1 紧急救援 Emergency Rescue
2 避之不及 Just in Time
3 自主裁判 Serious Referee
4 学以致用 Learning for Practice
5 谁是漫画迷 Who is Comic Fan?
6 家有恶犬 Dog Inside
7 如此指路 Go from Here
8 善良的亨利 Kind Henry
9 小心为妙 Be Careful
10 偶然英雄 Be a Hero by Chance
11 噪音威胁 Noise Threat
12 积极举手 Raise Hand Actively
13 溜之大吉 Slip away
14 自食恶果 Ask for Pain
15 重要通知 Important Notice
16 降温妙方 Recipe for Cooling
17 机械洒水 Mechanical Watering
18 捡便宜 Bargain
19 热心的亨利 Warm-hearted Henry
20 这个适合你 This Suits You
21 垂钓失败 Unsuccessful Fishing
22 疏忽 Careless Mistake
23 减肥成功 Weight Loss Success
24 内胎 Tube
25 进出有道 In and Out
26 事实如此 Such is the Fact
27 这样最安全 The Safest Way
28 “讨厌”的代名词 Synonym for Hate
29 缺乏安全感 Lack of Security
- APP免费
30 还是专业的行 Professional lines
- APP免费
31 赶时间 In a Hurry
- APP免费
32 强壮的好处 Nice to be Strong
- APP免费
33 最诱人的香味 The most tempting smell
- APP免费
34 避暑胜地 Summer Resort
- APP免费
35 不许在屋里吹泡泡 Don’t blow bubbles in the house
- APP免费
36 自豪的真相 Truth behind Pride
- APP免费
37 龟领毛衣 Turtle Neck Sweater
- APP免费
38 接受现实 Accept the Reality
- APP免费
39 装备齐全 Well-equipped
- APP免费
40 随机应变 Change Quickly
- APP免费
41 猫本无心 Cat is not on purpose
- APP免费
42 一起来玩泡泡糖 Play with Bubble gum Together
- APP免费
43 夏天的雪人 Snowman in Summer
- APP免费
44 最好的方法 The Best Way
- APP免费
45 现学招牌 Learn to make signs off hand
- APP免费
46 逗你玩 Tease you
- APP免费
47 预算不够 Money is not enough
- APP免费
48 口渴的诱因 Cause of Thirst
- APP免费
49 证据现身 Evidence shows up
- APP免费
50 冷气汽车 Air conditioned Auto
- APP免费
51 资源再利用 Recycling
- APP免费
52 那就不客气了 Then I will have it myself
- APP免费
53 避雨 Take shelter from the rain
- APP免费
54 现实总是残酷的 Reality is always cruel
- APP免费
55 飞机故障 Airplane Fault
- APP免费
56 不堪重负 Overburdened
- APP免费
57 粗心的亨利 Careless Henry
- APP免费
58 好办法 Good Method
- APP免费
59 技术不过关 Skill to be Improved
- APP免费
60 快速干衣法 Rapid Drying Method
- APP免费
61 倒霉的亨利 Hapless Henry
- APP免费
62 给小鸟一个家 A Home for a Bird
- APP免费
63 谁不听话 Who isn’t obedient?
- APP免费
64 拔牙妙招 Good way in tooth extraction
- APP免费
65 早有准备 Well Prepared
- APP免费
66 都是懒虫 Both are lazybones
- APP免费
67 报复 Revenge
- APP免费
68 都是漫画迷 All are comic book fans
- APP免费
69 时机正好 Right Timing
- APP免费
70 喧哗与沉默 Sound and Silence
- APP免费
71 休息一会儿 Have a rest
- APP免费
72 卧铺需要安静 Keep quiet in the sleeper
- APP免费
73 偶然盛开的花 Flower produced out of sudden
- APP免费
74 一样的道理 The Same Way
- APP免费
75 误伤 Accident Injury
- APP免费
76 选景 Choose the Scene
- APP免费
77 瞌睡很重 Heavy Sleeper
- APP免费
78 形影不离的鸟 Inseparable Birds
- APP免费
79 最重要的是够量 Enough quantity is above all
- APP免费
80 挠痒痒 Tickle
- APP免费
81 说坏话的代价 Cost of Badmouth
- APP免费
82 不会客气 Impolite
- APP免费
83 有魔力的桶 A Magic Bucket
- APP免费
84 难挡诱惑 Hard to Resist Temptation
- APP免费
85 如此联想 Such Association
- APP免费
86 研究好脑子 Study Good Brain
- APP免费
87 自作多情 Self-assertion
- APP免费
