List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 State of Microfinance Current and Potential Problems
1. Introduction
2. Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)
3. MFIs' Challenges
Chapter 2 Literature Review
1. MFIs: The Balance between Increasing Profits and Social Impact
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2. The Relationship between MFIs' Financial Performances and Domestic GDP Growth in Regards to Global Risk- The Resiliency of MFIs to Drastic Economic Change
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3. Outreach and MFIs' Financial Performance
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4. Poverty Reduction
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Chapter 3 Data Description
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1. Data
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2. Descriptive Statistics
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3. Summary
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Chapter 4 The Case of Peru
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1. Brief Macroeconomic Description of Peru
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2. MFIs in Peru
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3. The Impact of MFIs on Employment Generation and Adult Literacy Rate in Peru
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4. MFIs' Financial Performance Indicators Against Global and Domestic Risk
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5. MFIs' Financial Performance and Outreach
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6. Summary
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Chapter 5 The Case of Latin America & Caribbean
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1. Brief Macroeconomic Description of Latin America & Caribbean
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2. MFIs in Latin America & Caribbean
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3. The Impact of MFIs on Employment Generation and Adult Literacy Rate in Latin America & Caribbean
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4. MFIs' Financial Performance Indicators Against Global and Domestic Risk
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5. MFIs' Financial Performance and Outreach
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6. Summary the Case of Latin America & Caribbean
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Chapter 6 The Case of World
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1. Brief Macroeconomic Description of World
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2. MFIs in World
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3. The Impact of MFIs on Employment Generation and Adult Literacy Rate in the World
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4. MFIs' Financial Performance Indicators against Global and Domestic Risk
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5. MFIs' Financial Performance and Outreach
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6. Summary the Case of the World
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Chapter 7 Summary of the Dissertation
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1. Summary
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更新时间:2021-06-03 13:31:27