邀请作品 Invitational Works
Ayako Tani(日) Vessel of memory
Daul Stankard(美) 《花园系列》Garden series
Robert Mickelsen(美) Hand
Shane Fero(美) 《鸟》Birds
戴秋梅 Dai Qiumei 《永结同心》Forever have same thought
冯平生 Feng Pingsheng 《柿柿如意》The lucky persimmon
高建明 Gao Jianming 《绿葫芦》Green gourd
顾彬 Gu Bin 《龙》Dragon
顾彬 Gu Bin 《苹果树》Apple tree
关东海、吴磊 Guan Donghai Wu Lei 《关系系列—龙凤》The relationship series—Dragon and phoenix
郭东侨 Guo Dongqiao 《母爱》Mother's love
郭东侨 Guo Dongqiao 《花开富贵》 Fortune comes with blooming flowers
黄安福 Huang Anfu 《嘉德莉兰》Catly orchid
李国阳 Li Guoyang 《报岁兰》Cymbidium sinense
彭怡 Peng Yi Role 1
彭怡 Peng Yi 《解构系列 3》、《解构系列 7》Deconstruction series 3 Deconstruction series 7
彭怡 Peng Yi 《算盘系列·白》Abacus series white
彭怡 Peng Yi 《算盘系列·黑》Abacus series black
孙奉柱 Sun Fengzhu 《瑶池寿桃》The Longevity peach of the jade pond
孙奉柱 Sun Fengzhu 《荷塘清趣》Leisure by the lotus pond
孙奉柱 Sun Fengzhu 《福禄》Good fortune
吴磊 Wu Lei 《长茅》Spear
张雅婷 Zhang Yating 《风中凤》Phoenix in the wind
周毅(阿左) Zhou Yi(A Zuo) 《苹果》An apple
金奖作品 Gold Award
孙绍轶 Sun Shaoyi 《淙淙》Flow
银奖作品 Silver Award
赵婷婷 Zhao Tingting 《共商国事》To discuss state affairs
任波 Ren Bo 《虫》Insects
铜奖作品 Bronze Award
韩连军 Han Lianjun 《谷穗上的蝈蝈》Grasshopper in the millet
张博文 Zhang Bowen 《巴别塔之二》Tower of babel·Two
李思晴 Li Siqing 《城市系列—梦城》City series—Dream city
优秀奖作品 Excellence Award
陈宇茵 Chen Yuyin 《生命》Life
高涵 Gaohan 《十二生肖》Chinese zodiac
韩连军 Han Lianjun 《梅花与瓶》Blossoming plum and bottle
姜家美 Jiang Jiamei 《樽》Zun
李思思 Li Sisi 《家》home
栗瑶 Li Yao 《保护》Protect
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刘晓明 Liu Xiaoming 《无形的防护》Invisible protection
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卢杉 Lu Shan 《平静》Clam
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王迪 Wang Di 《尘封》Dust seal
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王迪 Wang Di Direct.Director.Direction
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王鑫博 Wang Xinbo 《景观》Sight
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王雅萱 Wang Yaxuan Spring-spring
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吴新安 Wu Xinan 《一帆风顺》Roses all the way
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吴新安 Wu Xinan 《黛玉葬花》Daiyu burial flower
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俞岚 Yu Lan 《窄门》Narrow door
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张小七 Zhang Xiaoqi 《滋长》Growth
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钟茵 Zhong Yin 《初露》Dew
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周磊 Zhou Lei 《非想非非想》No thinking
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周培育 Zhou Peiyu A Breath of new life
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朱福成 Zhu Fucheng 《荷》Lotus
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入围作品 Finalist works
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陈慧 Chen Hui 《网链》Net and chain
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崔玥 Cui Yue 《玻璃首饰系列—故事》Glass jewellery series—Story
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冯振 Feng Zhen 《无形的危害》Intangible damage
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高珊 Gao Shan 《荷韵》Lotus
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郭可欣 Guo Kexin 《灯工仙人掌》Flamework cacti
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何方烁 He Fangshuo 《彩璃伴花》Colorful glass flowers
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何方烁 He Fangshuo 《离火涅槃》Flamework nirvana
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黄继娴 Huang Jixian 《梭》Shuttles
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黄歆竹 Huang Xinzhu 《未定义》Undefined
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黄歆竹 Huang Xinzhu 《未定义—走马》Undefined—walking horse
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霍婉婷 Huo Wanting 《世界与守望者 》World and the watchman
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江颖 Jiang Ying 《无处不在》Anywhere
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江颖 Jiang Ying 《鲸落》Whale fall
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李成宇 Li Chengyu 《混沌》Chaos
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李柔慧 Li Rouhui 《自愈》Self healing
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李思晴 Li Siqing 《浮果》Floating fruit
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李思晴 Li Siqing 《忆壳系列—磁带》The memory of the shell—tape
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李思晴 Li Siqing 《忆壳系列—胶卷》The memory of the shell—roll film
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李知挣 Li Zhizheng 《童忆》Childhood memory
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梁金婷 Liang Jinting 《死亡之诗》Born to die
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林倩倩 Lin Qianqian 《残缺之美》Incomplete beauty
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林倩倩 Lin Qianqian 《共存》Coexist
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林山 Linshan 《活》Live
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卢杉 Lu Shan 《斑驳》Mottled