88 射击教练 Shooting Coach
- APP免费
89 恐惧后遗症 Fear Sequela
- APP免费
90 特殊介绍 Special Introduction
- APP免费
91 调皮的亨利 Naughty Henry
- APP免费
92 戴眼镜 Wear Glasses
- APP免费
93 有歧义 Ambiguous
- APP免费
94 特别急救 Special Emergency
- APP免费
95 不同待遇 Different Treatment
- APP免费
96 生财有道 Money-making Way
- APP免费
97 囚徒 Prisoner
- APP免费
98 认真的代价 Cost of Being Serious
- APP免费
99 基础与实践 Foundation and Practice
- APP免费
100 旗语 Semaphore
- APP免费
101 情敌的反击 Rival’s Counterattack
- APP免费
102 小心为上 Best to Take Care
- APP免费
103 难以服从 Hard to Obey
- APP免费
104 值得怀疑 Doubtful
- APP免费
105 服务周到 Considerate Service
- APP免费
106 前方危险 Dangerous Ahead
- APP免费
107 捣乱猫 Trouble Cat
- APP免费
108 混乱逃走 Escape in a Mess
- APP免费
109 不准偷看 No Peeking
- APP免费
110 防摔妙招 Good Way to Prevent Drop
- APP免费
111 人靠衣装 Clothes Make the Man
- APP免费
112 着急 Anxious
- APP免费
113 头晕 Dizziness
- APP免费
114 有力回击 Strong Counterattack
- APP免费
115 很好的催眠曲 Good Lullaby
- APP免费
116 自找麻烦 Ask for Trouble
- APP免费
117 弹跳高手 Jumping Master
- APP免费
118 替罪狗 Scapedog
- APP免费
119 电话粥 Long Chat on the Phone
- APP免费
120 恼羞成怒 Angry
- APP免费
121 难逃厄运 Inevitable Misfortune
- APP免费
122 小白的生日礼物 Little White’s Birthday Gift
- APP免费
123 都是小白惹的祸 Trouble due to Little White
- APP免费
124 心情播报 Mood Broadcast
- APP免费
125 抽象画 Abstract Painting
- APP免费
126 最具说服力 Most Convincing
- APP免费
127 不得安宁 Restless
- APP免费
128 自叹不如 Embarrassed
- APP免费
129 玩雪人 Play with Snowman
- APP免费
130 电视迷 TV Fan
- APP免费
131 免费闻香水 Smell Perfume for Free
- APP免费
132 听天由命 Just Follow the Flow
- APP免费
133 回答正确有奖 Prize for Right Answers
- APP免费
134 捣蛋鬼亨利 Troublemaker Henry
- APP免费
135 施舍 Charity
- APP免费
136 有钩就有鱼 No Hook No Fish
- APP免费
137 另类修补 Special Repair
- APP免费
138 调皮的小狗 Naughty Puppy
- APP免费
139 阻挡视线 Block Sight
- APP免费
140 小心油漆 Wet Paint
- APP免费
141 终于可以下河了 Get into the River Finally
- APP免费
142 发明隐形鱼 Invention of Invisible Fish
- APP免费
143 高手 Master
- APP免费
144 瞄准时机 Find the Right Time
- APP免费
145 防止帽子吹翻 Prevent the Hat Being Blown Away
- APP免费
146 高兴太早 Happy too Early
- APP免费
147 存钱 Save Money
- APP免费
148 特殊客人 Special Guest
- APP免费
149 情非得已 Last Resort
- APP免费
150 深奥的现代派 Abstract Modernist
- APP免费
151 面壁思过 Reflect
- APP免费
152 请你帮帮忙 Please Help Me
- APP免费
153 谁的故障 Whose Fault
- APP免费
154 哈欠的妙用 Magical Effect of Yawn
- APP免费
155 拒绝太阳 Refuse the Sun
- APP免费
156 询问不当 Improper Question
- APP免费
157 钟点指示器 Time Indicator
- APP免费
158 鼠洞三窟 Three Holes to the Rat Hideout
- APP免费
159 女高男低 Female is Taller than Male
- APP免费
160 休息一下 Have a Rest
- APP免费
161 相形见绌 Pale by Comparison
- APP免费
162 爱读报的亨利 Henry loves reading newspaper
- APP免费
163 一“鸣”惊人 Unwelcome Greeting
- APP免费
164 禁止与限制 Ban and Limit
- APP免费
165 拒绝推销 Refuse Promotion
- APP免费
166 体重堪忧 Weight is Worrying
- APP免费
167 心虚 Diffident
- APP免费
