British: One is not likely to become a first-class user of English unless one reads extensively.
单数不定代词 one 要接动词单数形式(is, reads)。
American: One is not likely to become a first-class user of English unless he or she reads extensively.
在从句中,英式英语重复不定代词 one,而美式英语用 he or she。
American/British: You are not likely to become a first-class user of English unless you read extensively.
现代英语更常用 you 或 we 来指“任何人”。
7. another、other、much、many、few和little 的用法
1) another (再一个)(限定词兼代词)
❶ another 指前面已经提及过的那一类人或物中“又一个”,作限定词时,后面接单数可数名词,不能接不可数名词。
another puppy 又一条小狗
another friend 又一个朋友
another story 又一个故事
another planet 又一个行星
another bread
another piece of bread 又一片面包
◇ He finished his hot dog and then asked for another. 他吃完了他的热狗,然后又再要一个。
这句中的 another 作不定代词(= another hot dog)。
◇ Kay may stay here for another days.
Kay may stay here for another day. 凯也许会在这里多待1天。
another 作限定词,后面接单数可数名词。
❷ 但当 another 指人或物的具体数量时,就可以与数字及复数名词连用了。
◇ I’m going to stay here for another five days. 我还要在这里再待5天。
another+three/four/five 等,要接复数名词。如果没有数字,another 后面要接单数可数名词(如another day)。
2) other 其余的人/物(限定词兼代词)
❶ other 可以特指一组人/物中的其他(一个或多个)成员。作这种意义时,other 常与 the、her、his 连用。
her other foot 她的另一只脚
my other sister 我的另一个妹妹
the other students 其余的学生
the other one 另一个
❷ 泛指用 others(代词)或“other+名词”(限定词),意思是“其他人或物”;特指用 the others(代词)或“the other+名词”(限定词),意思是“剩下的”。
◇ Both Margo and Joe know why some businesses fail and others manage to prosper and grow. 玛苟和乔都清楚,为什么有些企业失败,而另一些企业却能成功发展。
代词 others 是泛指,意思是“别的企业”。
◇ One of my brothers started to laugh, and then so did the others.我的一个兄弟开始大笑起来,其他兄弟也跟着笑起来。
代词 the others 特指(一组人中)其余的人,即剩下的人。
◇ Sid’s mom doesn’t let him play with other kids.席德的妈妈不让他跟别的孩子玩耍。
other 在这里是限定词,泛指“别的”。
◇ Sweet little Kay sighed with relief after the other kids ran away.其他孩子跑开后,可爱的小凯如释重负地叹了一口气。
other 在这里是限定词,特指(一组人中)其余的人,要加定冠词(the other kids)。
❸ any other 的用法。
①any other+复数名词(用于疑问句)。
◇ Do you have any other questions? 你还有问题要问吗?
②any other+单数可数名词 (用于肯定句和比较级)。
◇ Any other student would have told the truth to Ruth. 任何其他学生都会告诉露丝实话的。
◇ Can a lion run faster than any other animal? 狮子比任何其他动物都跑得快吗?
❹ other 的惯用语。
some other time 改天吧
the other day/week 前几天/前几周
in other words 换句话说
3) many/much(许多)(限定词兼代词)
❶ much 修饰不可数名词,many 修饰复数名词(下表中的 much 和 many是限定词,修饰名词)。
◇ Were many of the bank’s money stolen by people that never repaid what they had borrowed?
Was much of the bank’s money stolen by people that never repaid what they had borrowed?
复数不定代词 many 用来指代复数可数名词(如 many of the students)。money 是不可数名词,要用单数不定代词 much 来指代,动词要用动词单数形式。
❷ many 和 much 主要用在疑问句、否定句及 if 引导的从句中。在肯定句中,通常用 plenty (of) 或 a lot (of)。many 也可用在肯定句中。
◇ Ann: How much money do you have with you?(疑问句)
Dan: I don’t have much, and it certainly isn’t enough for a trip to Singapore. (否定句)
Ann: Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty, and it will be enough for both of us to use on the trip to Singapore.(肯定句,不说 I’ve got much.)
安: 你身上带有多少钱?
