- 一本搞定高中英语语法(第二版)
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- 938字
- 2024-11-04 22:12:37
四、 one及相互代词的用法
1. 代词 one
代词 one指“事物”,代替上下文的名词。
❶ one(单数)或 ones(复数)可用来避免重复可数名词。
◇ Do you prefer the blue shirt or the red one? 你更喜欢这件蓝色的衬衣还是那件红色的?
“the+(形容词)+one/ones”是特指;这句中的 one 指代前面的单数可数名词 shirt(the red one=the red shirt)。
◇ Mike and I have been looking at houses, but we have not found one we like.迈克和我一直在看房子,但还没有找到一个我们喜欢的。
one 替代 a house,是泛指(= we have not found a house we like)。
❷ one 不可替代不可数名词。
◇ Would you prefer black tea or green one?
Would you prefer black tea or green tea?你想要红茶还是绿茶?
one/ones 指代前面提及的可数名词;不可数名词tea不能用 one/ones 来指代,需要重复名词。
❸ one 或 ones 可以用于 the 之后(the one, the ones)表示“特指”,或用于形容词之后(a blue one, big ones)表示“泛指”。One不能直接用在 a/an 之后。
◇ I want to buy a yellow silk dress like the one on display in the window.我想买1条黄色丝绸裙,就像橱窗里展示的那条裙子一样。
◇ I would like to have a double cheese pizza, a large one, please. 我想要1个双层奶酪比萨,请给我1个大份的。
◇ Mr.Sun’s goal is to make sure that the vacation days he has with his three daughters are happy ones. 孙先生的目标是,确保他与3个女儿的假期每一天都是快乐的。
形容词 + ones(happy ones = happy days)。
one 也可以作不定代词,指“一个”或泛指“任何人(anyone)”。one 表示“任何人”并作主语时,后面的代词用 one、one’s、oneself。但美式英语常用he or she、his or her来指代 one。请参见 p.49<2)one 一个;任何人>。
◇ Jake’s mother often says, “One can learn from one’s mistakes.” (英式英语)
=Jake’s mother often says, “One can learn from his or her mistakes.” (美式英语)
2. 相互代词 each other 和 one another
❶ each other 和 one another 是相互代词(reciprocal pronoun),意为“彼此,相互”。相互代词在句中作宾语。
❷ 指2个人或事物,只能用each other;指3个或3个以上的人或事物,用 one another,在口语中也可以用 each other。
◇ It was so dark in the room that Sue and I could not see each other. 房间里一片漆黑,苏和我彼此看不见对方。(两人)
◇ The two vans bumped into each other on the icy road. 那两辆面包车在结冰的公路上相撞了。(两物)
◇ We all said “Goodbye” to one another. 我们相互道别。(两人以上)
◇ All those gangsters were fighting one another in order to get the stolen money. 为了把偷来的金钱抢到手,那些歹徒打成一团。(两人以上)
❸ 相互代词也可以有所有格形式,用作定语。
◇ The twins often wear each other’s clothes. 那对双胞胎常交换衣服穿。(两人)
◇ Susan, Amy, and Sally often help to look after one another’s children. 苏珊、艾咪和莎莉常相互照顾彼此的孩子。(两人以上)