168 无花可献 No Flowers to Offer
- APP免费
169 有学问的狗 Learned Dog
- APP免费
170 恶有恶报 What Goes around Comes around
- APP免费
171 顾客是麻雀 Customer is Sparrow
- APP免费
172 讲文明 Civilized
- APP免费
173 情不自禁 Can’t Help Oneself
- APP免费
174 都怕洗澡 Both are afraid of taking a bath
- APP免费
175 交友妙招 Best Way of Making Friends
- APP免费
176 躲避喝药 Escape from Taking Medicine
- APP免费
177 糟糕的理解力 Poor Understanding
- APP免费
178 真假有别 The true is different from the false
- APP免费
179 意外收获 Unexpected Gains
- APP免费
180 脱帽礼仪 Hat Etiquette
- APP免费
181 手工课 A Lesson of Handwork
- APP免费
182 条件吻合 Conditions are Met
- APP免费
183 无法维修 Unable to Repair
- APP免费
184 托运的好办法 A Good Way to Carry
- APP免费
185 爱憎分明 Sharp Contrast
- APP免费
186 促生长剂 Growth Promoter
- APP免费
187 讨厌胖女人 Hate Fat Woman
- APP免费
188 半价不容错过 Don’t Miss Half Price
- APP免费
189 性质相同 Same Nature
- APP免费
190 自叹不如 Mortified
- APP免费
191 羽毛朋友 Feathered Friends
- APP免费
192 见异思迁 Inconstant
- APP免费
193 胜者为王 Winner Takes All
- APP免费
194 棒球场上的幸运 Luck in the Baseball Field
- APP免费
195 疯狂报纸迷 Crazy Newspaper Fan
- APP免费
196 着急游泳 Anxious to Swim
- APP免费
197 谁怕谁 Who is Afraid
- APP免费
198 研究巧手 Study Skillful Hands
- APP免费
199 逗朋友开心 Amuse Friend
- APP免费
200 说大话的代价 Price of Brag
- APP免费
201 别有用心 Ulterior Motive
- APP免费
202 解决拥挤 Solve Congestion
- APP免费
203 请勿张贴 Don’t Post
- APP免费
204 骗人的气球贩 Balloon Hustler
- APP免费
205 好奇心 Curiosity
- APP免费
206 帮忙 Give a Hand
- APP免费
207 躲开捕狗人 Stay away from Dogcatcher
- APP免费
208 现场治疗 Site Treatment
- APP免费
209 我也爱看报 I Also Like Reading Newspaper
- APP免费
210 多管闲事 Nosy
- APP免费
211 变相安慰 Disguised Comfort
- APP免费
212 求之不得 Just What I Want
- APP免费
213 小鸟晾衣架 Bird Drying Rack
- APP免费
214 各有所爱 All Have Love
- APP免费
215 虚惊一场 False Alarm
- APP免费
216 备受打击 Too Discouraged
- APP免费
217 蛋糕为大 All for Cake
- APP免费
218 占便宜 Undeserved Benefit
- APP免费
219 造句 Make a Sentence
- APP免费
220 严禁载客 No Passengers
- APP免费
221 以防万一 Just in Case
- APP免费
222 自找麻烦 Ask for Trouble
- APP免费
223 真心话 True Words
- APP免费
224 蒸发太快 Evaporate too Quickly
- APP免费
225 寻找快乐 Seek Happiness
- APP免费
226 无发可理 No Hair to Cut
- APP免费
227 梦中指路 Direct the Way in Dream
- APP免费
228 教不会的学生 Pupil Difficult to Teach
- APP免费
229 会飞的领结 Flying Bow Tie
- APP免费
230 吹蜡烛 Blow the Candles
- APP免费
231 躲远点 Hide away
- APP免费
232 为了奖励 For Rewards
- APP免费
233 自我“禁止” Self “Forbidden”
- APP免费
234 爱心接力 Love Relay
- APP免费
235 请勿闲谈 Don’t Chat Please
- APP免费
236 好建议 Good Advice
- APP免费
237 热情过度 Overzealous
- APP免费
238 不识“电扇”真面目 Not Know True Colors of Fan
- APP免费
239 会飞的画 Flying Painting
- APP免费
240 自己吓自己 Scare Oneself
- APP免费
241 困 Sleepy
- APP免费
242 吃饭最重要 Eating is Most Important
- APP免费
243 同病相怜 Fellow Sufferer
- APP免费
244 层层伪装 Multiple Disguise
- APP免费
245 搞错了 Make a Mistake
- APP免费
246 最爱 Favorite
- APP免费
