1 Introduction
1.1 Motivations of corporate earnings management
1.2 The determinants of corporate earnings management
1.3 Objectives of the study
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1.4 Structure of the study
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2 Literature review of corporate earnings management
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2.1 Accounting standards and earnings management
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2.2 Corporate governance and earnings management
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2.3 Legal protection and earnings management
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2.4 Summary and suggestions
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3 How do regulatory scrutiny accounting standards and insiders′ incentives affect earnings management? Evidence from China
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3.1 Introduction
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3.2 Background issues and hypotheses
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3.3 Variables
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3.4 Sample selection and data
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3.5 Regression results
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3.6 Conclusions
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4 Regional legal protection and earnings management: Evidence from China
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4.1 Introduction
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4.2 Literature review legal environment index and hypothesis
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4.3 Variables
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4.4 Sample selection and data
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4.5 Regression results
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4.6 Conclusions
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5 Corporate governance investor protection and earnings management:New international evidence
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5.1 Introduction
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5.2 Measures of earnings management
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5.3 Proxies for investor protection and corporate governance
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5.4 Sample selection and data
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5.5 Empirical results
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5.6 Conclusions
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6 Conclusions and implications
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更新时间:2024-03-18 18:49:39