丹: 我没有带多少钱,肯定不够去新加坡的行程。
安: 别担心,我有很多钱,足够我们两个在新加坡的行程中使用。
◇ How many push-ups can you do?(疑问句)
◇ I know many who dislike Sue. 我认识许多不喜欢苏的人。
正式英语在肯定句中可用 many(这句中的many指many people,在口语中常用a lot of people)。
❸ 与 too、as、so 连用,“many/much+名词”可用在肯定句中。
◇ I still have too much work to do tonight. 我今晚还有太多的工作要做。
◇ Kay asked too many questions today. 凯今天问了太多的问题。
◇ Ann is going to stay in Detroit as many days as she can. 安想尽量在底特律多待一些日子。
❹ too much/too many 与名词连用;(much) too 与形容词和副词连用。
cause too much trouble 惹出太多的麻烦
too many problems 太多的问题
(much) too old 太老
drive(much) too slow 车开得太慢
◇ This bread has mold because it is too much old.
This bread has mold because it is too old.
This bread has mold because it is much too old. (much在这里是副词,用来表示程度)
(much) too 与形容词和副词连用,又如 (much) too old(太老)、drive (much) too slow(车开得太慢),而 too much/too many 则与名词连用,如cause too much trouble(惹出太多的麻烦)、too much spam(太多的垃圾邮件)、too many problems(太多的问题)、too many messages(太多的留言)。
4) a few/few、a little/little(一些/很少的)(限定词兼代词)
❶ a few、few、a little、little 可以作代词,后面接 of 短语,也可以作限定词,修饰名词。
❷ a few、few 指代或修饰复数名词和代词(如a few people、a few of us、few of my friends),a little、little 指代或修饰不可数名词和单数代词 it(如a little money、a little of it、little juice)。
◇ I had to sell my two old lamps to get the money to buy a few stamps. 为了得到买几张邮票的钱,我不得不卖掉我的2盏旧灯。
◇ May I drink a little of your apple juice? 我可以喝点你的苹果汁吗?
◇ Few of my friends has ever asked me to cut his or her hair.
Few of my friends have ever asked me to cut their hair.
few 是复数不定代词,应该搭配动词复数形式 have 和复数物主代词 their。
❸ a few、a little 表示“几个,一些”,具有肯定含义,相当于some;few、little 表示“没有几个,很少”,带有否定含义。
◇ Few of us can say we learn a lot every day. 我们之中没有几个可以说我们每天都学到了很多东西。
few of表示否定含义(没有几个人)。
◇ Kay and a few of her classmates read 25,000 English words every day.凯和她班上的几个同学每天都要阅读25000个英语单词。
a few of表示肯定含义(有几个人/有一些人)。
◇ There is very little milk left. 几乎没有剩下什么牛奶了。(甚少)
◇ May I have a little honey in my tea?=May I have some honey in my tea? 请在我的茶里放一点蜂蜜,好吗?(有一些)
表否定含义的few 和 little(不加 a)属于较正式的用语,口语中,多用 not much、not many、only a little、only a few 和 hardly any 来表达“不多,只有一点点”。如果要表示“极少”,较常用 very little 或 very few。
◇ Only a few students in my class have solved this math problem.我班上只有几个学生解答出了这道数学题。
◇ Very little sunlight penetrates the dense jungle foliage and gets to the ground below.极少的阳光可以穿透茂密的丛林树叶,照到地面上。
8. 以-body、-one或-thing结尾的复合不定代词
1) 以-one和-body结尾的复合不定代词
❶ everybody (=everyone)、somebody (=someone)、anybody (=anyone)、nobody (=no one) 只用于指人。
◇ Nobody in my class likes me.= No one in my class likes me. 我班上没有人喜欢我。
◇ I need some time away from everyone. 我需要一点独处的时间。
❷ 上述这些指人的复合代词可以有 ’s 所有格形式。
◇ Who’s my valentine is nobody’s business but mine. 谁是我心爱的人,是我自己的事,和别人不相干。
nobody’s business=no one’s business。
◇ It’s anybody’s guess why she quit talking to Lee.谁都说不清楚,她为什么不理睬李了。
固定习语 anybody’s guess=a matter of conjecture(纯属个人推测的事)。
❸ 不要混淆“anybody 和 any body”“somebody和some body”“everybody和every body”“nobody和no body”。两个词any body、some body、every body、no body 中的 body 指“group(团体,组织)”,后常接 of 短语。
any body of students= any group of students 任何一组学生
◇ “Is any body going to Beijing next week?” asked Kay.