247 待遇相同 The Same Treatment
- APP免费
248 自找麻烦 Ask for Trouble
- APP免费
249 沐浴细雨 Bathe In the Rain
- APP免费
250 救命 Help
- APP免费
251 有病 Get Sick
- APP免费
252 风火轮 Hot Wheels
- APP免费
253 善意的忠告 Good Advice
- APP免费
254 上当 Get Fooled
- APP免费
255 真相 Truth
- APP免费
256 八的一半 Half of Eight
- APP免费
257 暂停营业 Closed Temporarily
- APP免费
258 礼尚往来 Reciprocity
- APP免费
259 多嘴的爸爸 Blabber Dad
- APP免费
260 眼不见心不烦 Out of Sight Out of Mind
- APP免费
261 急中生智 Quick Wits
- APP免费
262 挑剔的顾客 Fussy Customer
- APP免费
263 齐心协力 Work Together
- APP免费
264 雄心壮志 High Aim
- APP免费
265 冲服 Take It with Water
- APP免费
266 双头怪现身 Double-headed Monster Appears
- APP免费
267 蹩脚理发师 Crappy Barber
- APP免费
268 原来如此 So That’s It
- APP免费
269 手脚并用 Hands and Feet
- APP免费
270 小意思 A Piece of Cake
- APP免费
271 偷看比赛 Watch a Match Secretly
- APP免费
272 一点都不吓人 Not Scary at All
- APP免费
273 游戏成真 Games Come True
- APP免费
274 梦游 Sleepwalk
- APP免费
275 善待小鸟 Be Kind to Birds
- APP免费
276 首选冰激凌 Preferred Ice Cream
- APP免费
277 自制秋千 Homemade Swing
- APP免费
278 戏弄老妈的后果 Consequences of Teasing Mom
- APP免费
279 渎职者的惩罚 Punishment for Breach of Duty
- APP免费
280 帽子纠纷 Hat Dispute
- APP免费
281 划错方向 Row in the Wrong Direction
- APP免费
282 录音机的妙用 Magical Effect of Recorder
- APP免费
283 真容依旧 Unchanged Face
- APP免费
284 殷勤有因 No Hospitality Without Reason
- APP免费
285 我要飞出去 I’m Flying Out
- APP免费
286 训练过度 Overtraining
- APP免费
287 扔垃圾 Throw Garbage
- APP免费
288 生不如死 Living Death
- APP免费
289 此泉非彼泉 Not the Same Spring
- APP免费
290 技高一筹 More Skillful
- APP免费
291 糟糕的画技 Bad Painting Skills
- APP免费
292 真难搞 Too Difficult
- APP免费
293 爱情的力量 The Power of Love
- APP免费
294 训练的结果 Results of Training
- APP免费
295 送给爷爷的礼物 Gift for Grandpa
- APP免费
296 真假好孩子 Good Kid or Not
- APP免费
297 相反的 Opposite
- APP免费
298 分享快乐 Share Happiness
- APP免费
299 特殊疗法 Special Treatment
- APP免费
300 另有企图 Another Intention
- APP免费
301 最亲密的朋友 Closest Friend
- APP免费
302 非常顾客 Unusual Customer
- APP免费
303 理解有误 Misunderstanding
- APP免费
304 讲文明的亨利 Civilized Henry
- APP免费
305 以大师之名 In the Name of Master
- APP免费
306 好孩子不打架 Good Kids Don’t Fight
- APP免费
307 让你不洗澡 Why didn’t you take a bath?
- APP免费
308 雨天的乐趣 Rainy Day Fun
- APP免费
309 泡泡糖的作用 The Role of Bubble gum
- APP免费
310 再生发 Hair Regeneration
- APP免费
311 防摔妙招二 Coup Ⅱ to Prevent Drop
- APP免费
312 预报有误 Incorrect Forecast
- APP免费
313 张贴有罪 No Posting
- APP免费
314 马戏表演 Circus
- APP免费
315 好心办坏事 Against Will
- APP免费
316 自我安慰 Self-comforting
- APP免费
317 弄巧成拙 Backfire
- APP免费
318 锋利的溜冰鞋 Sharp Skates
- APP免费
319 装进去 Put... in
- APP免费
320 找弹珠 Find Marbles
- APP免费
321 超级熨斗 Super Iron
- APP免费
322 真正的拳王 True Boxing Champion
- APP免费
323 便宜没好货 No Good Cheap Goods
- APP免费
324 跷跷板的玄机 Theory of Seesaw
- APP免费
325 万灵去痛液 Pain Killer
- APP免费
326 自制葡萄干面包 Homemade Raisin Bread
更新时间:2022-10-27 17:40:27