- 美国少儿英语(英文彩色插图版)(第二辑·套装共3册)
- (美)威廉·H.爱尔森 卢娜·E.伦克尔
- 296字
- 2025-02-28 06:30:20
Once there was a farmer who had a big field of corn.
Every day he went to look at it.
He needed corn for his pigs and his chickens.
The hot sun came down on the field, but the rain did not come.
The corn could not grow until it had rain.
Away up in the sky some raindrops were playing.
Tiny Raindrop looked down and saw the farmer.
She said, “I am sorry for the farmer.
His corn can not grow.”
The farmer looked at his corn, and he felt very sad.

“Maybe I can help the farmer,” said Tiny Raindrop.
“Ha, ha!” laughed Big Raindrop. “What can you do?
You are only a little raindrop.”
Tiny Raindrop said, “I know that I am very little.
But I will do all I can.
Here I go! Good-bye, dear raindrops!”
Down went Tiny Raindrop from her home in the sky.
Down, down, she went until she fell right on the farmer's nose.
“What is this?” said the farmer. “A raindrop. How fine that is!
Maybe we shall have a good rain.
Then the corn will grow up tall.
There will be plenty to eat in our barnyard this winter.”
All the other raindrops watched Tiny Raindrop go down.
One said, “I have played long enough up here.
I think I shall follow Tiny Raindrop.”
“I am going, too,” said a second raindrop.
“Wait for me,” called another.
“Here I come,” shouted Big Raindrop.
Down went the raindrops faster and faster.
Soon there was plenty of rain.

The corn began to grow, and the farmer was happy.
——Old Tale