- 365句掌握初中英语语法
- 袁懋梓
- 174字
- 2020-06-24 18:38:42
049 Talking is easier than doing.说比做容易。
语法点 构词法中的派生法:词根加后缀构成另一个词
The wise man does at once what the fool does finally.愚者拖泥带水,智者雷厉风行。
Nobody is born a winner or loser, however, everyone is born a chooser.没有人生来就是胜利者或失败者,但是,每个人都是天生的选择者。
“Tom, do you mean to say you don't know when Columbia discovered America?” asked the teacher. “It's right on page one of your history book-1492.”
“Oh, I thought that was his telephone number.”
-Why can't a nose be twelve inches?
-Because then it would be a foot.(foot:脚;英尺)