Chapter1 让心灵去旅行 Let Soul Go Traveling
月亮升起来 Spell of the Rising Moon
英国的农村生活 Rural Life in England
人的青春 Man's Youth
人与自然 Man and Nature
一撮黏土 A Handful of Clay
我们在旅途中 We Are on a Journey
等待微风 Waiting for the Breeze
晚夏 Late Summer
蜉蝣 The Ephemera
林鸟 Birds
沙与沫 Sand and Foam
三颗桃核 Three Peach Stones
朝南 Facing South
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一月的风 January Wind
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河谷寻幽 Down the Valley
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十月之湖 October Lake
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Chapter2 那是一棵生命的常青树 That Is an Evergreen Tree of Life
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童年 Childhood
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童年与诗 Childhood and Poetry
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年轻与年老 Youth and Age
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年轻人 Youth
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培根论真理 Francis Bacon on Truth
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为悠闲者辩护 An Apology for Idlers
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亚里士多德论友谊 Aristotle on Friendship
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我生命中最重要的一天 The Most Important Day in My Life
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在自然威力之下 Under the Power of Nature
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蚯蚓 The Earthworm
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简单生活 The Art of Living Simply
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热爱生活 Love of Life
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找到另一座山 The Last Hill
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醇美九月 Sweet September
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Chapter3 让生命在书香与自然中升华 Let Life Sublimate in Fragrance of Books and Nature
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书籍 Books
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读书的乐趣 The Pleasure of Reading
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读书乐 The Delights of Books
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适合的才是最好的 Suit Is Best
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大学的理念(Ⅰ) The Idea of a University(Ⅰ)
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大学的理念(Ⅱ) The Idea of a University(Ⅱ)
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一种错觉 An Illusion
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两条道路 The Two Roads
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亚顿河水 Afton Water
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月亮 The Moon
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巴黎:浪漫之都 Paris:A Romantic Capital
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内卡河上木筏行 Rafting Down the Neckar
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马可·波罗游记 The Travels of Marco Polo
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骑马乡行记 Rural Rides
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如花的托斯卡纳 Flowery Tuscany
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这就是纽约 Here Is New York
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十月的日出 An October Sunrise
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橘子的品质 Golden Fruit
更新时间:2021-04-15 18:57:59