
Full soon his property took wings:

And daily, as each treasure went, He sighed to find the state of things Grow less and less convenient.

Weeks grew to months, and months to years:

Peter was worn to skin and bone:

And once he even said, with tears, 'Remember, Paul, that promised Loan!'

Said Paul' I'll lend you, when I can, All the spare money I have got--Ah, Peter, you're a happy man!

Yours is an enviable lot!

[Image...Such boots as these you seldom see]

'I'm getting stout, as you may see:

It is but seldom I am well:

I cannot feel my ancient glee In listening to the dinner-bell:

But you, you gambol like a boy, Your figure is so spare and light:

The dinner-bell's a note of joy To such a healthy appetite!'

Said Peter 'I am well aware Mine is a state of happiness:

And yet how gladly could I spare Some of the comforts I possess!

What you call healthy appetite I feel as Hunger's savage tooth:

And, when no dinner is in sight, The dinner-bell's a sound of ruth!

'No scare-crow would accept this coat:

Such boots as these you seldom see.

Ah, Paul, a single five-pound-note Would make another man of me!'

Said Paul 'It fills me with surprise To hear you talk in such a tone:

I fear you scarcely realise The blessings that are all your own!

'You're safe from being overfed:

You're sweetly picturesque in rags:

You never know the aching head That comes along with money-bags:

And you have time to cultivate That best of qualities, Content--For which you'll find your present state Remarkably convenient!'

Said Peter 'Though I cannot sound The depths of such a man as you, Yet in your character I've found An inconsistency or two.

You seem to have long years to spare When there's a promise to fulfil:

And yet how punctual you were In calling with that little bill!'

'One can't be too deliberate,'

Said Paul, 'in parting with one's pelf.

With bills, as you correctly state, I'm punctuality itself:

A man may surely claim his dues:

But, when there's money to be lent, A man must be allowed to choose Such times as are convenient!'

It chanced one day, as Peter sat Gnawing a crust--his usual meal--Paul bustled in to have a chat, And grasped his hand with friendly zeal.

'I knew,' said he, 'your frugal ways:

So, that I might not wound your pride By bringing strangers in to gaze, I've left my legal friend outside!

'You well remember, I am sure, When first your wealth began to go, And people sneered at one so poor, I never used my Peter so!

And when you'd lost your little all, And found yourself a thing despised, I need not ask you to recall How tenderly I sympathised!

'Then the advice I've poured on you, So full of wisdom and of wit:

All given gratis, though 'tis true I might have fairly charged for it!

But I refrain from mentioning Full many a deed I might relate For boasting is a kind of thing That I particularly hate.

[Image...'I will lend you fifty more!']

'How vast the total sum appears Of all the kindnesses I've done, From Childhood's half-forgotten years Down to that Loan of April One!

That Fifty Pounds! You little guessed How deep it drained my slender store:

But there's a heart within this breast, And I WILL LEND YOU FIFTY MORE!'

'Not so,' was Peter's mild reply, His cheeks all wet with grateful tears;No man recalls, so well as I, Your services in bygone years:

And this new offer, I admit, Is very very kindly meant--Still, to avail myself of it Would not be quite convenient!'

You'll see in a moment what the difference is between 'convenient' and 'inconvenient.' You quite understand it now, don't you?" he added, looking kindly at Bruno, who was sitting, at Sylvie's side, on the floor.

"Yes," said Bruno, very quietly.Such a short speech was very unusual, for him: but just then he seemed, I fancied, a little exhausted.

In fact, he climbed up into Sylvie's lap as he spoke, and rested his head against her shoulder."What a many verses it was!" he whispered.