糟糕透顶的家庭作业 Terrible homework
引人入胜的书 Fascinating book
汽车故障 Car breakdown
会走的行李箱 Walking luggage
战争与和平 War and peace
越看越像 Similar in appearance
如此射靶 New way of shooting
生发术 Hair restoration
涂鸦之镜 Master piece
青出于蓝 Even better than papa
危险的游戏 Dangerous game
父子情深 Blood is thicker than water
好榜样 So called“good example”
弄巧成拙 Go for wool and come home shorn
原来葡萄干蛋糕可以这样做 Baking raisin cake
盼儿归 Father of the prodigal son
犬马之劳 Do everything for you
让你不带我去! Retaliation
复活节小兔的礼物 Present from Easter Bunny
挑衅失败 Unsuccessful provocation
买四张儿童票 Four children tickets
纸上球赛也精彩 Football game on photo
鱼儿来信 Letter from fsh
轻松搞定 Together we stand
流动厕所 Mobile toilet
一年之后 A year after
玩耍时间,请勿打扰! Play time do not disturb
积习难改 Bad habbit
生日表演秀 Birthday show
这下总够了吧 More than needed
输不起的老爸 Unbearable lose
有完没完?Enough is enough
大象致谢 Graditude from elephant
失败的音乐会 Failing concert
夕阳西下图 Sunset drawing
梦游症患者 Sleepwalker
吓人的胡子 Scary beard
又是你搞的鬼…… You again?
好玩儿,再来一次! Play it one more time
误把光头当足球 Head?Ball?
当梦照进现实 When dream comes true
得寸进尺的家伙 Don't push your luck!
人靠衣装 Judge a book with cover
有条不紊 Stick with principle
救火 Fire alarm
艺术的魅力 The power of art
不择手段的“海战”A disorderly bathrub war
最后一个苹果 Last apple
马的倔脾气 Horse temper
如何骗取老爸的签名 How to get daddy's sign?
误打误撞 Right time and the right place
心有灵犀 Read each one mind
新年玩具 New year toy
因祸得福 A blessing in disguise
圣诞礼物 Christmas gift
爱要真诚 Sincere kindness
聪明的马 A smart horse
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高手出场 Here comes the master
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晚餐 Dinner
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装神弄鬼 A trick
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假面舞会 Masked ball
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危险的恶作剧 Dangerous trick
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特立独行的天鹅 A special swan
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自讨没趣 Ask for it
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带锚的帽子 A hat with anchor
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上当了吧! A trap
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怎样吓跑复活节兔子 How to scare Easter Bunny away
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老顽童 Young in heart and act
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父爱的力量 Power of love
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都是胡子惹的祸 A victim of dad's beard
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与鸟斗,其乐无穷 Fight with a bird
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谁让你叼子弹的…… Not the bullet but……
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得而复失的蘑菇 A lost-and-found mushroom
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真遗憾! Sorry for their lost
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管教晚矣 Child bearing which is late
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人定胜马 Men are better than horse
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假期第一天的惊喜 The surprise of the frst day of holiday
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输了个精光 Lose it all
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枉费苦心 Wasting time
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我要歌德的书 Goethe's book
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医生禁止他喝浓咖啡的 Forbidden coffee
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奥运会上一鸣惊人的小铅球运动员 A stonning little shot putter
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意外的冠军 Unexpected champion
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同情马蜂的教训 A lesson of empathy to wasp
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逃学记 A skipping school attempt
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钓鱼迷 A fshing fan
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礼物 A present
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新镜子 New mirror
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忍无可忍 Leave him no choice
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帮倒忙 Help against someone
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图钉降贼 Pushpin hero
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化妆记 Make up
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一本好书 A good book
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以智取胜 A wise victory
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木偶戏 Puppet show
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拍电影的“兔子”Two rabbits shooting flm
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圣诞老人 Santa Claus
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魔术书 Magic book
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家教 Domestic discipline
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节日前的小秘密 A secret before festival
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圣诞来客 Christmas guests
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除夕奇遇 New year eve
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天降烤鸭 Blessing from heaven
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独特的晨报 Unique morning paper
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航空信带来的惩罚 A punishment for air mail
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雪人的反击 The fght back of snowman
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自制的雪橇 Homemade sledge
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痛苦的自责 Self-examine
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一条滑道的发现 A slide discovery
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狮子来啦! Here comes a lion
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养鱼奇谈 Fish rearing
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大笔遗产 Inheritance
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早有防备 Well-prepared
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意外的礼物 A surprising gift
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无福消受 Unable to enjoy
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旧习难改 Old habit
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巧治虚荣心 Healing showy display
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见怪不怪,其怪自败 Be calm and wait
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救命 Help