“Is anybody going to Beijing next week?” asked Kay. (指人)
❹ anyone、everyone、no one 只能指人,不能和 of 连用。any one、every one、none 既可指人,也可指物,后面常接 of 短语。
every one of the rooms (指物)
every one of us (指人)
any one of the cellphones (指物)
any one of us (指人)
◇ Why is Lorelei Sun ignored by everyone? (everyone=everybody 大家,人人)
everyone(= everybody)和 anyone 的意思是 every person 和 any person,后面不接 of 短语。
◇ Every one of us gave Ms.Tower a flower. (every one=each one; each single one 每一个人)
every one、any one 意思是“each/any single member of a group of persons or things”,后面常接 of 短语。
2) 以-thing结尾的复合不定代词
◇ Bing left without saying anything. 宾一句话也没有说就离开了。
◇ I lost everything during the earthquake. 在地震中我失去了一切。
3) 复合代词的共同之处
❶ everybody、everything、anybody、nobody 等复合代词后面要接单数动词和单数物主代词。
◇ Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.日出前的森林之美无以复加。(美国总统乔治·华盛顿)
◇ Everyone is looking forward to having lots of fun during their vacation in the sun.
Everyone is looking forward to having lots of fun during his or her vacation in the sun.
单数不定代词(everyone)+单数动词(is)+单数物主代词(his or her)。
= We are all looking forward to having lots of fun during our vacation in the sun.
= All of us are looking forward to having lots of fun during our vacation in the sun.
也可以把主语改成 we 或者 all of us,后面就用物主代词 our。口语中可以用“everyone+their”,但正式用语和考试中不能用 their。
❷ 形容词要放在所修饰的复合代词的后面。
◇ Did Kay have interesting anything to say?
Did Kay have anything interesting to say? 凯讲过什么有趣的事吗?
形容词要置于代词 anything 后面。
◇ I’ve got something important to tell you.我有重要的事要告诉你。
◇ We need to hire someone reliable, capable, and agreeable. 我们需要招聘一个可靠的、有能力的、和蔼可亲的人。
形容词(reliable, capable, and agreeable)置于复合代词(someone)之后。
= We need to hire someone who is reliable, capable, and agreeable.
也可以用关系从句/定语从句来修饰 someone。
4) some- 与 any- 之间的区别
somebody/something/somewhere 与 anybody/anything/anywhere 之间的区别和 some 与 any 之间的区别是一样的。somewhere、anywhere 可以作不定副词。请参见p.48 <1)any 和 some(代词兼限定词)>。
❶ anybody/anything/anywhere 通常用于疑问句或否定句。somebody/something/somewhere 通常用于肯定句,指某一个特别的而又没有限定的人、物、地点。
◇ Kurt asked, “Is anybody hurt?” (疑问句)
◇ When I looked around the house, I did not find anything out of the ordinary. (否定句)
◇ Don’t go away. I have something to give you. (肯定句)
◇ If Claire continues to be irresponsible, she will never get somewhere.
If Claire continues to be irresponsible, she will never get anywhere. (否定句)
副词 anywhere 和 somewhere 的用法与代词 any 和 some 的用法一样;句中有否定副词 never,要用 anywhere。
❷ 在肯定句中,用 anybody、anything、anywhere 表示“无论任何人、事、地点都无所谓”,也用来泛指人、地点或物。
◇ “Anybody can learn English well if he or she reads extensively for fun,” declared Trish. 翠西宣称,“只要大量进行趣味阅读,任何人都能学好英语。”
◇ We were miles from anywhere—no one could hear our screams for help. 我们离任何地方都很远——没有人能听见我们叫喊“救命”。
anywhere泛指地点(any place or direction)。
◇ My micro-robot is willing to ride anything in the air except UFO’s and airplanes.除了不明飞行物和飞机之外,我的微型机器人愿意骑乘任何东西在空中飞行。
❸ 在疑问句中,用 someone、something、somewhere 表示提问人心中有数,预期得到肯定的回答,也可以表示请求、建议(与 some 的用法一样)。
◇ “Did John lose something this morning?” “Yes, he did. He lost his cellphone.” (提问人心中有数)
◇ Shall we go out somewhere tonight?(提议)
5) 避免双重否定
anyone、anybody、anything 常与否定词 never、not 连用,而 nobody、never、nothing、nowhere、no 等词本身就具有否定意味,这时,句中只要用一个否定词就可以了。
◇ Coco never said nothing about that broken window.
Coco never said anything about that broken window.
Coco said nothing about that broken window.