出版者的话 The publisher’s Remark
前言 Preface
第一章 服装立体造型手法 Three-dimensional Modeling Techniques of Clothing
第一节 压褶与褶饰 Pleats and Pleats Decoration
第二节 花边与花饰 Lace and Floriation
第三节 盘结与编饰 Intertwining and Knit Ornament
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第四节 拼贴与缝饰 Collage and Stitching Decoration
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第五节 刺绣与缀饰 Embroidery and Decoration
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第六节 叠加与重组 Superposition and Restructuring
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第七节 其他造型手法 Other Modeling Skills
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第二章 服装立体造型材料 Materials of Three-dimensional Modeling
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第一节 服用材料及应用 Materials and Application of Apparel
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第二节 非服用材料及应用 Materials and Application of Non-apparel
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第三节 塑型材料及应用 Materials and Application of Modeling
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第三章 上装习作解析 Analysis on Upper GarmentExercises
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第一节 衣身手法习作解析 Analysis on Garment Exercises of Body
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第二节 上衣、大衣习作解析 Analysis on Upper Outer Garment and Overcoat Exercises
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第四章 礼服习作解析 Analysis on Full Dress Exercises
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第一节 礼服习作解析 Analysis on Full Dress Exercises
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第二节 系列礼服习作解析 Analysis on Full Dress Series Exercises
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第三节 创意礼服习作解析 Analysis on Creative Full Dress Exercises
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第五章 世界著名服装品牌设计作品赏析 Appreciation of World FamousFashion Brand Design Works
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第一节 Chanel(夏奈尔)作品赏析 Appreciation of Chanel’s Works
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第二节 Christian Dior(克里斯汀·迪奥)作品赏析 Appreciation of Christian Dior’s Works
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第三节 Giorgio Armani (乔治·阿玛尼)作品赏析 Appreciation of Giorgio Armani’s Works
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第四节 Gianni Versace(范思哲)作品赏析 Appreciation of Gianni Versace’s Works
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第五节 Alexander McQueen(亚历山大·麦昆)作品赏析 Appreciation of Alexander McQueen’s Works
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参考文献 References
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附录 Appendix
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实训教学 Teaching Files of Training
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图片来源 Images Resources
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更新时间:2020-07-31 16:06:52