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难忘旧友 Missing old friends
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行善以后 The result of philanthropy
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理论和实际 Practice and theory
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现场直播 Live show
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悲伤的乐曲 Sad song
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钉钉试验 Nail experiment
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仆人的任务 Mission of servant
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顺从的仆人 Obedient servant
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意外救援 A wrong attempt
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精神食粮 Spiritual food
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原来要火 Importance of communication
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浮瓶通信 Message bottle
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恩将仇报 Return good with evil
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意外的猎物 Unexpected gain
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野马 Wild horse
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老爸还会这一手? Dad has special skill?
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智高一筹 Human are wiser
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并非救星 Not saviours
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特制渔网 Special fshing net
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船没造成,脸倒刮净了 No boat but a well-shaved face
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柏林来的“观众”A viewer from Berlin
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海狸的报复 Revenge of a beaver
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袋鼠报恩 Gratiture of kangaroo
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新船试水 Virgin voyage
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山羊陷阱 A goat trap
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信鸽 Message dove
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做好事,得恶报 Pay back good with evil
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一股强烈的龙卷风 A strong wind
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各取所需 Each takes what is needed
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幻想破灭 Vanished dream
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鲁宾逊的追随者 Follower of Robinson
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这才是金子 The real gold
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勋章 Badge
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瞧,我给你带回了什么! See what I have brought you
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没用的书 Useless book
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意外获救 Easy gain
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终于回到陆地 Get back to mainland
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回家啦! Welcome home
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欢庆生日 Birthday celebration
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呸!我有这么丑吗? Am I that ugly?
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先下手为强 First come frst served
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戴镜有方 Wearing glasses
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小魔术 Little magic
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晕血的老爸 Dad has blood phobia
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兔死人悲 Sad over death of hare
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以物易物 Barter system
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父子恶作剧 Practical joke
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给雕像遮羞 Cover for statute
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帮错忙 A mistake
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回敬 In return
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实例警告 An ancient example
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家族画廊 Family gallery
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难舍爱犬 Could not let it go
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机不可失 Best opportunity
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酒后剃须 Shaving after drunk
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快乐的代价 No pain no gain
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训狗记 Puppy training
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即刻实现的愿望 Immediate reply
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谁笑谁 Who is funny now?
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不必要的悲哀 Unnecessary consolation
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西洋镜中的小把戏 A little trick on zoetrope
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示众 Public humiliation
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真假难辨 Can't tell the difference
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捉弄有钱人 Fool the toffee-nosed
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歪打正着 Hit the jackpot
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芬兰式蒸汽浴 Finland Sauna
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狠狠一击 A powerful punch
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父子发明家 So-called inventors
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骗人的把戏 Lying trick
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幸灾乐祸 Take pleasure in other's misfortune
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自负的鬼怪 Errogant monster
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练功 Practice
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打错人了! You got a wrong guy
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奥林匹克村的相互签名 Mutual signature in Olympic Village
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社会措施 Social measures
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智慧之源 Source of wisdom
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募捐 Collect donations
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社会责任心 Social responsibility sense
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就是他们啊! It's them!
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成名以后 Become famous
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告别 Farewell
更新时间:2020-06-24 10:25:28