276 口+斤【jīn】=听(聽)【tīnɡ】(形声)
①听【tīnɡ】<v.>listen; hear
听力【tīnɡlì】<n.>hearing; audition; aural comprehension
听说【tīnɡshuō】<v.>be told; hear of
听到【tīnɡdào】hear; listenin; meetthe Ear
听讲【tīnɡ∥jiǎnɡ】listen to a talk; attend a lecture
※听说读写【tīnɡ shuō dú xiě】listen, speak, read and write
※好听【hǎotīnɡ】<adj.> pleasant to hear
※中听【zhònɡtīnɡ】<adj.>pleasant to the ear; agreeable to the hearer
②※听从heed; obey; <formal> administer; manage
※听从【tīnɡcónɡ】<v.>obey; heed; comply with
③听【tīnɡ】<mea.>tin; can
※一听啤酒【yì tīnɡ píjiǔ】a can of beer