4.1 心理动词与心理使役动词
“心理/情感动词”(psych-verb/verb of psychological state)描述人们对其他人或事物的态度和情感。能够引发“经事”(experiencer)的一种心理状态(a mental state)的心理动词称作“心理使役动词”(psych causative verb)。经事指感受者,根据感受者的位置,心理动词可分为“主语感受者动词”〔SE(subject experiencer)verb〕和“宾语感受者动词”〔OE(object experiencer)verb〕(Presetsky, 1995: 52)。
根据Levin(1993: 188-193),心理动词分为四类(见表4-1)。
表4-1 心理动词类别

OE Amuse类动词称为“心理使役动词”,因为它们引发情感的变化,其他类称作“心理状态动词”,因为它们着重描述感受者感受的情感。也有人把frighten(使某人害怕), amaze(使某人感到惊讶), astonish(使某人感到惊奇)这类动词称为“半使役动词”,可见它们与典型的使役动词有差异,尽管有差异,但它们仍属于使役动词的一类。
1)SE Admire类动词
admire, adore, appreciate, cherish, enjoy, esteem, exalt, favor, idolize, like, love, miss, respect, prize, relish, stand, support, tolerate, trust, value, worship
deplore, despise, detest, distain, dislike, distrust, dread, envy, fear, hate, loathe, mourn, pity, regret, resent
这类动词不能用于中动结构,例如不能说:∗Paintings admire easily”,但可以有如下转换:
(1)I admired his honesty.
(2)I admired him for his honesty.
(3)I admired the honesty in him.
2)OE Amuse动词
属于“OE Amuse动词”的心理动词共有220个(含缀合心理使役动词)。这类心理动词有以下特点(Levin, 1993: 190):除及物用法外,有状态被动构式,其介词依动词和意义而定,可以用作-ing形容词,常可进行构式转换。例如:
(4)a. The clown amused the children.
b. The children are amused at/by/with the clown.
c. The clown was amusing to the children.
d. The clown amused the children with his antics.
e. The clown's antics amused the children.
f. The clown amused the children.
g. ∗The children amused(at the clown).
h. The clown amused the little children.
i. Little children amuse easily.
j. He angers easily. (陆谷孙,1993)
k. That joke never fails to amuse little children.
l. That joke never fails to amuse.
句(4l)amuse后面可看作省略了 people,因为amuse 是及物动词,后面一般接所“逗乐”的人。
心理动词中有些动词有及物动词和不及物动词用法,如worry,其及物用法属OE amuse类动词,其不及物动词类似主语经验者“SE marvel”类动词的用法。有的没有不及物动词用法,如frighten是典型的OE动词,可以说“I was frightened”,不能说“∗I frightened”。
fear与frighten的区别在于,fear是“主语感受者动词”,表示“我害怕某事或某人”,英语可以说 I fear something or someone,很少见到“I fear”。即便说“I fear”,其实就是指“I fear something”,主语是“感受情感者”, something 就是“使因”,而“使因”是突显成分,不能缺省。frighten是“宾语感受者动词”,指“使某人害怕”,这个“某人”如果成了主语“我”,那就该用被动式“I was frightned”,而不能说“∗I frightened”或“∗I frighten something or someone”。
“OE Amuse动词”可根据意义分为一些小类(见表4-2)。
表4-2 OE Amuse动词

3)SE Marvel类动词
“SE Marvel类动词”有及物用法和不及物用法,在不及物用法的条件下,不同的动词后接不同的介词。现将动词和介词的对应搭配关系列入表4-3。
表4-3 SE Marvel类动词介词的搭配

(5)Tom marveled at the beauty of the Grand Canyon.
(6)Her face saddened at the bad news.
(7)The death of her mother saddened her.
(8)a. John angered /cheered up/saddened Bill.
b. Bill slowly angered/cheered up/saddened.
其中有些不能进行使役和表始用法的转换,但能进行“使役和状态转换”(causative/stative alternation)。比较:
(9)a. The murder mystery puzzled the police.
b. The police puzzled over the murder mystery.
为什么不能说“∗The police puzzled”?因为这样说,哪个是“使因”和“情感受影响者”不清楚。在使用puzzle这类引发情感的动词时,必须将“使因”和“情感受影响者”分清楚。句(9a)主语“the murder mystery”是“使因”,“the police”是“情感受影响者”,句(9b)主语“the police”是“情感受影响者”,“the murder mystery”是“使因”,当主语是“情感受影响者”时,其语义是“主语让自己处于受到使因影响的状态中”。基于这个解读,句(9b)的puzzle后面有一个隐身的反身代词 themselves,句(9b)可重写为:The police puzzled (themselves)over the murder mystery.主语是可以驾驭自己情感的人,他可以让自己处在一种感受中或逃离一种感受,从这个意义上看,“主语让自己处于受到使因影响的状态中”是讲得通的。这种解读可取代前面提到的句(9a)和(9b)是“使役和状态的替换”的说法,因为两句语义相同,功能也应该一致,如果说句(9a)是使役用法,句(9b)是状态用法则更加让人难以接受。再如:
(10)a. The sight of blood sickened the young medical students.
b. The young medical students sickened at the sight of blood.
(11)a. Country music delights them.
b. They delight in country music.
句(10)和句(11)与句(9)同理,可将句(10b)重写为:The young medical students sickened(themselves)at the sight of blood.将句(11b)重写为:They delight(themselves)in country music.
c.我只是以遥遥的相对,来喜悦这一群燕雨落入绿茵上的那一霎烟轻。(简媜,2014: 19)
这儿“恼你”“烦他”也是“意动”用法,句(12a)“我最恼你”不是指“我使你恼怒”,而是“因为‘让你别来你偏来’这件事让我生气”,即“你使我气恼”,相当于“I anger over you because you still come after I ask you not to come”,句(12b)“烦他”指“他让我烦恼”。句(12c)“喜悦”指“使自己感到喜悦”。
4)OE Appeal类动词
(13)This painting appeals to Malinda. (这幅画引起莫琳达的兴趣。)
(14)The boy's manner of speech grated on his father. (那男孩说话的态度触怒了他的父亲。)
(15)It doesn't matter to me. (这对我来说无所谓。)
(16)The way he laughs jars on me. (他大笑的样子让我觉得不舒服。)
这组词没有被动语态用法,不能将句(13)说成:∗Malinda was appealed to this painting.