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卢杉 Lu Shan 《情绪化系列》Emotional series
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罗婷 Luo Ting 《画》Sketch
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马亮 Ma Liang 《海底的珊瑚》The coral
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马亮 Ma Liang 《鬼吸烟》Smoking ghost
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孟祥权 Meng Xiangquan 《童—境》Childhood
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莫阳诗雪 Moyang Shixue 《亚历山大》Alexander
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莫阳诗雪 Moyang Shixue 《孤》Alone
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乔丹 Qiao Dan 《蕉点》Banana lights
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尚竣琪 Shang Junqi 《髦》Fashion
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盛成多 Sheng Chengduo 《青花璃》Qinghua glaze
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孙大浩 Sun Dahao 《归巢》Back to the nest
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唐巧珍 Tang Qiaozhen 《曼珠沙华》Lycoris radiate
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汪海燕 Wang Haiyan 《待命》Stand by
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王朝虹 Wang Chaohong 《寻找家园》Looking for hometown
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王迪 Wang Di 《忆》Memoir
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王鹏 Wang Peng 《脑》Brain
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王韵骁 Wang Yunxiao 《野蛮生长》Barbaric growth
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谢宇航 Xie Yuhang 《人与自然共舞》Dance with nature
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徐嫦婕 Xu Changjie 《融合》Fusion
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许文龙 Xu Wenlong 《河间》Hejian
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杨晨玥 Yang Chenyue 《微生》Own
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杨林 Yang Lin 《呵护》Care
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杨子瑶 Yang Ziyao 《牵引者》Tractor driver
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原帅 Yuan Shuai 《心情》Mood
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张丰翼 Zhang Fengyi 《茶铁茶具》A tea set called tea and iron
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张慧慧 Zhang Huihui 《绣球》Hydrangea
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张文婷 Zhang Wenting 《荒芜》Barren
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张晓慧 Zhang Xiaohui 《习惯》Habit
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郑军 Zheng Jun 《鬶态》Pitcher
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郑闻卿 Zheng Wenqing 《沁石生花》Flower from pebble
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周二刚 Zhou Ergang 《动物世界》Animal world
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周磊 Zhou Lei 《重建》Reconstruction
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朱福成 Zhu Fucheng 《花与虫》Flowers and insects
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朱福成 Zhu Fucheng 《水母》Jellyfish
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评委 Jury
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Shane Fero
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Gerry King
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Jack Wax
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Robert Mickelsen
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Liubov Groshkova
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访谈录 Interview records
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Ayako Tani访谈录
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Interview with Ayako Tani
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Interview with Gao Ruihai and Feng Pingsheng
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Interview with Li Guoyang
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Liubov Groshkova访谈录
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Interview with Liubov Groshkova
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Interview with Paul·V
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Robert Mickelsen访谈录
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Interview with Robert Mickelsen
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Shane Fero访谈录
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Interview with Shane Fero
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Jack Wax访谈录
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Interview with Jack Wax
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Interview with Wu Xinan
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Interview with Xin Lanxiang
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展览形象设计 Identity Design for Exhibition
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事件记录 Event records
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更新时间:2020-04-10 19:50:38