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Chapter 1. So You Want to Develop a Video Game?
What Buildbox can (and can't) do
Limitations of games based on platforms
Defining some terminology
The equipment and software you'll need
Tour of the Buildbox interface
Chapter 2. Orientation
Using the Game Mind Map
Altering the template game
Chapter 3. Your First Game – Ramblin' Rover Part 1
Keeping things organized
Creating the game structure
The initial Game Mind Map
Placeholder objects and initial stage setup
Preparing graphic assets for use in Buildbox
Setting up our rover
Creating our backgrounds
Collisions and obstacles
Working with scenes
Setting up testing controls
Testing and adjusting physics
Adding a new scene
Chapter 4. Advanced World Design – Ramblin' Rover Part 2
Making the rover jump
Physics obstacles
Making a loop
Making a secret level
Rewards and pickups
Different worlds = different physics?
Chapter 5. Menus UIs Sound and More! – Ramblin' Rover Part 3
We got a fever and the only cure is more rovers!
Damage and health
Creating a starting flag
Organizing your scenes
Menus and UIs
Music and sound effects
Chapter 6. Monetization – Ramblin' Rover Part 4
Separating a customer from their money
Implementing advertising
Building a coin shop (part 1)
Chapter 7. Exporting and Compiling for Various Platforms – Ramblin' Rover Finale
Optimizing game assets
Signing up for distribution
Finalizing project settings and exporting
Chapter 8. Building Other Popular Game Types
Isometric (2.5D) games with Buildbox
Abstract games (such as Color Switch)
Flappy Bird – style games
Running shooter and platformer games
Space shooters
360 shooter games
Maze chompers (such as Pac Man)
Chapter 9. Buildbox Tips and Tricks
Graphics optimization checklist
Music and sound optimization
Game template quick reference
Platform restrictions
Troubleshooting games
OMG... are we really done?!!
更新时间:2021-07-08 11:47:06